Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Bungo Stray Dogs)

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Ryunosuke Akutagawa is a male anime and manga character who features in Bungo Stray Dogs.




Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (Japanese: 芥川 龍之介, Hepburn: Akutagawa Ryūnosuke?) was a Japanese male who had a younger sister named Gin Akutagawa with their parents dying leaving them orphans on the streets of Yokohama City. They came to live in the slums along with about eight other children. At the mercy of the slums and its disgusting air, Akutagawa's lungs suffered, as a result, ending in his poor health. The other children happened to overhear a conversation regarding the time and location of a shipment the Port Mafia was supposed to deliver to low-level subordinates. The men knew about this and sought out the children, beating everyone but Gin and Akutagawa, who managed to escape, to death.

Following through a promise made with his companions, Akutagawa went to the place where the transaction was said to take place in order to exact revenge on the men who killed his companions. When he reached the place, the six men were all dead by Dazai's order—as a gift to Akutagawa who he wanted to take on as his subordinate. He offered either entry as his student, or to give Akutagawa and his sister enough money that they never had to worry about poverty again. In a fit of rage and grief, Akutagawa joined Port Mafia, overcome by a foreign sense of respect he felt towards Dazai.

When he joined the Port Mafia, he was a low-ranking member and served beneath one of its executives who was Osamu Dazai. Dazai was said to had trained Akutagawa who served as his second during this years. This continued until Osamu disappeared from the organization with Ryunosuke rising in the ranks over the intervening years. Around four years ago, he first met Kyōka Izumi who had heard of Akutagawa's ability to cut through anything. She requested that he used his ability to kill her power Demon Snow and then herself as she wanted to repent for her perceived crime in killing her family due to the ability that she had inherited.

He later visited a police station where he claimed that he had found a lost bag. It was then that the police recognised him with Akutagawa killing them with Rashoumon. He then left the bag that contained an explosive which detonated and killed a bystander when he received a phone call from the Port Mafia. The Port Mafia later set him with the task of claiming the bounty on the were-tiger Atsushi Nakajima. For this assignment, his assistant Ichiyou Higuchi was dispatched where she pretended to be a client that wanted to hire the Armed Detective Agency. She accompanied Atsushi Nakajima alongside Tanizaki Junichirou and Tanizaki Naomi where she led them into a trap in an alleyway. Higuchi managed to wound Naomi with her brother nearly killing Ichiyou until Akutagawa arrived where he wounded him. Ryunosuke then confronted Nakajima where he revealed his gift with his target transforming into his weretiger form. Atsushi was aided by the wounded Junichirou leading to the two combatants ready to deliver the killing blow to one another. However, Osamu Dazai arrived where he used his gift to negate the two combatants powers leading to Ryunosuke deciding to depart with his assistant but vowed that they would return for the weretiger. Afterwards, the Azure Messenger blackmailed a taxi driver into committing a string of murders. One of his victims was a member of Port Mafia who dispatched a group to kill him with Akutagawa at the scene. This led to him to a confrontation with Doppo Kunikida who broke a pipe drenching Ryunosuke after which he created a taser that briefly shocked him before he broke himself free. He was forced to flee the scene when the authorities arrived. Akutagawa later staged an abduction of Dazai who was taken to one of the Port Mafia strongholds in chain. He then sent Kyōka Izumi as part of a bomb plot on a train filled with civilians in order to draw out the Armed Detective Agency. Atsushi of the Agency was present on the train and with his comrade managed to stop the plot where he prevented Kyoka from dying from a bomb on her chest. He then spent time with her wanting to help her after hearing about her life with the two unaware that the Port Mafia had attached a tracker on her allowing them to hear all their conversations. Whilst the pair were outside, the Port Mafia struck with Akutagawa spearing Atsushi with his ability rendering him unconscious and the weretiger was taken by Port Mafia alongside Kyoka.

