Savage Six

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The Savage Six are a team that feature in Marvel Comics.



The Savage Six were a team of supervillains gathered by the Crime-Master and consisted of Death Adder, the Human Fly, Jack O'Lantern, and Megatak who were offered protection from the law and Kingpin. Venom was planning to take out Crime-Master only to be stopped by Eddie Brock. After a fight with Venom, Jack O'Lantern discovered Eddie Brock webbed up as Crime-Master forcefully bonded Eddie Brock to the Toxin symbiote. The Savage Six targeted the people Venom cared about including his family and Betty Brant. (Venom v2 #17) Jack O'Lantern V in his human guise goes first and targets Betty Brant, only to end up fighting Agent Venom. During the fight, Megatak assists Jack O'Lantern V and punches Agent Venom's phone before he can make a call to the Avengers for help. While getting Betty away from Jack O'Lantern V and Megatak, Agent Venom is attacked by Toxin II (who is in full control of Eddie Brock). Agent Venom manages to use a sonic version of a pepper spray to immobilize Toxin II before getting away. (Venom v2 #18) The Savage Six soon begins to target Betty Brant's family as Betty Brant and Agent Venom leave to go warn Betty's family. They arrive at the home of Betty's mother where they find Human Fly about to eat her. Megatak has also been monitoring the phone lines when it comes to the loved ones of Flash Thompson. Jack O'Lantern V then targets Jessie Thompson and ends up fighting Agent Venom. Agent Venom grabs Jack O'Lantern V's gun and fires on him before Jack O'Lantern V spews acid on him, causing Venom to cool down in the fountain. Although Agent Venom manages to get Jessie Thompson to safety, Toxin II managed to capture Betty Brant whilst the Human Fly I was eating the leftovers of what was supposedly Betty's mother. (Venom v2 #19) Agent Venom continues to look for Betty and ends up killing Death Adder I after torturing the Human Fly I by ripping his wings off so that he can learn where the Crime Master III is located. When Betty is brought before the Crime Master III, she is shocked when the Crime Master reveals himself to be her brother Bennett Brant, who was thought dead after being killed upon being caught in the crossfire of the fight between Blackie Gaxton's group and Doctor Octopus. (Venom v2 #20) When Agent Venom arrives at the Crime Master III's hideout, he defeats Megatak and severely burns Toxin II. Bennett Brant almost kills Agent Venom with a sonic pistol and a flamethrower, but he is shot and killed by Betty. When Agent Venom begins to make a comment on this, Betty states that her brother "died a long time ago". (Venom v2 #21)



  • Crime-Master
  • Jack O'Lantern :
  • Human Fly :
  • Toxin :
  • Vulture :
  • Rhino :
  • Tarantula :
  • Stegron :


  • The Savage Six were created by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe and Al Williamson where they made their first appearance in Spider-Girl v1 #25 (October, 2000).

Alternate Versions

  • In Spider-Girl v1 #25 (2000), the Savage Six made their first appearance in the alternate reality setting of MC2 set on Earth-982.


  • Spider-Girl v1: (2000)
  • Venom v2:
  • Amazing Spider-Man v5:

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