Mister Fantastic
Mister Fantastic is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.
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Reed Richards was a male human who was born in the modern age as the child of Nathaniel and Evelyn Richards. (Fantastic Four: Unplugged v1 #2) As a child, Reed became close to his uncle Ted, Nathaniel's older brother who was an eccentric writer. However, this was during a period of political witch hunts for political dissidents. Ted was brought before a Senate commission, but Ted refused to speak about his activities or name those who might be involved in anti-government activities. This ruined Ted's entire life, and Nathaniel soon barred Ted from visiting Reed any more. This social and economic ruin drove Ted to suicide, and instilled in Reed a very strong sense that following the rule of law in America was important. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #535)
One of Reed's earliest childhood memories of his father was a day when his father told him to jump from a high place. Although Reed was scared his father taught him that it was okay to be afraid, but not trying something because of his fear was unacceptable. (Fantastic Four v1 #570) Reed also was a member of the boy scouts. (Fantastic Four v1 #339) Although Reed was popular in school, he knew that he was different from the other students. When he confided this in his father, Nathaniel told his son that he should embrace this and that someday there would not be anything that Reed will not be able to accomplish. (Fantastic Four v1 #571) One day while reading the fairy tale about Humpty Dumpty, Reed asked his parents how it could be possible to put the fictional character back together again. This started an educational discussion about 'time's arrow'. Although his parents told him that time runs in one direction, Reed began theorizing that it, in fact, ran both ways. (4 v1 #17)
There came a point in Reed's young life that his father said that he had to leave and that he would be gone for a long, long time. Nathaniel told his son that an intelligent mind without heart is useless and told him to be a better friend, husband, and father than he ever was. Reed took this advice to heart and governed his every action from then on. (Fantastic Four v1 #572) Nathaniel left his son with enough money to continue his education and fund future experiments. He left Reed in the care of the family butler Giles Peacock and his wife. (Fantastic Four v1 #271)
Around 20 years ago, he was studying abroad at the University of Vienna in Austria which was where he met Alyssa Moy. (Fantastic Four v1 #555)
At some point, one of his mentors was Noah Baxter who considered Reed his star pupil. (Fantastic Four v3 #40) Another one of his mentors was his old physics professor named Professor Roderick Van Nuys. (Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards v1 #1) At State University, a malignant Micro-Universe formed that Richards crushed in his hands thus saving the Earth from being destroyed though he apologised to Stacy Valentine for the act. (Fantastic Four: 1234 v1 #4)
After leaving the army, he came to wander the world as an adventurer alongside Alyssa Moy. While in China, Reed and Alyssa earned the ire of General Lao-Tse when they came to the rescue of Prince Bayan, in order to prevent Lao-Tse from gaining access to the mystical Lopnor Gateway. In thanks, Bayan gave Reed the Staff of Bast, one component of the powerful Claw of Bast which could grant great power to one who held it. Incidentally enough, while visiting his colleague Professor Van Nuys he learned that Van Nuys was suffering from Sebert Syndrome and sought to use the Claw to cure himself. He enlisted the aid of Professor Francesca Fisher to locate the remaining portions of the Claw. Also seeking the claw was Reed's old foe Victor Von Doom who sought to claim the Claw of Bast in order to heal his scarred face and rule the world. To this end he enlisted the aid of Romani who were loyal to him to seek out the missing parts of the Claw. (Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards v1 #1) Detained in New York after a clash with one of Doom's minions, Reed and Francesca were liberated thanks to Alyssa Moy, who included herself into the mission. The pair continued on to Romania where they went seeking the Eye of Bast the second portion of the Claw a that they required. However in the process of lifting the eye from the museum, Francesca was captured by Doom's minions along with the map to that gave the location of the Paw of Bast. Reed and Alyssa went after her, but found themselves captured. Reed was then forced to recreate the very experiment that scarred Victor, using both Alyssa and Francesca as test subjects to prove that Victor's calculations were wrong. (Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards v1 #2)
Around 10 years ago, he was responsible for founding a conference called Singularity that gathered the scientific community for the purpose of envisioning the future. (Fantastic Four v1 #579)
Fantastic Four
