Satan's Keys (The Messenger)
Satan's Keys are artifacts that appear in the video game The Messenger.
The origins of Satan's Keys was tied to a dark occult cult known as the Black Templars who lived as far back at the 14th century. Its dark actions eventually attracted the attentions of Phillippe the Good who could no longer tolerate the Temple's sinister activities. Thus, he destroyed their order and seized their treasures whereupon he burnt the Templars at the stake. Despite his actions, a number of the Black Templars survived this purge and swore vengeance for the crimes made against them. Thus, they sold their souls to the Devil in order to achieve their goals which led to them kidnapping the wizard Anselme de Beauvais and forcing him to enchant four objects with a powerful spell. These talismans were based on the four elements of the Apocalypse and it was through this that Satan's Keys were forged in order to bring Armageddon to the world.
Each Key looked different and included:
- The first was a bull
- The second was a vase with an eagle on the top
- The third was a statue of an Assyrian demon
- The fourth was a Persian ewer in the shape of a lion
Once these items were brought together, the cursed magic involved in their creations woudl bring about both chaos and destruction over the face of the Earth. This would bring about the Black Templars revenge for their near annihilation. Writings of the creation of the keys was engraved on ivory tablets by Anselme de Beauvais as a warning to future generations of the danger involved in Satan's Keys. At that point, he stole the ewer and hid it in order to prevent the Black Templars from achieving their goals and hid the relic at Lourve where it remained hidden for centuries. The tablet and the ewer were later excavated by Morgan Sinclair's father in the 21st century where he deciphered the message involved thus learning of Satan's Keys. By this point, the Black Templars were active and searching for the ewer in order to achieve their goal. In order to save the world, Sinclair wrote to his daughter who was a member of the Secret Service and tasked her with the mission of destroying the artifacts in order to save the world. He was brutally murdered by the Black Templars afterwards but not before Morgan Sinclair received the letter and began her mission to find Satan's Keys and destroy them.