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Polemachus is a planet that features in Marvel Comics.




Polemachus was a habitable world that was located in another universe in the Multiverse. It occupied the same space as Earth though was slightly out of phase so the two worlds were unaware of each other's existence. The only source of light on Polemachus was the glowing rings that encircled the planet. The people of the Realm of Polemachus developed a culture that glorified warfare, and Arkon succeeded in becoming the greatest warrior of his people. Appointed Imperion or ruler of the largest country on Polemachus, Arkon mounted military campaigns against neighboring countries in an effort to conquer the world. His dreams were forgotten when Polemachus was faced with a worldwide catastrophe in that the light-and-heat-providing planetary rings were disintegrating. Arkon's scientists determined that atomic explosions occurring on Earth somehow were extra-dimensionally translated to rekindle the energy rings for about a year. Although Polemachus had not developed nuclear weaponry, the scientists predicted that if they were to atomically annihilate the Earth, their world's energy-rings would be restored to power. (Avengers v1 #75)

Toward this goal, Arkon manipulated the Scarlet Witch into reciting a magical spell found in a Polemachian book to enable Arkon to transport himself to Earth. Attracted to the Scarlet Witch and intending to marry her, Arkon kidnapped her, as well as Toad, and a group of atomic scientists. (Avengers v1 #75) The scientists were forced to construct an atomic device. Before Arkon could detonate it on Earth; however, the Avengers managed to arrive on Polemachus and defeat Arkon's armies. Iron Man and Thor eventually were able to rekindle Polemachus' energy-rings via a super device devised by Stark, and Arkon ceased hostilities with Earth. (Avengers v1 #76) Some time later, the Black Knight appeared on Polemachus with his horse Aragorn, only to be attacked and captured by Arkon, who brought him before his new consort: the Enchantress. After using her powers of seduction in order to manipulate the Black Knight, she transported the whole Avengers Mansion there, where the team was captured and taken before the Enchantress and Arkon. Freed by Thor and the Black Panther, the Avengers ended up in a pitch battle with Arkon, the Enchantress, and the Black Knight, who was still under the Enchantress' spell. During the battle one of Arkon's Battle-Bolts knocked the Black Knight's Ebony Blade into the enchanted well that was said to be able to destroy his sword. The battle was soon ended when Arkon realized that the Enchantress had lied to him; however, she managed to escape. Soon after the Avengers left Arkon to transport themselves back home. (Avengers v1 #84)

The Avengers make a preliminary evaluation of the energy rings around Polemachus and convince Arkon that they can repair the overcharged energy rings. Leveraging Crystal's elemental powers and Sersi's cosmic power, they manage to discharge the energy rings' excess power and restore it to normal operation. Unfortunately, once back on Polemachus, Anskar kills the young woman believing that the gods must be thanked. Sersi replies by killing Anskar, much to her teammates' shock. (Avengers v1 #359)


In appearance, Polemachus was an inhabitable world that was located in another universe. It was said that fires from within the planet gave it warm whilst a ring of energy surrounding it gave them light. (Avengers v1 #75)

Locations on Polemachus included:

  • Imperion City :

Its inhabitants claimed to be a race of true warriors who expected no quarter or mercy to be shown in battle. Polemachus was said to know only life and reason for living which was war. It was noted that their people had worshipped a war-god. (Avengers v1 #75)

The leader of Polemachus came to hold the title of Imperion where they were the ruler of the world. (Avengers v1 #75)

A device on their world was the Scopitron that allowed the user to see into other universes. (Avengers v1 #75)


  • Arkon : Arkon the Magnificent was a male warlord who came to rise to the position of Imperion of Polemachus. (Avengers v1 #75)
  • Greybeard : an elderly male scientist who determined that the rings inhabiting Polemachus were disintegrating. (Avengers v1 #75)
  • Anskar :
  • Astra :


  • Polemachus was created by Roy Thomas and John Buscema where it made its first appearance in Avengers v1 #75 (April, 1970).

Alternate Versions

  • In JLA/Avengers v1 #1 (2003), Polemachus appeared in the setting of the crossover story between Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Polemachus was shown to had been destroyed by the extradimensional being known as Krona.

In other media


  • In X-Men, Polemachus appeared in the setting of the 1990s animated television series in the episode "Storm Front". Under the rule of Arkon, it fell under a cruel dictatorship that was enforced by his armies of machines powered by monoliths that animated the robots. However, these same monoliths were destabilizing the climate of the world causing terrible storms to ravage its surface. Despite this, Arkon refused to shut down the generators and maintained his cruel rule despite rebellion from some of his subjects. He then looked to find someone to better control the planetary climate and sought such a person out. He came to discover the planet Earth that contained a Mutant named Storm who had the power to control the weather. Under false pretences, he courted her and asked her to be his queen where he claimed that she would be the saviour of Polemachus using her powers and thus loved by the people. However, over time, she came to learn the truth and with the help of the X-Men they aided the rebels in destroying the power generators thus ending Arkon's rule over Polemachus.


  • Avengers v1: (1970)

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