As part of the launch, he recruited his old friend Ben Grimm who was a successful test pilot and astronaut who could handle the starship. They were joined by Susan Storm in California when she and Reed were dating at the time. (Fantastic Four v1 #1)
Once back on Earth, the four passengers discovered that the cosmic radiation had triggered mutagenic changes in their bodies. Reed Richards discovered that his body had become malleable and that he now had the ability to elongate his body at will. Richards convinced the others that the four of them should use their new-found powers for the good of humanity as members of a team he named the Fantastic Four. Richards, who became the team's leader, named himself Mister Fantastic, while Ben Grimm, Susan Storm, and Johnny Storm named themselves the Thing, the Invisible Girl, and the Human Torch, respectively. (Fantastic Four v1 #1)
Reed next purchased the top floors of the Baxter Building in New York City as their new headquarters. Later, Reed also developed the stylized costumes for the group and revealed themselves to the public during a press release. This almost led to the end of the Fantastic Four early on in their career when they clashed with the illusionist known as Miracle Man and foiled his crime spree. However, between the hot-headed Johnny and the depressed Ben, the group was fraught with conflict. This conflict ended with Johnny quitting the team and running away from home. (Fantastic Four v1 #3)
A number of Earth's most powerful heroes -- Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Professor X, Iron Man, and Namor -- traveled to Skrullos to confront the Skrull King, informing him that the Earth was strictly off-limits. Upon arrival, however, the heroes were captured and experimented upon before they were able to escape. Mr. Fantastic would later blame himself for the Skrulls increased transforming powers. While the meeting predictably turned violent, the experience would provide the basis for the later establishment of the Illuminati. The secretive group of Earth's most influential heroes would meet only a few times, and these, only to tackle events of extraordinary importance. Reed added the viewpoint and perspective of a scientist. (New Avengers v1 #7)
From his PDA, the collective notes that Reed had written that were stored in an alternate dimension developed sentience creating the being Modulus who believed that only it was worthy of his love and sought to eliminate his comrades. (Fantastic Four v3 #63)
Future Foundation
He later attended the 2010 Singularity conference in Golden, Colorado where he grew dissatisfied with the works of its members in helping shape the future. This led to Reed resigning from the body where he looked to cultivate the minds of the next generation who he recruited into a think tank he called the Future Foundation. (Fantastic Four v1 #579)
Due the presence of Reed Richards of alternate universes, Mr. Fantastic made an alliance with many villains such as Mad Thinker, AIM, Wizard, Diablo and High Evolutionary to plan how to stop them. Then they lead the battle to the High Evolutionary's city where one of the Richards escaped with Doctor Doom and the others two were captured by the Kree army. After returning to Baxter Building, Richards reunited other heroes to fight the Inhumans in Attilan, but once they were preparing to go at the rooftop, a Kree invasion started. Reed used Iron Man's armor and Sue's power to create a force field around Manhattan, at the same time the Cult of the Negative Zone opened the portal to the Negative Zone after Spider-Man failed at stop them, the portal revealed a living Johnny Storm with a enslaved Annihilus. (Fantastic Four v1 #600)
Personality and attributes
At one point, he adopted a masked identity and made use of various advanced gadgets. (Strange Tales v1 #127)
Reed had said that he believed in God as he saw science and religion going hand-in-hand with one another. He believed that science was part of everyday life but did not disprove religion where it instead strengthened it. (Marvel Double Shot v1 #3)
Reed had noted that his father was a very driven man who was not always the kindest. He was said to had pushed Reed to become a scientist. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #535) Nathaniel Richards was said to had disappeared 3 years prior to the space mission that Reed had intended to take part in. Prior to disappearing, Nathaniel had provided some of the funding his son would need for the mission. (Fantastic Four v1 #271)
Unknown to him at first, he came to learn that he had a half-sister from his fathers side with this being a woman named Joanna Jeffers. (Fantastic Four v6 #35)