After Atsushi wakes up, Akutagawa drags him out to the outside, stating he intended to kill Atsushi, but the tiger's powers saved his life. He explains they're on a smuggling ship, set course for the bounty. Keeping him pinned down by Rashōmon, Akutagawa once again speaks his mantra - that the weak must die to open a path for the strong. Before he kills Atsushi, Kyōka distracts him by shooting him, her gun soon split in half. He holds her up by the throat, asking if she knows what rock bottom means. Akutagawa indirectly tells of his past, living a miserable life in the slums. Without the Mafia, Kyōka will be left to the slums, thus must use Demon Snow to have any purpose in life. He relates it to Atsushi's suffering, feeling useless, distrusted, and treated like an insect. For Kyōka to live, she has to keep using Demon Snow, if she doesn't, she worthless, and deserves to die. Kyōka dismisses his order, detonating a bomb she hid in the ship's arsenal. Choking her, Akutagawa intends to kill her with Rashōmon, giving a quick death, but Atsushi saves her. A fight ensues, Akutagawa later ensnaring Atsushi and telling him that being the Agency made him think he's strong when in reality he's almost powerless. Atsushi retaliates, and Akutagawa gains distance by lifting himself in the air by Rashōmon, then slams Atsushi into cargo. Assuming he won, Akutagawa notes the ship will sink in less than five minutes, and he needs a lifeboat. Atsushi using the debris to propel himself to Akutagawa shocks the latter, and he suffers a severe punch directly to his jaw. Badly jarred, Akutagawa recalls severe training under Dazai's watch, slammed into crates when he fails to attack his mentor. Akutagawa tries attacking again, but Dazai nullifies the ability and kicks Akutagawa again, worsening his condition without relenting. Dazai orders him to use Rashōmon faster and more effectively, otherwise, he won't survive in the Mafia. The only thing that brings Akutagawa back on his feet is when Dazai asks if he wants to return to the slums. Akutagawa snaps back to reality, enraged Dazai sees Atsushi as better than him. His hatred and resentment skyrockets. He vows never to let Dazai claim Atsushi is better than him since his experience and strength is nowhere near Akutagawa's.

Using Rashōmon: Higanzakura, Rashōmon branches out, impaling Atsushi, and unleashes a flower-like shape of spikes. However, the lethal attack does nothing to satisfy Akutagawa, and he questions what killing Atsushi truly accomplished. How Atsushi survives Higanzakura is beyond Akutagawa, but he claims he isn't using Kyōka, he's merely giving her a purpose. With Demon Snow, Kyōka is destined to kill, so giving her a job to kill gives her life value, using her strength for a purpose. Angered, Atsushi states Akutagawa can't determine who does and doesn't live. He attacks, breaking Rashōmon's tendril, sending Akutagawa in the air. Vulnerable, Akutagawa can't let Atsushi near him, and uses Sawarabi, a technique summoning countless spikes, to keep Atsushi in place. Atsushi escapes. Akutagawa uses Gokumon Agito, making Atsushi collapse. However, Atsushi wraps his tail around Akutagawa, pulling him to punch him in the face. Using spatial distortion, Akutagawa tries to shield himself from the attack. Through sheer force of will, Atsushi overpowers the shield, delivering a devastating final strike to Akutagawa. The defeat and explosion leaves Akutagawa comatose with severe injuries. Meanwhile, the smugglers he slaughtered prior to boarding the ship regroup. Unable to defend himself, Ōgai Mori deems Akutagawa a liability, as Karma Transit will target him now he's comatose. A flashback shows Akutagawa placed a bomb in a building, resulting in several casualties. Higuchi tries telling him he can't just storm into an enemy's building like that, but a second bomb, higher than the first, cuts her off. Akutagawa calls it a signal to "the man who disappeared before me without any warning refusing to accept my power". Higuchi insists that it's her job to help him, but Akutagawa claims he needs neither her nor anyone else's help. Later seized by hired men of Karma Transit, Akutagawa remains comatose. Higuchi initiates her own solo mission with Mori's orders to rescue him, later assisted by Black Lizard's forces. When he finally comes to, Akutagawa apologises to her.

