Rock of Lazarus
The Rock of Lazarus was an artifact that featured in Soulkeeper.
The Rock of Lazarus was an ancient stone that that was rumored to have been touched by God. Its unique nature allowed it to act as a portal between the mortal world and that of the afterlife. Thus, it had the power invested within it to raise the dead thus allowing it to bring back lost souls to the Earth. However, the problem with the artifact was the fact that those souls closet to the portal were the most evil of souls. This meant that in the wrong hands, a person was capable of creating an army of evil souls to rule the world. According to folklore, the Rock of Lazarus was used to bring back Lazarus from the dead four days after his death. It was said that the Rock which was an amulet around his neck was buried with him in his tomb.
At some unknown point in time, the stone was entombed and hidden from the world for 2,000 years. In the year 1964, a group of seven Bedouins chose of their members as part of a ritual in the desert. This one was Simon Magus who survived the ritual that killed his comrades when a bolt of energy struck the ground. After blood streamed through their eyes and they collapsed, Magus arose and kept the souls of all seven men. His purpose as to destroy faith for he saw himself as a son of God and was determined to rule the world by using the Rock of Lazarus to take over the world through an army of evil souls he would gather. To that end two thieves or acquisition specialists were sent to retrieve the ancient relic.
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