He had an uncle named Ted who was his father's older brother. Ted was said to had been an eccentric man who was funny, colourful and an accepting person. He was said to had taken a young Reed up the street twice a week for ice cream and talked about the world. Unlike the rest of the family, he was not a scientist but rather a writer who found everyone interested with him often speaking to strangers. Other quirky habits of his included wrong coloured socks and eating at a strange little restaurant. Ted was also said to had been a stubborn who did not care for the rules. It was said that if someone pushed him then he would push back just as hard. In his life, he was held by contempt by the U.S. Congress which caused the death of his career with no one wanting to hire him or buy his stories. People even refused to answer his calls with his own brother Nathaniel not talking to him. This caused Ted to lose his life savings, his home and in the end he came to lose his life. Not many knew about Ted as Reed did not talk a lot about it. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #535)
Initially, it was held that both him and Alyssa Moy were perfect for one another. (Fantastic Four v1 #555)
As a demonstration of his love for Sue, he crafted a ring that contained a micro-galaxy with seventy-four inhabited worlds and over forty trillion couples in total all of whom loved each other the way Reed loved his wife. (Fantastic Four v1 #557)
Whilst growing up, the Richards family estate was maintained by Giles Peacock and his wife. Serving as a butler, the man was later entrusted with the care of Reed when Nathaniel Richards had disappeared from the world. To aid him, Nathaniel had created a self-perpetuating fund that would handle all the financial affairs of the estate and support the Peacocks. Reed would maintain close ties with Giles and his wife over the years. (Fantastic Four v1 #271)
A close friend of his was Noah Baxter who was a scientist. (Fantastic Four v3 #37)
He would later say that he fell in love with Susan the moment he first saw her. (Fantastic Four v4 #4)
Powers and abilities
He was known to possess a photographic memory and did not forget anything he saw. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #161)
Professor Richards was said to had won the Nobel Prize following his discovery of the Negative Zone. (Secret Invasion v1 #1)
Originally, Reed Richards was a human with no special powers until the test launch exposed himself and his crewmates to cosmic ray radiation that imparted him abilities. (Fantastic Four v1 #1) It was said that his body and brain had become completely malleable to the point that his thoughts, ideas along with sensations being so different that humans could barely dream of it. (Fantastic Four: 1234 v1 #2) He was able to expand his consciousness and grow new space for his brain for processing power thus creating an elasti-consciousness. (Fantastic Four: 1234 v1 #4) Richards was said to be more creative when his elastic brain was stimulated by sensory overload. (Fantastic Four v3 #62)
He created a number of inventions that included:
- Memorium Device : a band shaped device that fit over the head and allowed others to experience the memories of the wearer. (Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four v1 #1)
- Pseudo-Reality Synthesizer : a creation of Reed that was his senior thesis project at college. It was able to simulate environments where sights, sounds and scents generated being 99.9% accurate though nothing was real. (Marvel Double Shot v1 #3)
- Datavore : a bio-engineered, self-sustaining dimensional probe which converted ingested matter into fuel that was used to explore other dimensions. (Fantastic Four v3 #60)
- Fold Space Transceptor : an experimental device that folded space allowing near-instantaneous transport over planetary distances such as from worlds to moons. (Fantastic Four v3 #16)
- Omni-Communicator : a device worn at the back of the head that allowed the user to communicate with any appliance through voice commands. (Fantastic Four: 1234 v1 #1)
- Hyperwave Communicator : a means of interstellar communication allowing two individuals to speak in real-time over great interstellar distances. (Marvel Comics Presents v1 #97)
- Zeno Room : a room built on the paradox put forth by Zeno of Elea namely the dichotomy that a traveller must always cover half the distance to reach their goal and then half again until infinity. Thus, the room used a spatial distortion field that prevented a person from reaching the other side. (Mighty Avengers v1 #26)
- Anti-Galactus Suit : a giant bipedal armoured suit whose power requirements led to it costing a billion dollars a second in order to run it. (Fantastic Four v1 #557)
- Multiselect : this was a tool that was able to access an area known as the Multiplane that was a nexus of seemingly infinite universes. (Marvel Two-In-One v2 #1)
- Radical Cube : a huge machine was designed to create an entrance into sub-space leading to the discovery of the Negative Zone. (Fantastic Four v1 #51)
- Radical Dodecahedron : based on the concept of the Radical Cube but taken further with the Rad-D breaking through space-time allowing travellers to go anywhere and anywhen. (Fantastic Four v1 #337)
- Bridge : a large ring shaped machine that allowed people to view events in alternate realities allowing them to witness events and their impacts in the future on worlds that experienced them or actually travel to those universes. (Dark Reign: Fantastic Four v1 #1)
Reed developed a special type of PDA that downloads via subspace transmission to a neighbouring dimension of pure electrochemical energy creating infinite storage space. (Fantastic Four v3 #62)
