Tenth Doctor

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The Tenth Doctor.

The Tenth Doctor is a male television character who features in Doctor Who.



The Tenth Doctor was one of the incarnations of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. After the Ninth Doctor absorbed the Time Vortex from Rose Tyler, the forces of the time vortex began to destroy every cell in his body, and he had to regenerate to save his life. After regenerating, the new Doctor noted his new teeth, and intended to take Rose to the planet Barcelona. (Episode: The Parting of the Ways) With Rose suffering an emotional crisis over his sudden change, he instead decided to take her home to the Powell Estate in London. En route, he convinced her of his identity by reminding her of the first word the Ninth Doctor had said to her, before he began to suffer adverse effects from his regeneration. Experiencing manic hyperactivity, he accelerated the TARDIS' speed. (Episode: Children in Need Special)

The Doctor slept through much of the ongoing invasion by the Sycorax. When the TARDIS was taken aboard a Sycorax spaceship on Christmas morning, he awoke with the help of some tea that seeped into a component of the TARDIS. Stopping the Sycorax leader's blood control of humanity, the Doctor challenged him to a duel over the fate of Earth. In the ensuing sword fight, the Sycorax leader chopped off the Doctor's hand. However, because he was still within the first fifteen hours of his regeneration cycle, he grew a new hand and went on to win the duel for the Earth. When the Sycorax leader went back on the deal, the Doctor ejected him from the ship, killing him, proclaiming that he was a "no second chances" sort of man. As the Sycorax fled, Prime Minister Harriet Jones ordered their ship destroyed, killing the Sycorax. Enraged that Harriet would execute a retreating enemy, the Doctor whispered, "Don't you think she looks tired", to her aide, bringing about Harriet's premature downfall. After choosing his new outfit, the Doctor had Christmas dinner with Mickey and the Tyler (Episode: The Christmas Invasion)

Taking off from the Powell Estate with Rose, the Doctor was summoned to the New New York Hospital on New Earth by the Face of Boe. There, he discovered the Sisters of Plenitude were creating human clones and infecting them with every disease to develop cures for the other patients. Discovering that Cassandra O'Brien had possessed Rose, the Doctor cured all of the clones with the hospital lift's disinfectant, along with the treatments developed by the Sisters, with a reluctant Cassandra's help as she had set them free to rampage. This created a new lifeform in the process, and the Sisters were arrested by the NNYPD while the Doctor talked with the Face of Boe, who promised to share his secret with the Doctor upon their next meeting. When the Doctor ordered Cassandra out of Rose's body, she found a volunteer host in her servant, Chip, but as he only had a 'half-life', Chip's body began failing. With Cassandra finally accepting her fate, the Doctor and Rose took her back in time to die in the arms of her younger self. (Episode: New Earth)

Aiming to see an Ian Dury concert in 1979 Sheffield, the Doctor and Rose took an accidental trip to 1879 Scotland, where they and Sir Robert MacLeish protected Queen Victoria from an assassination attempt by the Brethren at Torchwood House that involved a Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform. The Doctor deduced the House was a trap for the wolf designed by Sir Robert's father and Prince Albert and used the house's telescope and the Koh-i-Noor diamond to hit the wolf with focused moonlight. At the host's request, he increased the power to kill him. As a reward, the Doctor and Rose were knighted by the Queen, but then promptly banished from the British Empire because she was unnerved by their blasé attitude to danger. (Episode: Tooth and Claw)

The Doctor and Rose then went undercover at Deffry Vale High School, where the Doctor was reunited with his old friend Sarah Jane Smith, who was also investigating the strange goings-on at the school. The two of them met again later that night, and the Doctor revealed his identity to her. After repairing K9 Mark III and making amends with her, the Doctor learned that Krillitane oil was being added to the school dinners to boost the children's intelligence. Rose confronted him about Sarah Jane, forcing him to confess that she could spend the rest of her life with him, but he could not with her. He defined this as "the curse of the Time Lords", unknowingly revealing himself to the Krillitanes' leader, Brother Lassar, who was spying on them. The next day, the Doctor confronted Lassar at the school and warned him to stop, but the Krillitane was confident he'd join forces with them once he worked out what they were trying to achieve. Together with Sarah and Rose, he discovered the Krillitanes were using the children's minds to solve the Skasis Paradigm. Lassar tempted him with an alliance, claiming he could use the Paradigm to restore fallen civilisations, including his own people. Sarah, however, talked him out of it and Lassar ordered his brothers to pursue them. K9 sacrificed himself to blow up the Krillitanes with their oil, destroying the school, which Mickey had emptied, in the process. The Doctor asked Sarah Jane to re-join him in the TARDIS, but she declined, instead suggesting that the Doctor allow Mickey to accompany him and Rose on their travels, as he was finally ready to see the universe. As they departed, the Doctor left behind a new rebuilt K9 as a parting gift for Sarah Jane, giving it all the memories of the previous model. (Episode: School Reunion)

Choosing a random location, he showed Donna Noble the planet they arrived on which was revealed to be the Ood Sphere that was home to the Ood. Arriving in 4126, they toured Ood Operations that sold the Ood as slaves across the three galaxies. During their investigation, the Doctor came to see the depths of the slavery operations and decided to help the species. In this time, the Ood experienced a rash of incidents where their eyes went red and they became aggressive. The Doctor came to learn that this was the result of the Ood's external brain's attempts at freeing itself from years of captivity. The Doctor and Donna Noble aided the Ood and prevented the brains destruction allowing the Oodkind to be truly free once the telepathic dampeners were removed from the brain. (Episode: Planet of the Ood)


Personality and attributes

This version of the Doctor had his intention being to have fun wherever he went. (Episode: The Waters of Mars)

His keen sense of loss led him to empathise with those who had also suffered. (Episode: Fear Her) However, Donna Noble noted the reason the Doctor required a companion was to keep him from succumbing to his darker side. (Episode: The Runaway Bride) He felt profound regret for the deaths he had seen. (Episode: Journey's End) In fact, the Moment even came to refer to him as "the man who regrets". (Episode: The Day of the Doctor)

The Tenth Doctor seemingly had come to terms with the sense of survivor's guilt felt by his predecessor though this one had begun to feel his age. (Episode: Silence in the Library)

He had said that he could not spend his life with humans as he would ultimately outlive them. In this sense, he said that this was the 'curse of the Time Lords'. (Episode: School Reunion)

Powers and abilities

He was able to hear the telepathic calls of the Ood's shared mind and could let others hear its song. (Episode: Planet of the Ood)


  • The Tenth Doctor was portrayed by actor David Tennant where he appeared in the episode "The Christmas Invasion" (2005).

In other media


Audio Drama

Video games


  • Doctor Who: "The Christmas Invasion" (2005)

External Links

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