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Concept art for a Muton from the cancelled X-COM: Alliance game.

The Mutons are an alien race that feature in the X-COM game series.




Original Timeline

The first appearance of the Mutons was during the First Alien War that began in the year 1999 and ended in 2002. At the time, the aliens were more active on the planet Earth with their actions starting with animal mutilations along with a number of human abductions. This alien activity gradually increased and their actions eventually attracted the attention of humanity who realied that they were involved in a war for their continued existence. Mutons were used as shock troopers in these engagements alongside of the numerous alien breeds and were involved in fighitng against the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit. Whilst fearsome warriors, they were ultimately defeated at the battle of Cydonia on Mars when soldiers of X-COM were successful in destroying the aliens central governing brain.

During the invasion, the Mutons were extensively used in combating the robotic Enforcer but were ultimately unable to prevent it from destroying the High Ethereal. The Mutons were not seen again until after the Second Alien War when Humanity went into space. Their explorations of the Frontier led to a renewed attack from the aliens who began to use Mutons as pilots against mankind.

Reboot Timeline

The Mutons were said to be one of the alien species encountered by the Ethereals who sought out the 'Gift' among other races. They were noted for being capable soldiers but lacked the necessary intelligence thus leading to them being incorporated as a slave soldier race.


In appearance, Mutons were green skinned humanoids who were both physically powerful as well as intelligent and served as foot soldiers for the alien horde. They were carnivores in the sense that they were required to consume raw flesh of any kind and developed an appetite for such food. They weighed in over 275 kilograms with the majority being simply muscle and bone making them well suited for the rigors of front-line combat. Their lean muscle to the rest of their body mass was noted for being staggering and that no part of their bodies were not genetically engineered. Muton bones were highly durable yet very light in weight, and it seemed to lack extramuscular fatty tissue of any kind. Mutons were developed to rely on the telepathic commands of the ruling Ethereals who they were dependant on to the point that if separated from this link; the captive Muton's mental system began to break down eventually leading to the specimens death. To better serve them in their role as soldiers, Mutons were equipped with a number of implants that were designed to enhance their combat performance.

An autopsy of these aliens was capable of revealing the fact that their skin was in fact an organically created armour which was grafted onto their bodies. This made armour piercing ammunition ineffective in piercing their hardened tough skin. It was also known that the implants within their bodies were used to enhance their cardio-vascular system as well as their senses. Further analysis revealed that their reproductive organs were removed which further limited their lives to warfare and combat situations. They were noted as being a relentless foe who were nearly imperfious to most forms of weaponry.

Mutons were bred and modified from birth with every enhancement contributing to their function as a sort of living tank. As such, the Mutons were able to withstand incredible amounts of damage and had a high tolerance for pain. In addition to their role as foot soldiers, Mutons were equally capable of serving as pilots though these specimens were slightly different compared to the original ones; they were essentially the same. This strain of pilot Muton were re-engineered to possess a hightened mental capacity which was speculated to allow the creatures to control hightech space vessels. However, they were not as formidable as pilots and were described as being average at best. Furthermore, they lacked almost all but the most basic of psionic defensive abilities and were completely unable to make use of psionic weaponry.

There were a variety of ritualistic markings and unusual tattoos that implied the species had some sort of past tribal structure.


  • Axiom : a male Muton born and trained on an invasion ship where he was part of the first wave of alien invaders that conquered Earth. After the alien's rule, he served as a bodyguard to high value targets and later played a vital role in containing a Chryssalid outbreak that led to him joining XCOM.


  • Mutons were created by Julian Gollop's Mythos Games and MicroProse where they featured in the setting of the XCOM series.


  • X-COM: UFO Defense:
  • X-COM: Interceptor:
  • X-COM: Enforcer:
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown:
  • XCO2:
  • XCOM: Chimera Squad:

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