The uniform he wore was in effect a wearable computer with its sensors able to tract the suits of the other Fantastic Four members along with scanning the immediate vicinity. (Fantastic Four v3 #15)
From his study of Skrull technology, he was able to harness the science an reverse-engineer a craft based on their designs. (X-Men: The Hidden Years v1 #8)
Richards had created a micro-universe that was hidden in a pocket dimension he invented that could only be accessed through a door which had no lock or combination with it only opening through his unique brain-waves. This was used as a place for Reed to store highly important and sensitive items for safety. (Avengers v4 #8)
Among his discoveries included finding the Quintasphere that was a reality entirely made of superconducting living material. (Fantastic Four: 1234 v1 #4) Another was a different dimension known as the Leviaverse that was populated with its own forms of life. (Fantastic Four v3 #60) Some years ago, he invented a Mobius dimension that was infinite and finite at the same time with anyone inside being trapped. (Fantastic Four v1 #507)
At one point, he was connected to the combined knowledge of the Watchers thus increasing his intellect even further. However, the human brain could not handle such vast knowledge where it began to slowly kill him as a result where he would die in 3 days time. (Fantastic Four v6 #40)
He had been the founder of Singularity that was a scientific conference that gathered many leading scientific figures in the world. The purpose of it was to gather the greatest minds of a generation that were to com together to examine the problems of the present and to aggressively look to the future to envision a world that could be created by humanity. (Fantastic Four v1 #579)
- Mister Fantastic was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where he made his first appearance in Fantastic Four v1 #1 (November, 1961).
- On Comicbook.com, writer Dan Jurgens stated in an interview commented that the story arc with Hank Henshaw and the Excalibur crew was meant as a take on the Fantastic Four.
Alternate Versions
- In Fantastic Four v1 #118 (1972), an alternate version of Mister Fantastic appeared in the Earth-A reality that was designated as Earth-721 in the Multiverse. On this world, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm embarked on the astronaut mission together with the two affected by the cosmic rays. This incident led to Richards developing a rock-like form whilst Grimm gaining stretching powers in a reversal of roles compared to the main reality. Susan Storms later left Reed for Ben leading to Richards falling into depression where he exiled himself onto an island where he built robots to replay events in history. During this time, he encountered the Earth-616 Ben Grimm who later returned to his own world. After this event, the Earth-A Reed Richards recovered from the depression to create his own company named Reed Richards Robotics that designed the robotic Andrones.
- In What If? v2 #30 (1991), an alternate version of Mister Fantastic appeared in the What if reality that was designated as Earth-91111 in the Multiverse. On this world, Susan Richards died in the birth of her second child Suzy Richards. Unknown to Reed, Suzy drained life energy from others and could turn into a monstrous entity. Eventually, she attempted to feed on Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Doom until Franklin Richards sent her through a portal into the Negative Zone.
- In Fantastic Four #387 (1994), an alternate version of Reed Richards appeared in the reality that was designated as Earth-944 in the Multiverse. This version was driven mad for failing to save Earth from Galactus after being distracted by the advanced technology at the World Devourers home. As a result, he began wearing a masked armed uniform and took on the identity of the Dark Raider who started eliminating Reed Richards in every reality. He was later killed by the Invisible Woman in the Negative Zone.
- In X-Universe v1 #1 (1995), an alternate version of Reed Richards appeared in the Age of Apocalypse reality that was designated as Earth-295 in the Multiverse. Reed was renowned for his strategic and technical genius and coordinated the earliest escape from Manhattan. He attempted to evacuate a full trans-ship of human refugees, but a mutant saboteur interfered, and Reed, along with his friend John Storm, sacrificed themselves so the rest of the contingent would live, including John's sister, Sue, and Reed's friend, Ben.
- In Marvel 1602 v1 #4 (2003), an alternate version of the character named Mister Fantastick appeared in the Marvel 1602 reality that was designated as Earth-311 in the Multiverse. In the 17th century, Sir Reed Richards was the leader of 'The Four from the Fantastick', and his pliability was compared to water. A noted genius, he has devised uses for electrical force, categorized the sciences, and speculated as to whether light has a speed. However, Reed's genius is more often pedantic which cost him to be alienated and frustrated by his wife and friends.
