Pathfinder (Mass Effect)

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Pathfinders are a title that feature in Mass Effect.




The Pathfinders was a title created by the races of the Milky Way Galaxy following the creation of the Andromeda Initiative. They were the brainchild of Alec Ryder following the formation of the Initiative where he sought alternatives to scouting for habitable worlds in the Andromeda Galaxy. Rather than survey teams, Ryder decided to pair skilled explorers with artificial intelligences through the use of implants in order to achieve multiple processes.


In appearance, individuals that became a Pathfinder served a combination of roles including highly-skilled explorers, scientists and soldiers. Their role was further enhanced by being partnered with quantum computing power of an artificial intelligence that made them indispensable. They were to be the 'tip of the spear' in the exploration of new worlds that was normally a long-term process that required multiple teams. Pathfinders were trained to improve the viability of potential planets along with initiating first contact with unknown species. They searched for suitable outposts and handled any external threats before the arrival of the first colonists. Their presence was meant to be a reassurance that a world could be settled safely and that there was a high expectation of success.

Pathfinders were equipped with the best training and technology along with an AI partner that was able to run complex studies in seconds along with conducting hundreds of test simulations in minutes. As part of their training, each Pathfinder went through extensive psychological training before being linked with an AI partner. This was because full root access to an AI without sufficient preparation could result in unexpected side effects. Those individuals that were prepared and fully synchronised with a SAM made them capable of extraordinary abilities. Assisting them was the Pathfinder team who aided in the search for potential Golden Worlds and securing these sites for settlement. The members acted under the authority of the Pathfinder and included senior mission officers, survival experts, diplomats and combat specialists. All team members received neural implants in order to allow them to communicate with SAM.

A key feature of the Pathfinder was the use of an artificial intelligence known as the Simulated Adaptive Matrix (SAM). This consisted of neural implants that were created by Dr. Ellen Ryder with these being built to furthering the connection of the subjects nervous system including circulation, endocrine function and exteroceptive senses. By linking with the artificial intelligence, the implants full range of potential being revealed in the process. This was a two-way connection that provided SAM full insight into the host's physical and mental state allowing for the AI to alter electrical signals in the neural pathways that the host's body processed. This allowed it to adjust the Pathfinder's balance, improve reaction time or muscle memory, or bolster biotic abilities. This was achieved through the use of quantum computing allowing it to perform changes faster than the body's synapses. The biggest feature was the use of a Quantum Entanglement Communicator (QEC) that could fit within the neural implant and allowed SAM to keep in constant sync with the host. The abilities of SAM allowed the Pathfinder to determine whether a world was suitable for habitation in the span of hours. Upon finding habitable sites, they could direct the Nexus on which areas to start establishing outposts.


  • Alec Ryder :
  • Zevin Raeka :
  • Ishara :
  • Theris :
  • Macen Barro :


  • Pathfinders feature in the setting of Mass Effect: Andromeda.


  • Mass Effect: Andromeda:

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