Although not entirely healed, Akutagawa heads out on orders to destroy the Guild's ship, S.S. Zelda, and its occupants - Nathaniel Hawthorne and Margaret Mitchell. Rashōmon impales Mitchell and the ship's crewmen, with Akutagawa making an offhanded comment on how the sea air is murder on his chest. He then impaled Hawthorne, eager to wrap up his mission fast. During their first conversation, Akutagawa goes along with Hawthorne's comment, introducing himself as 'Diablo'. Getting his first glimpse of Hawthorne's ability, Akutagawa notes the strong similarities between his and Hawthorne's abilities. Unimpressed with Hawthorne's apparent skill, Akutagawa demands Hawthorne put his all into the fight, which Hawthorne declines. Blood on Akutagawa's coat restrains him. Conscious, Mitchell attacks with her ability, accusing Akutagawa of knowing nothing of humiliation and defeat by fighting only those weaker than him. Akutagawa snaps, dealing a devastating blow to Mitchell, stating that humiliation and defeat have always been with him as a lone survivor, destined to walk in a dark world after the death of his comrades in the past. Although newfound determination frees him of Hawthorne's restraints, Akutagawa's wounds from his battle with Atsushi have yet to fully heal. He's seized by immense pain, but dismisses it as nothing, once more demanding Hawthorne fight with all he has, otherwise Akutagawa came here for nothing. To him, the cruel words from Dazai's mentoring fuel him through any adversity. Now both fighting with everything they've got, Akutagawa and Hawthorne's duel continue. Akutagawa lands a supposedly fatal hit on Hawthorne's neck, but Hawthorne tackles. Briefly recalling Dazai, Akutagawa activates Rashōmon's Endless Jaws. The attack not only harms Hawthorne but Mitchell as well - ultimately, Akutagawa emerges victorious. Exhausted and on his knees, Akutagawa expresses no satisfaction, instead of haunted by Atsushi's words, accusing Akutagawa of not understanding a person's need to be told it's okay for them to live. With a pained look, Akutagawa says he never had to be told that, and knew it all along.

At the pinnacle of the three-way conflict, Akutagawa takes matters into his own hands and infiltrates Moby Dick despite still coughing up blood, intent on killing Atsushi. Due to the temporary ceasefire between the Agency and Mafia, Akutagawa finally found Atsushi's whereabouts. Atsushi doesn't understand his motivations, to which Akutagawa points out he never asked Atsushi to understand him. Atsushi informs him that Dazai wants to talk to him, and Akutagawa is all but eager to respond. He rushes for the communicator Atsushi throws, only to find out the other line is dead. He later catches up to him, meeting Fitzgerald face to face. He ignores Fitzgerald's taunts, walking past him and demanding Atsushi to get up and fight. He condemns Atsushi's reckless behaviour, in spite of how much a coward he is over his own ability, and cannot fathom Atsushi's conflicting sense of pride. When Fitzgerald tries to interrupt, Akutagawa attacks, ordering him to be quiet until he's finished Atsushi - his main priority - off. Fitzgerald grips Rashōmon's tendrils, dragging Akutagawa over to punch, but Akutagawa blocks the attack with his shield. The two engage in a short one on one fight, with Akutagawa soon overpowered by Fitzgerald's ability. Listening to Fitzgerald taunt Atsushi, Akutagawa cuts a hole in the floor, taking Atsushi with him.