- In Ultimate Fantastic Four v1 #1 (2004), an alternate version of Reed Richards appeared in the Ultimate Marvel reality that was designated as Earth-1610 in the Multiverse.
- In Bullet Points v1 #3 (2007), an alternate version of Doctor Richards appeared in the Bullet Points reality that was designated as Earth-70105 in the Multiverse. On this world, Reed Richards became a scientist assigned on Project: Iron Man and was a friend of Colonel Steve Rogers who wore the projects armor. His latest project was creating a ship that ran on cosmic rays and took his wife, brother-in-law and best friend on the mission. However, the craft crashes killing Sue, Johnny and Ben along with costing Reed his left eye. At their funeral, he was approached by an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. to continue his work and disappear from the world. He eventually became director of the agency and turned it into the best anti-terrorist organization in the world and recruited several operatives.
- In Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four v1 #1 (2019), an alternate version of Reed Richards appeared in the Cancerverse reality that was designated as Earth-10011 in the Multiverse. Similar to others of his reality, he fell into service of the Many-Angled Ones alongside his family with them being transformed into demonic undying beings and were called the Ftaghn Four. It was said that he sacrificed his son Franklin to serve as the host to several elder gods who possessed his body. In addition, he merged with his comrades bodies where they physically became a single entity. When the Sentry opened a doorway into the Negative Zone, the Ftaghn Four participated in the Many-Angled Ones invasion of that dimension. This led to a confrontation with the Fantastic Four of Earth-616 who received a distress call from the peaceful worlds within the Negative Zone.
In other media
- In Fantastic Four, Mister Fantastic appeared in the 1967 animated television series where he was voiced by actor Gerald Mohr.
- In Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, Mister Fantastic appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Hiro Kanagawa.
- In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Mister Fantastic appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Dee Bradley Baker.
- In Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., Mister Fantastic appeared in the animated television series in the episode "Monsters No More" where he was voiced by actor Robin Atkin Downes.
- In Fantastic Four, Reed Richards appeared in the 2005 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Ioan Gruffudd. Brilliant mathematician and physicist, Reed Richards is a humble genius and gifted idealist. Reed has always reached for the stars and would do anything to fund his lifelong dream of an experimental space mission; including cutting a last-ditch, no-win deal with Victor von Doom. But one tiny miscalculation turned into tragedy when a brutal cosmic storm battered the spaceship and its crew. The cosmic rays left Reed the ability to bend, stretch and expand his body in any imaginable way. Reed holds himself responsible for the accident which transformed the Four, and he wraps himself around his work to reverse their condition. The exposure to the cosmic cloud has brought out the worst in Victor von Doom. He has turned Ben Grimm against Reed, convincing him that Reed is responsible for Ben's hideous appearance. Slowly Ben realizes that Victor is out to ruin Reed and unites with his friends to stop him. Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm; now the Fantastic Four; battle against their new, electrified enemy, Doctor Doom. Doom nearly shoot Reed and then tried again. This time, Reed went out a window. Reed tried to hang on but slipped. He fell several stories from the Baxter Building. Doom then picked up Reed and froze him on a chair to prevent him from using his elasticity powers, while torturing him by bending his finger backwards causing him pain.. Sue came in and fought Doom after trying to save Reed. Ben later came in and they saved Reed. Reed regrouped with his teammates and fought Doom. Reed told Johnny to go 'Super Nova' and Sue to put a force field over it to contain the heat. After Doom it heated, Reed told Ben to open the fire extinguisher and he then shaped his body to get the water on Doom. Doom is seemingly left as a statue of inert metal. The Fantastic Four had a party after the battle and Reed asked Sue if they can talk outside. There, he gets on his knee and asks her to marry him. She said yes and they kiss.
