Shayera Hol
Shayera Hol is a female extraterrestrial comic superhero that features in DC Comics.
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Hawkman and Hawkgirl discovered a Shang statue and A Celtic cup in their museum collection, but had no knowledge of how they got in their collection. Hawkman flew to the city of Yin in China, and Hawkgirl flew to the Hill of Tara in Ireland in hopes of getting clues. They each found bandits raiding relics, and defeated them. They also both discovered an immobile sorceress, Zatanna. They brought the two Zatannas to their Thanagarian spaceship, and she merged into one person. She told them that she was Zatara's daughter, and after her father disappeared she searched the world to find him. She attempted to split herself in two, but being unfamiliar with some spells, she found herself mystically drained and immobile, and sent the relics from Yin and Tara to Midway, knowing the hawks would save her. Hawkman used the absorbascon to search Earth, but found no one had knowledge of Zatara's location, and with heavy heart Zatanna left to pursue other avenues. Thieves from the year 11964 came to the past and engaged in a robbery spree. Hawkman and Hawkgirl tried to foil their robbery of an art gallery, but the thieves' human magnetor pinned them down. Hawkman analyzed fibers from the thieves costumes, and developed a chemical that wouldn't be affected by the magnetor. After covering himself and Hawkgirl in the chemical they confronted the robbers, who made another raid on the past. Knowing that the thieves couldn't bring anything from the past into the future that wasn't inside of their magnetor car, they covered it in modern paint. The thieves were sent to jail, and Hawkman suggested auctioning off their futuristic possessions to compensate the victims of their robberies. (Hawkman v1 #4)
Lucius Crane, an elderly gem collector, decided to donate his collection to the Midway City Museum, but when Carter and Shiera came to pick up the valuables they found Shadow-Thief stealing them. As Hawkman and Hawkgirl they pursued him, but a booby trapped gun Shadow-Thief wielded took Hawkman out of action and allowed the villain to escape, and he let it be known to them that he'd guessed their secret identities because of their immediate appearance after they met him in their civilian identities. After another robbery they confronted him, but Shadow-Thief used his dimensiometer to send them in the form of shadows to the shadow dimension of Xarapion from which her got his powers. He used a paralysis beam to imprison their shadows, and as a consequence their earthly bodies were also immobilized. The Thief detailed a plan to use his dimensiometer to bring an ice age to Earth, and left the heroes in their prison, along with Thar Dan, who'd initially given him the dimensiometer and now regretted it. Hawkman used telepathy that was a side effect of the beam to contact a hawk on Earth that moved his body, and on Xarapion he was now free of the beam. Thar Dan gave them a dimensiometer that let them return to normal and physically attack Shadow-Thief on Earth. Once captured Shadow-Thief threatened to reveal their identities, but Hawkman had Dal use a paralysis ray on the Thief's human form on Xarapion to keep him from talking, while his shadow was imprisoned in an Earth prison. (Hawkman v1 #5)
Archaeologist Paul Colby unearthed a golden mask created by Vulcan in Greece and presented it to Carter and Shiera Hall of the Midway Museum. It was once the mask of a giant automaton that wrecked havoc in Greece centuries ago. As he was hanging it in the Hellas Hall it possessed him and subdued Carter. The mask took him back to Mount Olympus with the Halls in their superhero identities of Hawkman and Hawkgirl in hot pursuit. The mask uncovered its body and reunited, bringing the Giant in the Golden Mask back to life. The Ginat went on a rampage until the hawks found the case where Colby discovered the mask, and once again separated the giant and his face, leaving him immobile. The giant was kept on display as a tourist attraction to bring in money to restore the town it wrecked. The mask was brought to the Midway Museum, where it was unveiled to the public for one minute daily, not enough time for it to take mental possession of anyone nearby. Hawkman and Hawkgirl planned a dinner date, but before their night out Hawkgirl spent the afternoon cleaning their Thanagarian ship. Kalvars, aliens that crash-landed on Earth thousands of years ago, awoke and needed an intact spaceship to depart the planet. Their leader Fal Tal attacked Hawkgirl mentally and made off with the Hawks ship. The Hawks repaired the Kalvar ship and overtook the aliens, temporarily disabling their Thanagarian craft, and took them to Thanagar to stand trial for the theft. (Hawkman v1 #6)
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.
The New 52
With the power of the Totality, Perpetua splintered the soul of Chay-ara causing her to reincarnate as both Kendra Saunders on Earth after the death of Shiera Hall and as Shayera Hol of Thanagar. This was because she was deemed a threat and thus separating her from parts of herself would prevent her from being a threat to Perpetua. (Justice League v4 #16)
Whilst going through his past incarnations, Carter Hall ended up on Thanagar where he was confronted by his older reincarnation of Katar Hol where the two battled until he managed to convince him of his mission. It was then that the Thanagarian Wingmen arrived with Shayera present who believed Carter was a criminal from Downside with Katar kicking him over the edge. They returned back to patrol whilst Carter gathered a relic and returned back to the modern day on Earth. (Hawkman v5 #4)
After the destruction of Thanagar by Despero, the Thanagarian people were fractured and numbering only in the thousands thus making them weak. During this time, Shayera was crowned empress of her people and desperately sought a means of restoring their strength. She came upon a solution in the wake of the crisis that broke the Source Wall where she used the power of the Absorbascon with that of the powerful mind of the Martian Keep to change reality according to her desires. With this power, she restored the Thanagarian empire based on Thanagar Prime but kept the circumstances a secret. Members of the Justice League came to Thanagar Prime to search for clues regarding the mysterious new powers emerging in the universe where they uncovered Empress Shayera's plot. She attempted to stop them until she could cause the thought manifestations from the Absorbascon to become more permanent. However, this was stopped when the Martian Keep died and she faced arrest for her actions as she showed guilt over her actions as she only wanted to save her people. At that point, the other members of the League arrived on Thanagar through the aid of Starman Will Payton who was host to the power of the Totality. With it, he merged the missing piece of Shiera Hall's soul within Shayera back to Kendra's body thus restoring her self completely. As a result, Shayera was not free from the destiny of Shiera Hall and her soul was truly her own. Rather than face arrest, she was allowed to remain free and continue to be a leader to her people as she was needed to help the Thanagarians to rebuild which she vowed to do without using the Absorbascon again. (Justice League v4 #16)
Personality and attributes
Powers and abilities
- Shayera Hol was created by Gardner Fox and Joe Kubert where she made her first appearance in Brave and the Bold v1 #34 (March, 1961).
Alternate Versions
In other media
- In the DC Animated Universe, Shayera Hol made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
- In Justice League, Shayera Hol first appeared as Hawkgirl in the animated television series where he was voiced by actress MarĂa Canals Barrera.
- In Young Justice, Shayera Thal appeared as Hawkwoman in the animated television series where she was voiced by actress Danica McKellar.
- Brave and the Bold v1: (1961)
- Hawkman:
- Hawkworld v1:
- Hawkman v5:
- Justice League v4:
External Links
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