Roz Solomon

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Roz Solomon is a female comic character who features in Marvel Comics.



Rosalind Solomon

Roz Solomon served as an environmental S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who posted a video on the internet inviting Thor to her S.H.I.E.L.D. academy graduation. An invitation which, after being relayed by Tony Stark, Thor accepted. Roz was later joined by Thor in her investigation of a whale graveyard in the middle of Antarctica's Southern Ocean. A graveyard she believed to be directly above Roxxon's latest underwater mining station. (Thor: God of Thunder v1 #12)

When Roz was investigating Yashida Industries' illegal whaling ships in the middle of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, they attacked her and disabled her flying car. She was afterwards saved by Thor. Around the same time, Roxxon was bringing ice from Europe to Alaska to sell as "sparkly new space water." Roz, once again, enlisted the aid of Thor. He brought a massive piece of pure ice from Jotunheim as a free alternative to Roxxon's expensive product. Thor had hoped this would win him a dinner date with Roz, but she deferred him to a coffee date the next day. (Thor: God of Thunder v1 #19.NOW)

After learning Odinson lost the ability to wield his enchanted hammer Mjolnir, Roz took a detour to the Blue Area of the Moon to talk with him, but he wasn't there. Then, she took a moment while there to look up at Earth and contemplate the planet's beauty and the need to defend it against those who would compromise that beauty, looking at Mjolnir while doing so. (Thor v4 #7)


Personality and attributes

Within S.H.I.E.L.D., her code name was Agent E-23. (Thor v4 #6)

Powers and abilities


  • Roz Solomon was created by Jason Aaron and Nic Klein where she made her first appearance in Thor: God of Thunder v1 #12 (August, 2013).


  • Thor: God of Thunder v1: (2013)

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