Parasite (Faculty)
The parasites in the movie The Faculty were a sinister race of endoparasites that attempted to control the human race.
The Parasites
The parasites appeared as aquatic creatures that remained in a hibernative state when on land. However, once infesting a human body or within water, the parasite sprung to life and became very active. Their mouths were covered with a membrane that was pealed back by six appendages when the parasite wanted to eat. Their teeth, although very small, were very sharp and capable of penetrating human flesh.
The parasite, when within water, sprouted tentacle-like flagella from its body to move around. When "revived" by a drop of water, the parasite also sprouted these flagella to grab hold of a host and gained access to the hosts body through the ear cavity, fusing with the host and taking control. The parasite was also capable of replicating while within water, creating an exact copy of itself.
Once inside the host, the flagella would link extensively to the hosts body, granting vastly increased physical strength. The parasite was able to form complex structures out of these flagella, allowing for self preservation. Such was the case when a teacher, under the parasites control, was decapatated, and tentacles sprouted from the neck wound to allow the severed head to walk to the body, being reattached afterwards. Such was the case for all lost appendages.
Parasite infected humans were nearly incapable of being distinguished from non-infected humans. However, an infected person could be identified by their sudden change in clothing styles or subtle changes in their attitudes. Another way of identifying an infected human was by making the suspected host take a diuretic drug, which was inhaled through the nostrils, that would dry out the parasite contained within the hosts body.
The Mother Parasite
While the parasites themselves were small fish-like creatures, the mother organism was actually human-sized and a shape shifter. Whether they started a similar life cycle of infecting a host or not is unknown. They were capable of switching between their host form, in the case of the movie, which was human and their true form which varied in size between human sized to much larger. The mother organism possessed many tentacles that were very strong and capable of doing a great deal of damage to its environment. This creature was also capable of “spitting” out its “offspring” to infect new hosts. However, despite being the primary focus of the species, this parasite was also their races weakness as it seemed to be linked to its offspring and its death would destroy the race without any harm to the hosts.
The parasites’ technological capabilities are unknown, and how they arrived on Earth was never explained. But their pattern of infection involved infecting schools by compromising the faculty and then the students through the school nurse. After which, school competitions with rival schools would begin, wherein the infection would pass to different parts of the world.
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