Replicators (Stargate)

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The Replicators are a mechanical species that features in Stargate SG-1.




The Replicators were created at an unspecified point in the past on an isolated Human world. On this planet, a scientist managed to create a sophisticated Human-appearing android called Reese. Despite her sophistication, her personality was that of a child and the inhabitants of the planet began to fear her. In her lonelinesses, Reese created a mechanical creature from local material to amuse her with this being a Replicator. To her mind, they were simple toys but the Human populace grew more fearful and threatened by the android along with her pets. This led to their creator Reese teaching them to defend her and themselves with this being accomplished by self-replicating. In time, the Replicators grew in large numbers to the point that Reese lost control of them. The Replicators proceeded with destroying her world and its inhabitants leaving their creator the only survivor. Her creations would abandon her on the planet as they proceeded to acquire more raw material to replicate. Reese being abandoned and feeling guilty over her actions entered into a deep sleep where she remained undisturbed for many years. (SG1: Menace)

The Replicator menace was discovered by an Asgard when a exploratory team found the remains of a dead world with remnants of advanced pieces of nanotechnology. After examining the artifacts, the Replicators were reactivated and assimilated the Asgard vessel. Gaining the technology of the Asgard, the Replicators began attacking the Asgard in the Ida Galaxy in order to gain more advanced technology to incorporate within their forms and to replicate more of their kind.


Replicator bugs were able to produce a corrosive liquid where the Replicator spray was able to dissolve through any known material. (SG1: Nemesis) In close quarters, they can produce an electrical discharge to kill their opponents. (SG1: Small Victories) Despite their small size, they were shown to be strong where a single one was capable of holding open the hydraulic blast doors. (SG1: Reckoning)

Each block contained two million isolated key pathways where they generated a reactive modulating monopolar energy field that allows them to self-assemble into various configurations. (SG1: Small Victories)

Multiple such blocks were required to begin the act of self-replication. (SG1: Small Victories) The process was noted to require large amounts of energy. (Movie: Stargate: The Ark of Truth) Once formed, Replicator blocks could assemble into any form that was needed. (SG1: New Order)

Replicators adapt very quickly to new technologies and they are capable of enhancing technology they encounter beyond its original specification. (SG1: New Order) They were shown to ignore more relatively cruder technology. (SG1: Unnatural Selection)

All Replicators are interconnected via a subspace network. (SG1: New Order)

They are physically indistinguishable from humans and possess immense strength and resilience, lacking the traditional Replicators' vulnerability to firearms. They are capable of interfacing with the mind of a human by extending their hand into the victim's forehead. (SG1: Unnatural Selection) Human-form Replicators could restructure parts of themselves to form implements such as stabbing weapons. (SG1: Reckoning) Neutronium is a crucial element in the construction of human-form Replicators. (SG1: New Order)

Replicator controlled Merrick.

Many Replicator bugs assembled into a larger structure to enhance the hyperdrive of an alien vessel. (SG1: Enemies)

Known Replicators

  • First :
  • Second :
  • Third :
  • Fourth :
  • Fifth : the fifth human-form to be created on the planet Halla, and unlike the others he lacks the programming flaws of the android Reese, on which the human-forms are based. This makes him more "human" than the other Replicators, who consider him "weak" as a result. After SG-1 is captured by the Replicators, Fifth becomes fascinated by them, especially Samantha Carter, and attempts to help them. Carter promises to take Fifth with them if he can give them access to the Asgard time dilation device that could trap the other Replicators. Fifth agrees, but Jack O'Neill believes he represents too great a danger and orders Carter to set the device's timer so that Fifth is left behind. Fifth is confronted by the other Replicators, and discovers SG-1's deception moments before the device activates. (SG1: Unnatural Selection)
  • Sixth :
  • Replicator Carter :


  • Replicators were created to feature in the setting of Stargate SG-1 where they made their first appearance in the episode "Nemesis" (2000).


  • Stargate SG-1: (2000)

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