Queen Bansheera

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Queen Bansheera is a female demonic television villain who features in Power Rangers.




Queen Bansheera was the ruler of a powerful race of Demons of the Cursed Tomb that once inhabited the world. At some point, she came to give birth to a child named Impus where the infant stood as a prince among his kind. They once ruled the world five thousand years ago where their tyranny plagued mankind. This was until a sorcerer emerged who crafted a spell that imprisoned them in their tomb that was buried beneath the land itself. This was until the modern age when explorers from Mariners Bay on the surface stumbled on the tomb and accidentally freed the demons. As a result, Diabolico, Vypra, Loki and Jinxer being freed alongside the infant Impus where they set about their Queen who as too weak to escape the tomb. For Bansheera to be freed, a massive amount of energy needed to be gathered in order to break the seal leading to the demons enacting schemes to acquire the necessary power.

When Bansheera finally makes her return at the Skull Cavern, she appears in her spiritual form and not in her body. She is disappointed by the fact that her domain, her 'Magnificent Palace' was stuck in another dimension because the human race have built a city in its place that will eventually be called Mariner Bay. She is even more angered to learn that the city is under the protection of the latest generation of the Lightspeed Rangers and their Lightspeed Aquabase which is hidden underwater. This explains why her minions haven't rebuilt her palace for her return to power. Queen Bansheera quickly takes matters into her own hands by resurrecting two monsters: Magmavore and Trifire, as more powerful demons than before, in order to awaken a dormant volcano that can destroy Mariner Bay. Unfortunately for her, without her bodily form, her powers had quickly diminished and she declared that she must leave her minions in order to regain what strength she had. After parting from her minions and her son Impus, her plan to use the volcano against the Rangers and Mariner Bay had failed when the Rangers use the Supertrain Megazord to defeat Magmavore and Trifire as well as keep the volcano from fully erupting. (Episode: Rising From Ashes)

When Queen Bansheera returns to the Skull Cavern once again, she expresses her anger and frustration to her once great general Diabolico by protesting his inability to defeat mortal beings like the Power Rangers and threatens to have him replaced with Impus by granting the infant demon Diabolico's Star Power. Diabolico is far from willing to allow this to happen and is even willing to destroy the queen's son with no one present to witness his attempt to do so only to be interrupted by Jinxer. When Diabolico is destroyed by the Rangers, Queen Bansheera makes good on her word to bestow the energies of the Star Power to her son Impus, which transforms him into an adult now called Olympius. (Episode: The Cobra Strikes)


Personality and attributes

Noted for her arrogance, she believed that no on was capable of stopping her.

She would go to any lengths to returning to power and became notorious for sacrificing her minions to achieve her agenda. Even her own son was seen as being expendable just like her other minions.

Bansheera expected her followers to remain loyal to her no matter how she treated them or whether she betrayed them.

Powers and abilities

Being a demon, Bansheera was a supernatural being who had a number of supernatural abilities at her disposal. As queen, she possessed immense supernatural powers and abilities that far exceeded those of other demons.

Even when sealed, she was capable of interacting in the physical plane by adopting a spirit form.

She could cause a massive tidal wave capable of destroying a city.

It was shown that she was capable of growing herself to gigantic proportions and returning to her normal size.

Her base of operations was Skull Cavern that was located deep below Mariner Bay.


  • Queen Bansheera was voiced by actress Diane Salinger where she appeared as the main antagonist in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.


  • Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue:

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