MjNari (X-Men: The Animated Series)

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MjNari is a male character that features in X-Men: The Animated Series.




MjNari was the name of a male child that was born in Africa in the same village as Ororo Monroe. After his birth, the newborn did not breath and a desperate Storm used mouth-to-mouth to resuscitate the child who was brought back to life. This act led to Ororo becoming the god-mother of the boy though she herself would move to the United States of America to become a member of the X-Men. In time, MjNari grew to adulthood where it was discovered that he himself was a Mutant like his god-mother. This led to the development of his powers where he gained the ability to move at superhuman speeds. However, this attracted the attention of the villainous Shadow King who remained trapped in the Astral Plane and desired to not only gain his freedom but also revenge against Storm. Thus, a year after MjNari developed powers, he began playing soccer with friends only for the Shadow King to emerge and take over his power. In possession of the boy, he began using his powers to lay waste to the village. This combined with the tear in the Astral Plane caused by the Shadow King led to Jean Grey detecting this activity through the use of Cerebro. This led to both Rogue and Storm travelling to the village where they were informed about MjNari's Mutant power as well as his strange behavior. Ultimately, Storm managed to encounter the Shadow King himself who agreed to release the boy in exchange for taking control of her body instead.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • The character


  • X-Men: The Animated Series: "Whatever It Takes" (1993)
  • X-Men: The Animated Series: "Family Ties"

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