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Lady Saturnyne in Marauders v1 #15.

Saturnyne is a female comic character who features in Marvel Comics.





Opal Luna Saturnyne

She was appointed by the Dimensional Development Court to oversee the enlightenment of the inhabitants of Earth-238. Saturnyne attempted to do this by using a special liquid that evolve the people and thus give them the necessary "push" towards a more perfect existence. (The Mighty World of Marvel: Marvel Superheroes v1 #381)


The growing power of Franklin Richards was seen as a danger to the Omniverse leading to the Starlight Citadel sending its agents to acquire him. This led to the Fantastic Four to Otherworld where the Human Torch went to the Citadel where he encountered Saturnyne. This in turn led to Lady Roma where they discussed the nature of the threat and whether this required the elimination of Earth-616's dimension. The Human Torch appealed to the Omniveral Mastrex and made a compelling case for Saturnyne to give him more time in finding a solution acceptable to both sides. Thus, a deal was struck and Earth-616 was spared with the Fantastic Four allowed to depart back to their world with Franklin Richards. (Fantastic Four v3 #8)

She was in the Core Continuum by Lady Roma's side where she advised a more direct approach in detailing the threat they faced to Reed Richards. (Fantastic Four v3 #10)

Afterwards, the villainous Diablo worked with the High Evolutionary in a plot to create a new god. In reality, this was a plot to elevate himself to godhood where he used the body of the Asgardian Destroyer as a vessel. He then used the armour to steal divine energy from all the pantheons to become an omnipotent being with this including that from Otherworld which was felt by Saturnyne. Ultimately, Iron Man and Thor succeeded in defeating Diablo thus thwarting his plans for attaining ultimate power. (Iron Man/Thor v1 #4) Later on, a crisis emerged when Fantomex was seen as a threat to all realities by the Captain Britain Corps. This saw his arrest and trial before the Supreme Omniversal Tribune with Saturnyne standing as judge. Jamie Braddock served as the prosecution whilst Captain England served as the defence as they both presented their cases. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #20)


Afterwards, the armies of Arrako gathered to lay siege to the Starlight Citadel itself but despite this threat Saturnyne was seemingly not worried. She watched as the X-Men intervened in the fight where they attempted to get Saturnyne to join the fight against the enemy. However, she refused and Polaris attempted to pull the Citadel down to force the Majestrix into the fight. She then arrived at the scene where she used her considerable powers to freeze time around all the combatants in the fight leaving them paralysed and unable to move. The first Horseman Death stated that Arrako would not halt in their conquest and would continue to throw the hordes of Amenth against the Starlight Citadel until it was under their rule. Saturnyne then suggested an alternative whereby a contest was made to determine the victor of this conflict whereby two groups of ten swordbearers would battle with one another. Death accepted with Saturnyne drafting Krakoa as her champions that were set to battle the Swordbreakers of Arrako. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)

Saturnyne then attended parliament as a vote was made among the provinces for admitting outsiders into Otherworld. Ultimately, the decision was passed which would allow for the upcoming Contest of Swords to take place. She was then present as the Krakoan swordbearers arrived at the citadel where she gifted them each a card that spoke about their future. Afterwards, she had a meeting when she was approached by Apocalypse who was angered at the card given to him that reminded him of his lost wife. Saturnyne though reminded him that he had no power in this situation and instead asked him to accompany her to her next meeting which was with Annihilation who headed the nation of Arrako. Their leader was Annihilation who was revealed to be Genesis the wife of Apocalypse who he had not seen for thousands of years since she along with the others had gone to fight against Amenth. (X of Swords: Stasis v1 #1)

She then made Wolverine experience a vision of the future that showed the fate of the world if she was killed. This showed the armies of Arrako conquering Earth and defeating its heroes who were all killed in the process. Thus, she dissuaded Logan from attempting to kill her and continued officiating the dinner. In this time, War had attempted to poison Logan but Cypher had taken the contaminated food leading to him almost being killed but he was healed by the White Sword who was disgusted at the actions of his Arraki team mates. Brian Braddock attempted to convince Saturnyne to disqualify the Arrako warriors but she refused after commenting on Wolverine's attempt on her life. Thus, the tournament continued with Saturnyne declaring the first round to be between Captain Britain against Isca the Unbeaten. (Marauders v1 #15) The match was held in Avalon with King Jamie Braddock officiating the match which seemingly saw Betsy Braddock killed as she was shattered to pieces. This led to a point in Arrako's favour with Krakoa experiencing the loss of one of their champions. The next part of the tournament was Cypher versus Bei the Blood Moon but this turned out to be a wedding between the contestants with points awarded to the best speech. Both Bei and Doug Ramsey's speeches were excellent leading to draw with points to their respective sides after they were officially married. (Excalibur v4 #14) The following match was Pogg Ur-Pogg versus Magick in the Floating Kingdom of Roma Regina where they were supposed to have an arm wrestling match. The giant crocodile-like creature from Arrako managed to easily win the match thus earning a point for his side. Meanwhile, the next match was against Wolverine and the Summoner with the two fighting in Blightspoke with this being to the death. Wolverine managed to kill the Summoner but as the match was to the death then it meant that the Summoner won the match on a technicality. Afterwards, War attempted to get her revenge against Solem for a past grievance where he asked for Saturnyne to call on Wolverine for the match in his stead. Solem called on the favour Logan owed him and the fact that he had killed War's son leading to him battling the Horseman. The victor went to the person who severed the limb of their opponent with Logan managing to cut off War's hand but as he was in Solem's place the point was given to Arrako. (Wolverine v7 #7)

