Olivier (Marvel)

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Olivier is a male comic demonic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.






Olivier sided with Lucifer in Heaven's only war and was cast out of Heaven. He came to rule a section of Hell and due to his ambition, the other Hell-Lords teamed against him and trapped him in the body of a human new-born child. The baby would have been still-born, but Olivier inhabited it, living its life, without his memories of his true nature. (Punisher v4 #1) As Frank Costa, Olivier was a member of the Costa crime family. Working as a lookout, he shot an escaping rival mobster. The taking of a human life restored his full memory of his true nature and he began to plot his revenge. (Punisher v4 #2) After remembering his true origin, Olivier planned his revenge for decades before becoming the head of the Costa crime family. Through occult rituals he learned of Frank Castle, then a soldier in the Vietnam War, and began to plan to use Castle as his instrument of vengeance. (Punisher v4 #3)

Olivier, feeling he had enough souls for the task of conquering the nether-realms, allowed Castle to fall into despair over his actions as the Punisher. Olivier had his lesser demons drive Castle to suicide, shooting himself. Castle was then raised from the dead by his failed Guardian Angel, Gadriel. (Punisher v4 #4)


The Harvest

Olivier and his Stalkers attacked the angels Esphares and Tariel at the de-sanctified Church of St. Tarcissus, absorbing the formers divine essence and sending his minions after the latter. (Punisher v4 #1) Olivier directed his Stalkers after the angels of the Grigori, and his demons after the other Hell-Lords' realms from his base at Manhattan's Flatiron's building. He absorbed the angel Hafaza's energy, and ordered an attack on Daimon Hellstorm. After the attack failed, due to the intervention of the Punisher and the angel Gadriel, a surprised Olivier punished the messengers who reported the loss, and planned his next move. (Punisher v4 #2) Olivier supervised his demons' assault on the other Hell-Lords' realms, of which they succeeded in conquering several. He directed his Stalkers to attack a meeting of the Punisher, Gadriel, and the Grigori. The Stalkers, led by a re-created Bruno Costa, decimated the angels, taking Castle and Gadriel captive alive. Bruno remembered Castle and claimed that all of the Stalkers had died at the Punisher's hands. Later, Olivier confronted the immobilized Punisher and Gadriel and revealed to Castle that he was Frank Costa and that he was responsible for Frank's family being killed in Central Park. (Punisher v4 #3)

Olivier related his origins and his responsibility for the Punisher's creation to Gadriel and Castle, who were still restrained. Olivier then attempted to drive a wedge between the angel and Castle by revealing Gadriel's negligence in Castle's family's deaths and in Frank's own suicide. Enraged, Castle broke free from Olivier's restraints and attacked the Hell-Lord. Olivier's Stalkers, led by Bruno Costa, entered and fought Castle while Gadriel battled Olivier himself. The clashing of Heaven's the Punisher and Hell's Bruno Costa weapons unleashed a rift through which the tendrils of the other Hell-realms reached in. The Punisher shot Olivier into their reach and the arch-demon was promptly torn apart. Gadriel then sacrificed himself to deal the rift, gaining Castle's forgiveness. (Punisher v4 #4)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Frank Costa was created by Tony DeZuniga and Archie Goodwin where he made his first appearance in Marvel Super Action v1 #1 (January, 1976).
  • Olivier was created by Bernie Wrightson, Christopher Golden and Thomas E. Sniegoski where he made his first appearance Punisher v4 #1 (November, 1998).

In other media


Video games


  • Marvel Super Action v1: (1976)
  • Punisher v4: (1998)

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