Skartaris is a location that features in DC Comics.
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Prior to the sinking of Atlantis, many Atlanteans fled an impending disaster that was going to affect their civilization. One such expedition managed to enter the realm of Skartaris by journeying through the arctic where they managed to find an entrance to this world. After arriving, the Atlantean survivors decided to rebuild their civilization which anaged to surpass their former home as they were now free from the sleep cycles from the surface as Skartaris had only eternal daylight. In time, however, the Atlantean city-states declared war against one another with their rebuild society being brought down into ruin as a result. Following generations, the Skartarians managed to climb back to various states of barbarism though a number of bestial humanoids also emerged in this time who had mutated due to lingering radiation that affected Skartaris. An Atlantean computer that was created in this early era where it continued to record all events. (Warlord v1 #5)
- "In the savage world of Skartaris, life is a constant struggle for survival. Here, beneath an unblinking orb of eternal sunlight, one simple law prevails: If you let down your guard for an instant you will soon be very dead"
Locations that were in Skartaris included:
- Asravar :
- Ba'al Forest :
- Balgar Bay :
- Bandakhar :
- Bantham :
- Baroth Mountains :
- Beast Tower :
- Bloodrock Mountains :
- Captain Hawk's Stronghold :
- Caves of the Cyclops :
- Citadel of Timgad : formerly the great city of the Sorcerer Kings. The Citadel of Timgad is now overrun by hobgoblins and filled with traps. It was the only one that has wells in the Desert of Doom which attracts travelers.
- City of the Dead :
- Desert of Doom :
- Desert of Sorrows :
- Doomgate Temple :
- Dragon Sea :
- Drakmeer :
- Forest of Ebondar :
- Great Fire Mountain :
- Groniko :
- Haunted Mountains :
- Isle of Titans : an island that is home to the Skartarian Titans led by Queen Amarant.
- Kaambuka :
- Kalibahs :
- Kasamaga Island :
- Kiro :
- Lake of Dreams :
- Mountains of the Sun :
- North Sea :
- Sea of Grel : a sea that borders Skartaris to the west. It contains ports such as Bal Shazar, Kiro, Bakwele and Kallistan. It also contains the Bay of Tears, Balgar Bay, and Captain Hawk's Stronghold.
Skartaris is populated by primitive people of various levels of culture ranging from the primitive to medieval, with the most advanced inhabiting city state monarchies such as Shamballah (based on the mythical Tibetan realm of Shambhala), the home of Morgan's principal love interest Tara. The practice of magic is well developed, numerous sorcerers being known, usually antagonistic to each other and to Morgan; the most prominent is Deimos, his main antagonist. Remnants of the super-scientific technology of Atlantis can also be found. Skartaris is overrun by a variety of prehistoric creatures from all geological eras, notably dinosaurs.
In the savage world of Skartaris, life as a constant struggle for survival with one simple law prevailing namely that if one let down their guard for an instant then they could be die.
- Deimos :
- Warlord :
- Shakira :
- Machiste :
- Skartaris was created by Mike Grell where it made its first appearance in 1st Issue Special v1 #8 (November, 1975).
- As indicated in Comic Book Resources, creator Mike Grell said, "the name comes from the mountain peak Scartaris that points the way to the passage to the earth's core in Journey to the Center of the Earth".
- Skartaris is essentially a translation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Pellucidar into the graphic medium, with elements of Jules Verne and half a dozen other fictional Hollow Earth settings.
- In Grell's concept, as in Burroughs', the Earth is a hollow shell with Skartaris as the internal surface of that shell.
- Skartaris was eventually retconned into being located in another dimension instead of physically inside the Earth.
Alternate Versions
In other media
- In Justice League Unlimited, Skartaris appeared in the setting of the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe in the episode "Chaos at the Earth's Core". It was a mysterious land in a pocket dimension. Powered by a small red sun, the world of Skartaris was home to many different tribes and nations, and had a diverse wildlife that included dinosaur species that were extinct on the outside World. Several people were able to travel from the outside to the inside via a hole in the North Pole. Green Lantern, Supergirl, Stargirl, and S.T.R.I.P.E. were summoned by the Warlord's daughter Jennifer against Deimos. Metallo and the Silver Banshee had provided his forces with energy weapons in exchange for capturing the Great Stone, which is actually a large chunk of Kryptonite. With the Justice League's help, they defeat Deimos' forces, bringing peace to Skartaris. Afterward, Green Lantern closed the portal to Skartaris to prevent anyone from getting the Great Stone.
- 1st Issue Special v1: (1975)
- Warworld:
- Wonder Woman:
- Young Justice:
External Links
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