Parasite (Larva)

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The Parasite is a type of mutated animal that appears in the movie Larva and terrorised the town of Host.

These creatures were originally simple flukeworm-like liver parasites that mutated after feeding on drug enhanced cow feed. As a result, the creatures evolved into a more deadlier breed. The initial stage of their life cycle was the worm-like form which ingested internally on the cow's enhanced meat. They would then be expelled from the body in the faeces where the worms would enter into a new host; be it animal or Human. Once inside the body, the creature would grow rapidly after exposure to blood.

The next stage in their life cycle involved bursting from the body of a host; similar to the Chestburster of the Xenomorphs. After violently ripping through the body, the parasites form would be far larger; the size of a Human body. They possessed a thin membranous form similar to a kite allowing them to somewhat glide across their environment and were capable of pouncing on their prey. Sharp claws and teeth allowed the parasite to kill prey after which they would abandon the corpse.

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