Simon Dark

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Simon Dark is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.



Simon Dark

He seems to have been created from a number of dead bodies and, as such, has no memory of his past. He also states that he remembers everything he reads, which implies he may have a photographic memory. Dark doesn't have any clear memories of where he came from, nor how he came to inhabit Gotham City. He has vague memories of being smaller then growing however, his "straps have not" and later revelations indicate that these fragmented memories are from the deceased young men who were used in his creation. A preliminary forensic examination gave his estimated age as approximately eighteen years old.


Personality and attributes

His name was the basis of a nursery rhyme spoken in Gotham that said:

"Lurks in shadows, hides in the park.
Simon. Simon.
Simon Dark.
If you're good, he'll stay away
If you're bad, he'll make you pay
Lurks in shadows. Hides in the park.
Simon. Simon.
Simon Dark"

Powers and abilities

He was resistant to damage where bullets hurt but did not seem to seriously impair him. In addition, he was extremely strong, could read minds, pasts and futures by touching people and can change his appearance to hide his scarred face. He can cast magical rituals that allow him to see far away places and the future, and transport himself and other people to other dimensions. Once, he uses a magical rock like a floating high speed weapon, slamming through enemies like a bullet under his mental direction.

He also has three shapechanging servants he calls his 'familiars', who he liberates from the evil cult; they are physically very powerful.


  • Simon Dark was created by Steve Niles and Scott Hampton where he made his first appearance in Simon Dark v1 #1 (October, 2007).


  • Simon Dark v1: (2007)

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