Rhoda Dendron

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Dr. Rhoda Dendron was a botanist employed at St. Canard University and colleague of Dr. Reginald Bushroot. Rhoda was the only person at the university who was nice to Bushroot, often coming to his defense whenever he was being bullied by Dr. Gary and Dr. Larson because she disliked the way they treated him. Bushroot misinterpereted her actions as proof that she had a romantic interest in him.

After he had successfully gotten his revenge against Gary and Larson, Bushroot and his sidekick Spike abducted Rhoda from the university, whisking her away to his greenhouse hideout. He planned to use his plant transformation process to mutate her into a plant/duck hybrid like himself, so that she could be his bride (and the new cover girl of Lawn and Garden magazine), but was stopped thanks to Darkwing Duck and Launchpad McQuack.

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