He pursues Atsushi, taking back what he said about Atsushi being 'unfathomable', and concludes Atsushi risks his life constantly so he can 'earn the right to live', which angers Akutagawa to no end. Impaling Atsushi's shoulders, he questions if Atsushi honestly believes being so determined to fight to earn a reason to live is worth it and is disappointed in Atsushi's response. He determines that killing someone like Atsushi will never offer him any sort of accomplishment, which is vital in the need to have Dazai approve of his efforts and victories. Fitzgerald finds them, and Akutagawa defends against him but follows Atsushi into the lift just before the doors close. The lift leads to Moby Dick's deck, leaving the two with no means of escape, and ridicules Atsushi as a foolish runt desperate for approval. When Atsushi claims he's still better than him, Akutagawa snaps, Rashōmon pins Atsushi to the wall and Akutagawa demands Atsushi take what he said back. To Akutagawa, Atsushi has everything: a powerful ability, good fortune, and Dazai's acknowledgement, all with little effort, but he pays them no mind and instead continues to wallow in self-pity and shame. The lift reaches the deck level, Where Fitzgerald greets the duo. Akutagawa asks Fitzgerald that if he defeats him, surely he'll no longer be weak. Fitzgerald agrees, and Akutagawa uses Rashōmon's Tenma Tengai. This technique greatly enhances his offence and defence, giving even Fitzgerald a run for his money. Atsushi enters the fray, much to Akutagawa's chagrin. Watching them bicker, Fitzgerald calls them similar, enraging both. Akutagawa and Atsushi punch Fitzgerald. While the attack is powerful, Akutagawa is exhausted by Tenma Tengai's physical effects on him. He still insists to kill Atsushi after finishing off Fitzgerald and did not believe Dazai will die even if they fail. When Fitzgerald unleashes the full extent of The Great Fitzgerald, Akutagawa agrees that Atsushi is foolish for lingering on his past despite it no longer defines him. In response, Atsushi claims Dazai already acknowledged Akutagawa. With this in mind, Akutagawa prepared for the final battle.

Whilst the battle ensues, Fitzgerald continues to overwhelm Akutagawa and tosses Atsushi off Moby Dick. Akutagawa uses Rashōmon to grab him, and Atsushi finally defeats Fitzgerald. Akutagawa reveals he grabbed the terminal to Moby Dick during the battle. Angry he is too weak to kill Atsushi, Akutagawa settles for stomping on his head. However, the terminal reactivates, and Moby Dick begins its descent. Akutagawa tries disabling it but determines it was broken and that someone else is afoot, and tells Atsushi they have to head for the bridge. At the bridge, Kyōka contacts Atsushi and tells him she would lead the ship away at the cost of her life. Undeterred, Akutagawa forces Atsushi to abandon ship. After reaching the safety of land, Akutagawa calls Kyōka a fool for 'pointlessly' sacrificing herself. It was not until Dazai appears to praise Atsushi that Akutagawa shifts gears, trying to ignore his exhaustion now that nothing stands in his way. Dazai doubts he can after giving his all against Fitzgerald. He pats Akutagawa's shoulder, finally praising him and acknowledging that he's much stronger than in the past. The shock of his praise was so much that Akutagawa passes out. Akutagawa and Atsushi have a brief encounter at night after the Guild war. As Atsushi looks at the city skyline and musingly remarks that it is the city that they have been protecting, Akutagawa chides him for always talking nonsense. After the Guild's defeat, Akutagawa's tasked with giving Dazai information on a fatal car accident and is displeased to see Atsushi instead. He reports the death as an accident. The weapons dealer of the firearm the deceased met to trade with saw the accident. Although the news distresses Atsushi, Akutagawa dismisses his distress as foolishness and tells him to look into the matter himself, instead of asking everyone for the answers. Leaving, he states killing Atsushi as he is now would not satisfy him. He denies Dazai's so-called status as Atsushi's 'mentor', claiming that the title belongs to the orphanage director. Out of respect for his 'mentor's' death, Akutagawa leaves Atsushi alone. During some genuine downtime, Akutagawa meets up with Gin, his younger sister, after she returns from a long-term mission where he greeting her and they headed home.

