Spetznaz Guard Brigade (EndWar)
The Spetznaz Guard Brigade is a military organization that features in Tom Clancy's EndWar.
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The military branch of Russia after the year 2016 when a nuclear war was fought between Iran and Saudia Arabia. Members of the Guard were highly skilled and made up for any deficiencies with pure brute force. Its members were hardened veterans of Russia's many regional conflicts with some being said that the soldiers of the Brigade had seen so much war that they had lost any empathy for human life.
Though this might be true, the Spetznaz Guard were a highly effective as well as determined and deadly force. They focused on heavy weapons and armor. They were excellent in modifying their equipment with what was at hand. Their vehicles often bristled with bolted on weaponry with equipment that the original designers never intended on including.
The Wolves are members of the Russian Spetsnaz Guard Brigade serving as their soldiers. They believe its better to be feared then loved. They developed a reputation for being tough, brutal and ruthless in combat. Many believe them to be little more than sociopaths and thugs who simply enjoy killing. However, some have noted that this is both unfair and untrue as the men and women who make up the Wolves have seen so much conflict that they have distanced themselves from their emotions. This results in inhuman acts not affecting them. Furthermore, calling them thugs would be a fatal mistake as they are the most skilled and experienced soldiers in the world.
These soldiers have stuck with what works and as such make use of AK-74 as well as its variants by the year 2020 despite the age of the weapon. Over the course of years, these weapons ahve been improved upon with the primary change being its 5.45mm ammunition though the rifle itself remains unchanged. Further differences include the addition of attachments being easier and a muzzle brake which has been improved upon. In addition to this, they are also armed with the OSV-120 sniper rifle which is the newest and most advanced rifle in the SGB's arsenal. This was because no existing weapon met the standards of sniper engagements which required the creation of a high-caliber rifle in 2009 with it being finalized in 2016. The weapon has developed an infamous reputation for being highly accurate as well as reliable.
The SGB armor of the Wolves remains on the inside of the uniform rather than on the outside with it being heavy, uncomfortable as well as difficult to move in. This has the added effect of making its soldiers larger and bulkier to look at. This combined with the tenancity as well as determination of the average Wolf means that these soldiers of the SGC often make a fearsome sight to their enemies.
Like the Wolves, the Bears make use of older weaposn and equipment which surprisingly does nto hinder their effectiveness as they are as experienced as their rifleman cousins. SGB engineers were quick to adapt to any situation and do well against gunships as well as armored vehicles when behind adequate cover. When compared to the engineer divisions of the Joint Strike Force of the European Enforcer Corps, the Bears may look ill equipped for their tasks but this was often a deadly mistake to make as all their equipment was battle proven. Though they may not be anything to look at, they do get the job done. Their uniform and equipment are not uniform but instead the individual Bears customize their gear.
SGB Bears possess a large assortment of explosives and support weapons in their arsenal with the most terrifying one being the RP-Z3 which was a rocket propelled projectile launcher that was armed a warhead containing incendiary pellets. They are deployed by the SGB for anti-tank duties which they accomplish through the use of hand grenades and poison gas to clear buildings from enemy infantry. In the role of anti-armor, they make use of shoulder launched mini-kornet-k HEAT missiles. They cana lso deploy AHM-500 that served as an effective anti-helicopter landmine which fills the sky with nearly 30kg explosive bomblets which detonate when enemy air units fly near them.
Despite all this firepower, the Bears are not equipped to deal with infantry threats. Their only form of defense against enemy soldiers is their personal PP3000 sub-machinegun for defense though are outgunned by the assault weapons of enemy rifleman units.
Thermobaric Weapons
Russia does not possess the necessary skill to create kinetic energy weapons or highly advanced energy lasers from orbit but instead makes use of plenty of advanced thermobaric weapons. Commonly referred to as vacuum bombs, a SLAMS system may have made ICBM weapons obselete, the thermobaric weapons can still be used as a weapon of war. Their sheer size and their short range meant that they were often deployed through large wheeled vehicles to avoid detection. They create powerful shockwaves comparable to that of a nuclear weapon as they ignited oxygen in the atmosphere.
- Tom Clancy's EndWar:
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