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Tamriel is a continent that features in The Elder Scrolls.




Dawn Era

Tamriel was one of several continents that were located on the world of Nirn.

The Dawn Era began with the creation of Mundus; it is an era that is known mostly through myth and legend, which are different in different cultures, however most scholars agree on what events led up to the start of recorded history. Time did not exist and when it was created it was not linear, like during a Dragon Break.

Merethic Era

The Mythic Era was a period between the start of linear time and recorded history. The Atmorans came to Tamriel from Atmora; after they arrived, they began to spread throughout mainland Skyrim. When the Aldmer first arrived in Tamriel it is believed by most that they initially settled in the Summerset Isles, and then spread eastward into the mainland of Tamriel.[11] As the Aldmer settled Tamriel, they changed culturally in relation to their new environment. The ones who stayed in Summerset Isles became the Altmer; those in Valenwood, the Bosmer; those in Skyrim, the Snow Elves; in Morrowind, the Chimer and the Dwemer; in Cyrodiil, the Ayleid; and in High Rock, a mix between the Aldmer and the Nedes birthed the Bretons.

It was a time when all manner of mythological occurrences are said to have taken place. The era was commonly considered to be outside of verifiable history, as humanity did not possess a written language to speak of until the end of the Mythic Era. A variety of merish records, on the other hand, date back to the Merethic Era.

First Era

This era began with an expansion of both man and mer peoples with varying degrees of conflict and accommodation. The Nords were particularly warlike where they conquered not only Skyrim but areas of High Rock and Morrowind as well. The First Empire of the Nords ultimately fell to a combined force of Chimer and Dwemer to found Resdayn, but in time they would turn against each other, resulting in the disappearance of the Dwemer and the ascendancy of the Tribunal in the governance of the province.

The apparently cordial relations between Ayleid and men in Cyrodiil ultimately broke down, and Alessia led a slave revolt to liberate men in the province, having received a blessing and the Amulet of Kings from Akatosh, the latter of which was to serve as a symbol of Imperial power for most of Tamriel's history.[18] After a period of relative stability, this empire eradicated the remaining Ayleids under the direction of the Alessian Order. The order itself fell during the War of Righteousness, which wiped out both the Order and the Empire.

The Second Empire was founded in 1E 2703, when Reman Cyrodiil unified the province to fight off an Akaviri invasion. Victory in this battle brought both the Dragonguard and the Akaviri Potentate to Tamriel. Reman and his descendents then went on to conquer all of Tamriel except Morrowind, founding the Second Empire, which some call a golden age. Reman II began the Four-Score War with Morrowind, which ended the same year Reman III was assassinated by the Morag Tong,1E 2920. As Reman left no heirs, the Potentate Versidue-Shaie ruled in his place, and declared the end of the First Era.

Second Era

In 2E 578, Molag Bal launched an invasion on Tamriel known as the Planemeld in an attempt to drag Nirn out of Mundus and into his realm of Coldharbour. This was done so using devices known as Dark Anchors but a hero known as the Vestige led an army into Coldharbour and put an end to his scheme.


In appearance, Tamriel was a continent divided into the nine provinces that were the Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, the Summerset Isles, and Valenwood.

Locations on Tamriel included:

  • Black Marsh :
  • Cyrodiil : also known as the Imperial Province, Dragon Empire, Starry Heart of Nirn, and Seat of Sundered Kings, and Cyrod in Ayleidoon, is a province in the south-central region of Tamriel, and the home of a humanoid race known as Imperials. The center of their Empire and seat of governance, Cyrodiil is also known as "the Heartland". The capital of Cyrodiil, and of the whole empire, the Imperial City, is located on City Isle in the center of the province, which bears the location of White-Gold Tower, possibly the most renowned monument of Tamriel. Despite some accounts describing Cyrodiil as a jungle, it primarily has a temperate climate. One scholar of the middle Second Era attributed this discrepancy to errors made during the transcription of historical texts, while another speculated that White-Gold Tower itself gradually adapted the climate to suit the region's inhabitants. Later sources asserted that Emperor Tiber Septim altered Cyrodiil's climate upon his apotheosis.
  • Elsweyr :
  • Hammerfell : once known as Hegathe, the Deathland or Deathlands, and Volenfell, is a region in the west of Tamriel. It has been described as a province, kingdom, or republic throughout its history. Situated between Skyrim, Cyrodiil, and High Rock. Hammerfell features diverse landscapes including beaches, jungles, grasslands, mountains, and the vast Alik'r desert. It is inhabited by the human race of Redguards, who migrated to Tamriel following the partial sinking of their homeland, Yokuda.
  • High Rock :
  • Morrowind :
  • Skyrim :
  • Summerset Isles :
  • Valenwood :

Creatures that inhabited the continent included:

  • Troll :
  • Dragon :

Races that lived in Tamriel included:

  • Bretons :
  • Redguards :
  • Imperials :
  • Argonians :
  • Khajiit :
  • Altmer :
  • Falmer :
  • Dwemer :
  • Ayleids :
  • Chimer :

The land was a great melting pot of cultures and races; being home to at least a dozen races, with dozens more having died out or changed in ages gone by.

Organizations on the continent included:

  • Tamrielic Empire :
  • Aldmeri Dominion :
  • An-Xileel :
  • Mages Guild :
  • Dawnguard :
  • Order of the Black Worm :
  • Thieves Guild :

Many different gods are worshipped across Tamriel, with each culture having its own pantheon of gods. A complete list of these can be found in the book Varieties of Faith in the Empire. However, many of these pantheons represent the same deities, which can broadly be split into two groups:

  • Aedra :
  • Daedra :


  • Ulfric Stormcloak :
  • Vestige :
  • Varen Aquilarios :
  • Dragonborn :


  • Tamriel was created by Bethesda Game Studios where it featured in the setting of The Elder Scrolls universe.


  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:
  • The Elder Scrolls Online:

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