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'Jersey Devil to 2025
2026 to 878
87th Century to Aladdin (Ultraverse)
Alan Grant to Angel (Buffy-Angel)
Angel (Evangelion) to Artrons
Arturo to Barbatos (DC)
Barbecue (G.I. Joe) to Bio-Exorcist
Bio-Extract to Boomerang (Marvel)
Boon to Cain Marko
Cain Nightroad to Cerebro (Marvel)
Ceremony of the Sun to Claymore (group)
Clayton Cole to Count Zark
Count Zaroff to Dalton
Dalton (Buffy) to Dee-Dee Twins
Deen to Doctor Sivana
Doctor Skuba to Drow
Drowzee to Elita-One
Elite (DC) to Extremists (DC)
Eye Guy to Flash Museum
Flash Thompson to Gabriel Angelos
Gabriel Ashlocke to Ghost Rider (Marvel)
Ghost Trap to Great Mouse Detective
Great Network of Hyperspace Gates to Hans (TaleSpin)
Hans (Where Eagles Dare) to Highbrow (Marvel)
Highbrow (Transformers) to Ibuki (Street Fighter)
Icarus to Irvin (City of Lost Children)
Isaac Christians to Jehnna
Jei (Usagi Yojimbo) to Judomaster
Judoon to Keith Blue
Keith Driscoll to Korra
Korugar to Leetah
Leezard, Sly to Lockjaw (Marvel)
Lockyar to Magica De Spell
Magiclands (DC) to Marvel Comics 1983
Marvel Comics 1984 to Men of Letters
Men on the Wall to Mister Misery (Marvel)
Mister Mxyzptlk to Muhammad X
Muir Island to Neroon
Nerubians to Oberati
Oberon's Sword to Otto
Otto Hecht to Phantom Eagle (Marvel)
Phantom Girl to Professor Honeycutt
Professor Isokawa to R. Dorothy Wainwright
R. Dorothy Wayneright to Regis, Ed
Regis Licker to Rond Vidar
Ronin (Marvel) to Sardo Numspa
Sarek to Set
Set (Conan) to Simon Stagg
Simone Deveaux to Special Judicial Squad
Special Operations Division (Read or Die) to Strickland, Gerald
Strickland, James to Talia (disambiguation)
Talia Gladys to The Machine (Person of Interest)
The Major (Hellsing) to Tony Stark
Tony Thomas to Ultear Milkovich
Ultimate Chaos to Vernard, Kristoff
Vernon Stone to Weazel
Web War to X-Factor Investigations
X-Files to Zenitsu Agatsuma
Zenn-La to Ōtsutsuki Clan
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