With the Captain Britain Corps on the field, they helped in the defence of Otherworld as the Starlight Citadel was being besieged by the Amenthi demons. Unable to stop them, Saturnyne had to allow events to follow their dictated order where she watched as Krakoan reinforcements arrived when the Peak was teleported to the citadel. This allowed the X-Men to enter into the fray where they opened a dimensional doorway to allow the cybernetic extradimensionsal Vescora to attack the battlefield where a portal was used to direct them against the Amenti hordes. In the midst of the fighting, Apocalypse managed to remove the Helm of Annihilation from Genesis with it taking possession of his body. However, unlike his wife, Apocalypse did not intend to win the battle to dominate the helm but simply make Annihilation surrender in the tournament. Thus, the Contest of Swords was over and Amenth lost with Saturnyne intervening where she was able to use her great power to remove the Helm of Annihilation and turn it into a less corruptive form of a spear thus making the entity helpless. With the tournament over, Krakoa was declared the victor and as a sign for an end of hostilities it was decreed by Saturnyne that one person from each side had to live with their opposite number. Genesis requested that Apocalypse join her whilst Apocalypse had it that Arakko along with all its Mutants would join its twin on Earth. In the aftermath, Satunryne looked to consolidate her powerbase such as using Arakki Summoners to tame Blightspoke whilst Vescora were used to mine its untapped riches which she used to control the various kingdoms under her rule. (X of Swords: Destruction v1 #1)

Afterwards, a gathering of the leaders of the different realms of Otherworld was held where Merlyn came to challenge Saturnyne for her actions in handling the threat of Mutants. According to him, a number of disasters had affected their world due to the actions of the 'witchbreed' and highlighted that this stemmed from Saturnyne's failures as Omniversal Majestrix. This open challenge to her rule led to her enlisting the aid of Captain Britain Betsy Braddock into uncovering the nature of the threat posed by Merlyn. (Excalibur v4 #22)


Personality and attributes

As Roma's aide, she held the title of Omniversal Mastrex and represented absolute power. (Fantastic Four v3 #8)

She claimed to had been on the side of the good guys. (The Mighty World of Marvel: Marvel Superheroes v1 #381)

The one thing she wanted was the complete love of Brian Braddock. (X of Swords: Destruction v1 #1)

One of her attendants came to be the humanoid fish-like inhabitant of Otherworld known as Ryl. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

As an agent of the Dimensional Development Court, she was assisted by her Avant Guard that served as her enforcers. They resembled businessman in bowler hats where they carried around umbrellas which were actually highly advanced weapons. These devices were able to fire energy beams, cause dimensional rifts that pierced through personal shielding or even regress life forms to an earlier evolutionary stage. (The Mighty World of Marvel: Marvel Superheroes v1 #380)

Students and devotees of Saturnyne consisted of a series of priestesses organised into two castes that were the white and the green. The white priestesses consisted of those that had chosen to live within the confines of the Citadel and the surrounding province. Priestesses of the White only left their lady's tower by donning the crescent diadems and having a nearly faceless form where their identity was obscured so that they acted to enact Saturnyne's will. Meanwhile, the green priestesses had taken their training and knowledge to the lands outside the Citadel where they enacted their masters intent rather than her direct will. Priestesses of the Green acted as healers, hunters and keepers of the land where they followed Saturnyne's teachings as well as her intent. It was said that they were not violent but that they fiercely protected their forests. (Excalibur v4 #11)


  • Saturnyne was created by Dave Thorpe and Alan Davis where she made her first appearance in The Mighty World of Marvel: Marvel Superheroes v1 #381 (January, 1982).

Alternate Versions


  • The Mighty World of Marvel: Marvel Superheroes v1: (1982)
  • Fantastic Four v3:
  • Uncanny X-Force v1:
  • Excalibur v4:
  • X of Swords: Creation v1:
  • X of Swords: Stasis v1: (2020)
  • Marauders v1: (2020)
  • Wolverine v7: (2020)
  • X of Swords: Destruction v1: (2020)

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