Akutagawa moves in on the 'masked assassin' that's been killing ability users. A remote signal notifies him of a nearby explosion, revealing the culprit's location. He attacks the assassin, and during the battle damages the mask, revealing his opponent's identity - Hawthorne. Akutagawa understands Hawthorne's method of battle and knows Hawthorne does this for Mitchell's sake after Akutagawa left her in a dire state. However, he finds out Hawthorne has no recollection of their first meeting, much to his shock. After the assassination attempt on Mori, and an ultimatum to kill Yukichi Fukuzawa lest Mori dies, Akutagawa participates on the raid on the Armed Detective Agency. Chūya Nakahara orders him to join the main forces against the Agency's detectives. When it's revealed to be Tanizaki's illusion, Akutagawa questions if Tanizaki threw his life away for such a plan. When the Agency retaliates with a raid on the Port Mafia, Kyōka attempts to attack Higuchi, but Akutagawa cuts a hole into the floor, confronting her instead. He orders Higuchi to inform reinforcements of the raid upstairs, and smiles, stating it's been a long time since he faced an opponent with a spine, eager to fight Kyōka. He lectures Kyōka for taking him head-on, since she's used to covert operations, and is surprised when Kyōka makes Demon Snow intangible, demonstrating her newfound control over the ability. Kyōka catches him off guard by using Demon Snow as a distraction and nearly kills him, but Akutagawa uses Rashōmon to armor his hand and stop her from slicing his throat. Akutagawa acknowledges Kyōka's change of heart, remembering the time Kyōka approached him when she first joined the mafia and begged Akutagawa to kill her. Even when she sacrificed herself on the ship or Moby Dick, Akutagawa saw no value of life in her eyes. He explains she's not the first person who looked at the world with such eyes. For a moment, he recalls his first meeting with Dazai, surrounded by mafioso that killed Akutagawa's companions when he was only 14. When asked what happened to 'the man' Akutagawa recalled where he said the same thing happened to him that happened to Kyōka - he met a certain person, joined a different organization, and lost the hope for death in his eyes. Remembering his claim that he gave Kyōka a reason to live by having her kill, Akutagawa genuinely praises her, saying he's happy for her new life. Kyōka retreats, and Akutagawa acknowledges a call from Higuchi that a "lemon runway" is underway.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Ryunosuke Akutagawa was a male human with a slim build and very pale skin. He was often seen covering his face with his hand due to his frequent coughing. He has short, choppy black hair with side bangs that reach his chin and turn white at the tips. His eyes are sharp, somewhat baggy, and a dark empty grey.

Ryuunosuke has shown to be extremely violent and ruthless when it comes to his work, all the while maintaining a stoic and detached figure. His composure is frequently broken by rage, however. He is quick to lash out whenever something did not go his way.

As violent as he was, Akutagawa maintained a generally composed and detached approach. Towards subordinates and superiors alike, he acts aloof, distancing himself from social interactions however possible. Nonetheless, his composure is fragile. In instances such as Higuchi's screw-up during the manhunt for Atsushi, Akutagawa is quick to lash out, ridiculing him for risking the bounty by acting recklessly. This quick temper often gets in his way, fueling his actions to the core of his very being.

Dazai claimed that Ryunosuke was a poor student and a slow learner.

He came to believe that people that were weak did not deserve to survive and refused any help.

For all his rage, bitterness, and resentment towards humanity and the world itself, Akutagawa has his moments. He has an amicable relationship with his younger sister, Gin, going as far as to help and do her favors without complaint. Further, after Higuchi and Black Lizard save him from a rival group, Akutagawa apologizes to Higuchi for the trouble. Although these are small, short moments of Akutagawa's calmer, earnest side, they nonetheless carry weight. It's evident Akutagawa rarely or never lies, making him honest, even if it's a brutal and unnecessary majority of the time.

Akutagawa was noted for having an intense hatred towards Atsushi.

This rivalry eats at the two for much of the time, however, Akutagawa eventually comes to something of an understanding of Atsushi. His resentment still fresh, and a never-ending willingness to kill Atsushi for his own sake, at the least mingles with some form of respect towards Atsushi. This shows most notably when Atsushi struggles to come to terms with the death of the orphanage director. Although it is the perfect time to off Atsushi, Akutagawa refrains from doing so, saying he'll leave him alone to deal with the pain of losing his mentor. He also develops an adept understanding of Beast Beneath the Moonlight, aiding both of them when fighting together against Fitzgerald and Goncharov.

