Paradigm City

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Paradigm City is a city that features in The Big O.



Paradigm City


It was also known as the City of Amnesia.

Each dome in Paradigm City has its own artificial “sun”, a source of light that orbits, rising and setting, along a track along the inside span of the dome. Bright and direct sunlight is considered something of a luxury, the city having been under a near-constant state of cloudy overcast ever since the Event. The structure of the domes is conventional; they appear to be built of heavy steel girders. The largest is Paradigm Dome at the city center; it contains the Paradigm Corporation headquarters.

The old underground subway and maintenance systems were abandoned after The Event, as everyone was afraid to go below the surface of the city. Many believe that hidden secrets from before The Event lurk in these unexplored tunnels. Secret laboratories and other installations from before The Event are located in the underground. Roger Smith is unafraid to use the old subway system as a means of quickly transporting Big O around Paradigm City as needed: an immense tank-like vehicle that contains the Big O uses the subway tracks to maneuver around the city and then raise the Big O on a platform so that it may drill forth from underground. As a result, no one can track Big O’s movements to Roger’s house.

Organizations that operated in the city included:

  • Paradigm Corporation :

Despite the limited territory, the city has an extensive industry. There are fields contained within domes where crops are grown to feed those within, such as the fields of wheat and tomatoes owned by the retired Gordon Rosewater. Genetic engineering is widespread. There are several corporations for constructing Megadeus’s and the armored vehicles of the Military Police.


  • Alex Rosewater :
  • Roger Smith :
  • Dorothy R. Wayneright:
  • Angel :


  • Paradigm City was created by Hajime Yatate and Kazuyoshi Katayama where it featured in the setting of The Big O universe.


  • The Big O:

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