Pan Ku Box

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The Pan Ku Box is an artifact that features in The Jackie Chan Adventures.




The Pan Ku Box was an ancient puzzle used by the eight Chinese immortals who used its magic to banish the Demon Sorcerors into the Demon Netherworld where they were trapped except for the dragon Demon Shendu. After his first defeat at the hands of Jackie Chan, Shendu decided to free his brethren from that limbo dimension and tasked the Dark Hand with using the Pan Ku Box to free his brothers and sisters.


In appearance, the Pan Ku Box was a blue shaped puzzle that served as a guide to a portal into the Netherworld where a Demon Sorcerer was banished. Once solved, its centre would open revealing a greenish energy that would open the portal allowing the Demon to escape. Contrary to its name, the Box is actually a puzzle that is solved by the trigram markings on its top and bottom. Whenever the box’s sides are rotated to match any one of the trigrams, it opens to project a map to the site of the door to release the related demon before closing and forming the door’s key.

The Box is also indestructible and cannot be opened by any other means.

Also, since the Pan'Ku Box is forged of good magic, it cannot be touched by beings with dark magic, such as that of Shendu. As a result, if Shendu were to ever try to touch the Box, he would be rendered unconscious, harming him while taking no damage itself.

When Uncle banished the Demon Sorcerers back into the Netherworld, he sealed off the portals and imprisoned them forever, making the Pan'ku Box obsolete and useless to reopen the portals. Shendu is the only exception to this imprisonment, having been a disembodied spirit when he was sent back, but could slip between dimensional walls after being infused with power from each of his other siblings.

Similar to a Rubik's Cube, the box's pieces were designed to rotate on both a horizontal and vertical axis. Being an elongated octahedron, the box has only two pieces that rotate vertically, while the horizontal pieces are layered, eight small pieces mounted atop (and beneath) the eight larger pieces that border the octahedron's "equator," so to speak.

The Pan'ku box worked by using the trigrams representing the element, from which each of the eight Demon Sorcerers derived their magic, in order to denote its function. A trigram's unbroken lines represented a vertical half-turn, while the broken lines represented a horizontal quarter turn.

Once one of its eight puzzles has been successfully completed, the box begins to glow with good magic as it spontaneously levitates into the air without any sort of assistance. The section beneath the representing-trigram will open up, revealing the box's core of good magic as it discharges a stream of energy that generates a map revealing the location of that particular demon's portal.

The box will only generate this image for a relatively brief period of time before closing up again. However, the representing-trigram will protrude from the box itself, representing the "key" that would open up the portal again.

When in the presence of a portal, the box will react in the same fashion as when one of its puzzles had been solved. But the difference here is that the discharged energy stream would actually generate and open the portal itself, rather than simply generate a map.


  • Jackie Chan :


  • The Pan Ku Box was created by David Slack where it featured in the setting of The Jackie Chan Adventures universe.


  • The Jackie Chan Adventures:

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