Multiversal Omnipedia:Starting a new page

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The edit page has a link for Editing help, so you won't be lost. If you want to experiment, use the sandbox first.

New pages can also be started by following a link to a non-existent page, which likewise launches the edit page. See Starting a page through the URL below.



General principles

  • Search to see whether someone has written a similar page before you start one yourself. Choose the title carefully.

Starting a page from an existing link, after creating one, or after a search

To start a new page, you can click a link to the new page. This takes you to the edit mode of the non-existing blank page, which allows creation.

Another way to start a new page is to perform a search for the new title with the Go button (as you should have done before). When the search finds nothing, press "create the article".

Links to non-existing pages are common. They are typically created in preparation of creating the page, and/or to encourage other people to do so. Links are not only convenient for navigation, but also make people aware of the new page. New page links are not really broken, as long as the name correctly identifies the intended content. (A new page link with a "wrong" or misspelled name, or that duplicates content found under another name is "broken". but in a different sense.)

New page links are colored red, instead of the standard blue. Links to non-existent pages are created with [[New page name]] from the wiki editor. (In this case, the empty page "New page name" would be created).

Of course, you can also create the link yourself, in a related page, index page or your user page. However, it may be better to wait with creating links until after creating the new page, especially if the new link replaces one to an existing page. In this case, create the link but press Preview, instead of Save. From preview area, clicking the new link will create the new page (without updating the referring page).

Starting a page through the URL

Using the browser address bar to enter a URL to a new page is an easy way to start the new page process. Easier still is editing the pagename part of a URL for an existing page. Using the URL for the new page displays the default 'no article' message. The default page has the usual Edit this page link, which can be used to begin adding content.

Using the sandbox and user sub-pages

The sandbox can be used for temporary experimentation, but is emptied on a regular basis. For persistent draft material, you can use your user account sub-pages, and move the sub-page to the main article namespace when ready. (Requires a user account). To create a user sub-page, use a reference (title) like: 'User:UserName/New sub page'. User sub-pages can be also be used for testing new template material with the syntax {{User:UserName/Sub page name}}.

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