Sylvanas Windrunner
Sylvanas Windrunner is a female video game character who features in Warcraft.
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Sylvanas Windrunner was a female High Elf born to the Windrunner family of Quel'Thalas in the world of Azeroth.
Afterwards, the High Elves came to withdraw from the Alliance whilst Sylvanus and her rangers were asked to guard Silvermoon from any attackers. Years later, such a threat emerged from the fallen prince Arthas Menethil who came to head an army of undead Scourge. Sylvanus came to be informed by her scouts of the coming undead who were heading towards the elfgates that allowed entry into the lands o the High Elves. Thus, she organised her Farstriders as she observed the Scourge's leader for herself. She came face-to-face with Arthas and suggested that the death knight turn back. However, Arthas retorted that death itself had come to Quel'Thalas, and began his assault on the first elfgate. Despite the Farstriders' best efforts, Arthas was able to successfully crash through it with his necromantic allies, and hulking nerubians acting as sentient siege engines. Sylvanas and her surviving rangers fled back to the second gate, and Sylvanas came to the grim realization that she could not win this battle. However, she held out hope that the magisters at the Sunwell - if they knew what was approaching - could still turn the battle around. She had another ranger rush to inform them that Quel'Thalas may have been betrayed, and observed as the undead Scourge wrought a trail of dark, unholy destruction upon the land.
Arthas continued relentlessly towards the second gate, killing every elf who got in his way. The fallen prince soon learned that the second elfgate was only passable with the use of the Key of the Three Moons, assembled from the mooncrystals hidden within the forest. Sylvanas destroyed the bridge leading to the second gate in an attempt to halt the undead advance, though all her effort proved in vain as Arthas successfully collected all the mooncrystals for the gate and ordered his mind-devoid minions to create a huge bridge of bodies to supplement the destroyed passage. Once Arthas had bested the gate, Sylvanas retreated to Fairbreeze Village, and had its citizens evacuated. With little more than her most stalwart rangers left by her side, Sylvanas resolved to make a final stand before Arthas could push his way into Silvermoon. Every runner she sent to Silvermoon was murdered, and Sylvanas coordinated an aerial dragonhawk attack to counter the invaders. However, this too proved mostly futile. Knowing that her own death approached, Sylvanas could think only of her sister, Alleria, and gazed upon a necklace gifted to her by her elder sibling. Sylvanas mused that they would likely be reunited soon.
Personality and attributes
She came to be referred to by a number of titles including the Dark Lady and as the Banshee Queen.
She was one of three sisters where she had an older sibling in Alleria Windrunner and her younger sister was Vereesa Windrunner.
Powers and abilities
Originally, Sylvanas Windrunner was born as a High Elf who was among the Elves that had settled in Quel'Thalas. In that time, she possessed all the natural traits of the Elves. Sylvanas came to be skilled at archery, an art she mastered as a high elf.
Initially, she was resurrected as a Banshee where she could possess other bodies leading to her taking the form of an undead Dark Ranger. Her screams have the power to silence and weaken her enemies or bolster the power of her allies. A single wail was powerful enough to kill an adult human. When speaking, her voice can ring with the barest hint of the force that her banshee wail could muster, making tapestries shudder. Although Sylvanas has reclaimed her undead high elven body, she still retains the ability to shift in and out of her incorporeal banshee form at will.
When she was living, she came to join the ranks of the Rangers where she rose to the position of Ranger-General of Silvermoon making her the military leader of all high elven forces. This changed when she was slain where she fell into servitude to the Scourge where she served as a General in their armies. Upon being freed from the Lich King's control, she came to head the other undead like herself where she became the ruler of the Forsaken.
- Sylvanas Windrunner was created by Blizzard Entertainment where she featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.
- Initially, the character was voiced by actress Piera Coppola who was later replaced by actress Patty Mattson.
In other media
Video games
- In Heroes of the Storm, Sylvanus Windrunner appeared as a playable champion in the setting of the MOBA video game where she was voiced by actress Patty Mattson.
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
- Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne:
- World of Warcraft:
External Links
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