Revy (Black Lagoon)
Revy is a female anime and manga character who features in Black Lagoon.
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Rebecca Lee (Japanese: レベッカ・リー, Hepburn: Rebekka Rī) was a female Chinese-American born in New York City where she grew up poverty-stricken in Chinatown where she was raised by an abusive, alcoholic father. One day, she fled the home after one of her father's rampages where she was arrested, beaten, and raped by a corrupt police officer. Upon being returned home following this ordeal, Revy shot and killed her father after he callously asked her for another drink where she used a pillow as a make-shift silencer. Later on, it was said that she quit school partway through her middle school.
At the beginning of 1995, Dutch got a job from Balalaika of Hotel Moscow to steal a disk from a ship belonging to Asahi Industries. Accordingly, the Black Lagoon attacked the business ship and found Rokuro Okajima, with Dutch punching Rokuro in the face onto the ground while he and Revy pointed their guns at the Japanese salaryman. Once Rokuro confirmed that the disk that Dutch held was the item that the former kept watch of, Benny radioed to Dutch from the Black Lagoon's communications room that a Philippine Navy patrol boat was steering toward their location, so Dutch told the business ship's crew not to follow them or he would use the guns and torpedoes on his PT boat to sink their ship. Rokuro was relieved that he was being let go, but Revy pointed her gun at him and told him that he was coming with her upon hearing his verbal relief.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Revy was a Chinese-American woman with slightly tan of approximately moderate height in her mid-to-late twenties with burgundy hair that she typically kept in low loose ponytail with rather large bangs falling onto her forehead on either side. She tended to go by the name of Revy (レヴィ Revi). She was given the nickname Two Hands by the people of Roanapur due to her ambidextrous.
Revy was very confident, grumpy, aggressive, cynical, and emotionally unstable. Unlike Rock, she was undiplomatic, believing in the use of brute force and violence to get her way. Revy was recognized as the most foul-mouthed among her crew with her yelling constant profanity. In contrast to this, she is revealed to be highly ticklish.
Constantly living on the edge, combined with the tragedies of her past, Revy has developed a rather bleak outlook on life, relying only on her own power, skills, and money.
She was also shown to be a heavy smoker and drinker.
In many situations, she tended to favour the undiplomatic approach where she believed in the use of brute force and coercion to get her way.
Revy was shown to lack a conscious with her being a merciless and sadistic killer who was willing to kill anyone at the slightest provocation. She had no issue shooting people including unarmed civilians and in one case told an enemy soldier that she would take him to the hospital if he surrendered only for her to shoot him dead. Revy had a maniacal glee when she was killing people where she enjoyed being in a fight. She had no remorse for her enemies and ruthlessly killed them in a fight.
According to CIA agents on Basilan Island, Revy was still regarded as notorious by the NYPD particularly at the 27th Precinct.
Subconsciously, she used violence as a dysfunctional coping mechanism and outlet for her deeply repressed emotional and psychological issues.
She does not believe in God or emotions. However, she seems to respect and trust her companions.
Initially, she was uneasy at accepting both Rock and Benny into the Lagoon company. She has a loving but tense attitude towards Rock; she was very hostile towards him at the start of their relationship and nearly killed him at one point during an argument. However, they eventually make amends with each other and she saves his life on a number of occasions, having grown to be very protective of him.
Powers and abilities
It was noted that she was ambidextrous allowing her to use either hand effectively. This came particularly handy in fights leading to the people of Roanpur giving her the nickname of 'Two Hands'.
She was very knowledgeable when it comes to weaponry. Flashbacks revealed that she may have honed her skills with firearms by shooting at cans.
Her weapon of choice were a pair of modified Beretta 92F’s made of stainless steel and had their barrels extended from 4.9" to 5.9" each.
- Revy was created by Rei Hiroe where she featured in the setting of the Black Lagoon universe.
In other media
- In Black Lagoon, Revy appeared in the setting of the anime television series where she was voiced by Japanese actress Megumi Toyoguchi and by English actress Maryke Hendriske in the dub.
- Black Lagoon:
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