After fighting together, he determined that he could not move forward in life without challenging Atsushi. This led to him making a threat that in six months time the pair would fight to the death.

Following a later fight with Kyōka, he commented that he was happy for Izumi as she had grown since leaving the Port Mafia.

Powers and abilities

As a gifted, Akutagawa had a number of superhuman abilities that he could use in a fight. This power was referred to as Rashoumon (羅生門, Rashōmon?) that typically took the form of black clothing around him. Rashōmon was summoned from, but not limited to, Akutagawa's coat and any other garments he wears. It transforms into an omnivorous, shadow-like black beast. Rashōmon allows Akutagawa to manipulate any clothing he wears. He can transform it into a blade that can easily cut a person's limb, remove someone's guts or overall slice through someone's body. Moreover, Akutagawa can use his Rashōmon to do long range attacks such as throwing grenade to the enemies.[16] Akutagawa can also use Rashōmon to restrain someone or catch a falling object easily. Rashōmon has been shown to be completely adaptable and can switch between offense and defense to suit Akutagawa's needs. It takes on a form of a shadow-like beast made up of what seems to be dark matter, drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar sources. It can consume anything, even space itself. Once space is split, guns or fire cannot hurt Akutagawa. However, its space rupturing capabilities needs time to activate, so taking advantage of this can give the enemy a window of opportunity to attack. Akutagawa can also freely pull himself out from his overcoat in order to free himself when faced in a dangerous situation. It is also capable of digging and slicing the ground so it can be used for stealth purposes, can serve as a foothold for attacks, can be used as a tool to restrain someone, using the ability's fabric as a cast to set his broken bone, or basically a tool to slice other things such as a fire extinguisher as a defense in a battle.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Rashōmon: Agito (羅ら生しょう門もん・顎アギト,? lit. "Rashōmon: Jaws"):
  • Rashōmon: Murakumo (羅ら生しょう門もん・叢ムラクモ,? lit. "Rashōmon: Swarm") :
  • Rashōmon: Higanzakura (羅ら生しょう門もん・彼ひ岸がん桜ざくら,? lit. "Rashōmon: Early Blooming Cherry Blossoms") :
  • Rashōmon: Sawarabi (羅ら生しょう門もん・早さ蕨わらび,? lit. "Rashōmon: Freshly Budded Bracken") :
  • Rashōmon: Gokumon Agito (羅ら生しょう門もん・獄ごく門もん顎あぎと,? lit. "Rashōmon: Prison Gate Jaws") :
  • Rashōmon: Renmon Agito (羅ら生しょう門もん・連れん門もん顎あぎと,? lit. "Rashōmon: Endless Gate Jaws") :
  • Rashōmon: Dragon Drill Spear (羅ら生しょう門もん・龍りゅう泉せん荘そう, Rashōmon: Ryūsensō?) :
  • Rashōmon: Silver Torrent (羅ら生しょう門もん・銀ぎん絶ぜつ波は擣とう, Rashōmon: Ginzetsu Hatō?) :
  • Spatial Distortion (空間 断絶, Kūkan Danzetsu?) : Akutagawa can distort a space using Rashōmon

Despite being a strong ability with offensive and defensive capabilities, Rashōmon is no match for Dazai's No Longer Human as it can be easily nullified upon contact with the latter. It is also seen to be no match against Oda's ability as the latter can always predict Akutagawa's attacks against him and have once defeated Akutagawa upon their meeting. This eventually resulted to Akutagawa asking Oda to train for him to become strong.

Akutagawa was shown as being a member of the criminal organization known as the Port Mafia (ポートマフィア, Pōto Mafia?) where he operated as a high ranking mob enforcer.


  • Ryunosuke Akutagawa was created by Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa where he featured in the setting of the Bungo Stray Dogs universe.
  • The character was named after the real-world Ryunosuke Akutagawa who was a Japanese writer during the Tasho Period.

In other media


  • In Bungo Stray Dogs, Ryunosuke Akutagawa appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation where he was voiced by Japanese actor Kenshō Ono.


  • Bungo Stray Dogs:

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