- In Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Reed Richards appeared in the 2007 live-action film sequel where he was portrayed once again by actor Ioan Gruffudd. Accustomed to being pulled in different directions, Mr. Fantastic works to realize his potential as boyfriend to Sue, scientist to humanity, and leader to the Four. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, the Fantastic Four unravel the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Doctor Doom. As the wedding begins, Reed's systems detect the phenomenon approaching New York City, causing a massive power blackout. The object destroys the sensors while the Fantastic Four protect the crowd. The Human Torch pursues the object, discovering that it is a humanoid, the Silver Surfer. Johnny manages to reactivate his powers and survives the encounter. Later, when Sue tries to comfort Johnny, she touches his shoulders and their powers switch - he becomes invisible, and she is set on fire; when they touch again their powers revert back, but Sue is seen completely nude after she burned her clothes with Johnny's fire powers. Reed's examination of Johnny reveals that exposure to the Surfer has set Johnny's molecular structure in flux, allowing him to switch powers with his teammates through physical contact. When Susan was humiilated of her exposure of front of people, Reed assured Sue that after the crisis with the Surfer was over, they would leave Baxter Building and live normal lives as a family. Tracing the cosmic energy of the Surfer, Reed discovers that a series of planets the alien had visited before Earth have all been destroyed. Doom leverages his experience into a deal with the American military, who force the Fantastic Four to work with Doom. Deducing that the Surfer's board is the source of his power, the group develops a pulse generator that will separate him from it. While setting up the device, Sue is confronted by the Surfer, during which he reveals he is merely a servant to the destroyer of worlds, and regrets the destruction he causes. The military opens fire on the Surfer, which distracts him and allows the four to fire the pulse, separating the Surfer from his board. The military imprisons the Surfer in Siberia and forbids the Fantastic Four from interacting with him, while they torture him for information. Sue uses her powers to sneak into his cell, where she learns more information from the Surfer. Susan finds out from the Silver Surfer that Galactus, a massive cloud-like cosmic entity and the master of the Surfer which must feed on life-bearing planets to survive, was consuming everything in his path and that the Surfer's board is a homing beacon which even now summons him to the planet. Doom, pursuing the power in the board, steals it from the compound, using a device to gain control of the board and its powers. The Fantastic Four rescue the Surfer, and pursue Doom in the Fantasticar, confronting him in Shanghai. During the battle, Sue is mortally wounded. With the Surfer powerless, Johnny absorbs the combined powers of the entire team in order to battle the cosmic energy-empowered Doom.
- In Deadpool & Wolverine, Reed Richards was referenced in the setting of the live-action film. He alongside Johnny Storm were both sent to the Void by the Time Variance Authority following the death of their universe.
- In Planet Hulk, Reed Richards made a non-voiced cameo appearance in the setting of the direct-to-video animated film.
- In Fantastic Four, Reed Richards appeared in the 2015 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Josh Trank. Born in New York, Reed lived with his mother and step-father who never understood his incredible intelligence. One day in school Reed told his class and teacher about wanting to be the first person to teleport only for his teacher to shut him down. Sometime later Reed stole parts from a salvage yard that happened to belong to his fellow classmate Ben Grimm. Grimm allowed Reed to use his materials and the two teleport a toy car away while blacking out half of the neighborhood and, where the car had once been, was sand from where it had been sent off to. Seven years later, an adult Reed and Ben at a High School science fair showed the judges their redefined teleporter. Also in attendance were Dr. Franklin Storm and adopted daughter Sue. Turning on the machine and using a child's plane the teleporter brought back the plane but also destroyed the school's basketball hoop. Dr. Storm revealed to Reed and Ben that their machine had been sending the objects to another dimension. Storm recruited Reed to the Baxter Institute, a think tank for talented young prodigies. Soon after Reed met Victor, the man who started the project. Together the group finally built a Quantum Gate and successfully teleported a chimpanzee. However, government agent, Harvey Allen told them that NASA would take over and that they would not be going on the expedition. After getting intoxicated with Johnny and Victor, they decided to take the Quantum Gate and go to the dimension themselves. Reed contacted Ben, stating that he did not want to do this without him and the four successfully teleported to the dimension. As Victor touched the green energy of the planet it started to become unstable. Reed, Johnny and Ben escaped with the help of Sue while Victor was seemingly killed. While returning, the four were affected on a molecular level with Reed gaining the ability to stretch his limbs. Waking up in government custody, Reed escaped his restraints and located Ben; who has been turned into a rock-like creature. Reed promised Ben that he would fix him and escaped the facility and for one year worked on trying to rebuild another Quantum Gate so that he could cure Ben and the others, in this time Reed built a suit to help keep his body together. The Military located Reed with Sue's help and sent in Ben who captured him and brought him back. On the way back Reed tried to apologize and ensured Ben he would fix him but Ben refused to listen to him. Sue confronted Reed and asked him to help them rebuild the Quantum Gate so they could fix themselves. Reed agreed and easily fixed the machine. After Dr. Allen sent a team in and found Victor; who had somehow survived. The team brought him back only for Victor to claim that Earth must die so Planet Zero can live and killed Dr. Allen and Dr. Storm in the process. Reed, Ben, Sue and Johnny follow him. The team faced off against him but Victor proved too powerful and easily outclassed the group and disabled Reed's suit. However, Reed managed to pull himself back together and told the others that to stop Victor they must work together. Working in tangent the team defeated Victor by knocking him into the energy link between the dimensions, disintegrating him and saving the Earth in the process. Later, the group demanded the government to give them a facility to continue their scientific ventures and decided to work as a team with the ultimate goal of using their powers to help others.
