Pigbin Josh

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Pigbin Josh was a homeless man who lived near the Nuton Power Complex on the southeast coast of England. His nickname was apparently due to his filthy appearance and habits. His dialect was incomprehensible, and he tended to simply mutter gibberish. He disliked Nuton, mistrusting the scientists who worked there.

One day, while riding along on his bicycle through an inexplicable freak snowstorm, Josh was knocked into a river by something large passing overhead. He saw it crashland and partially bury itself in a gravel pit nearby. He mistook it for something the Nuton scientists had created and thought he could sue them. As he approached the object, a tentacle came out and grabbed him, dragging him inside.

The vessel was Axos, and the unfortunate Josh became its first human test subject. After a cursory examination, Axos declared the derelict useless for its purposes. Josh was drained of all life and his corpse ejected from the ship. Sometime later, Sergeant Benton found his body, but it disintegrated into vapor when Benton touched it.


  • In the novelization of The Claws of Axos, Josh is known locally as "Old Josh" rather than Pigbin Josh.
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