- In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Reed Richards appeared in the setting of the live-action film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where he was portrayed by actor John Krasinski. Richards was regarded both as a great hero and as the smartest man alive; this reputation was what caused Stephen Strange to recruit him for the Illuminati, a group of powerful individuals that would make the difficult decisions that no one else could. While operating with the Illuminati, Richards founded the Baxter Foundation, a research institute based out of the Illuminati Headquarters in New York City. When the Mad Titan Thanos launched his offensive, the Illuminati banded together to stop him. However, Doctor Strange decided to search for ways to stop him on his own, and making use of the Darkhold, began dreamwalking to find solutions across the Multiverse. While he was unsuccessful in his searches, the Sorcerer Supreme continued dreamwalking, only stopping when he caused an Incursion, which led to the destruction of a universe. Guilt-ridden by what he had inadventently caused, Strange confessed his deed to Richards and the others, and renounced the Darkhold; instead, the group found the Book of Vishanti and used it to defeat the Mad Titan on Titan, ending his crusade. Unfortunately, the corruption of the Darkhold had grown too deep within Strange, so the Illuminati, Strange included, decided to eliminate him, as he posed a threat to not only their universe, but to others as well. Mister Fantastic held Strange's Cloak of Levitation and solemnly watched along with his fellow teammates as Strange was executed by Black Bolt with his sonic scream. After this, the group covered up the event, instead claiming Strange sacrificed himself to ultimately defeat Thanos, with Baron Mordo taking over Strange's role of Sorcerer Supreme and position within the Illuminati. The group later informed Strange's former love interest Christine Palmer the true circumstances regarding his death. When an alternate Doctor Strange alongside America Chavez was discovered in Earth-838, the two were captured by Baron Mordo, and Strange was brought before the Illuminati so they could decide his and Chavez's fates. As Mordo introduced the members, Richards teleported to his council seat with the Time Platform and greeted Strange, who did not seem to recognize him and quipped about the Fantastic Four; in return, Richards seemed mildly amused.
- In Deadpool & Wolverine, Reed Richards was mentioned in the setting of the live-action film. He was apparently among many heroes taken by the Time Variance Authority and sent into the Void which he described as a extradimensional realm where unwanted matter was consumed by Alioth. His fate was unrevealed though the Human Torch was shown to be the only survivor of the Fantastic Four at the time.
Video games
- In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Mister Fantastic appeared as a playable character in the video game where he was voiced by actor David Naughton.
- In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Mister Fantastic appeared in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor Robert Clotworthy.
- In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Mister Fantastic appeared as a playable character in the Facebook video game.
- In Marvel Heroes, Mister Fantastic appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game where he was voiced by actor Wally Wingert.
- In Marvel: Future Fight, Mister Fantastic appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.
- In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Mister Fantastic was introduced in the 'Shadow of Doom' DLC where he was voiced once again by actor Wally Wingert.
- In Marvel Rivals, Mister Fantastic appeared as a playable hero in the setting of the third person hero shooter video game where he was voiced by actor Ian James Corlett.
- Fantastic Four v1: (1961)
- Fantastic Four: Unplugged v1:
- Fantastic Four v2:
- Fantastic Four v3:
- Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards v1:
- World War Hulk v1:
- Incredible Hulk v1:
- Hulk v3:
- Mighty Avengers v1:
- FF v1:
- New Avengers v2:
- Fantastic Four v6:
- Contagion v1:
- Fantastic Four: Negative Zone v1:
- Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four v1:
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