Teyla Emmagan
Teyla Emmagan is a female television character who features in Stargate.
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Teyla Emmagan was a female human native to the Pegasus Galaxy where she was the daughter of Tagan. (SGA: Rising, Part 1)
Unknown to her, one of her ancestors was native to a world that had the people from a village seemingly abducted by the Wraith. However, unlike others, those taken were returned where initially it was believed that they were brought back by the Ancestors. In reality, those abducted were the result of a secret experiment conducted by a Wraith scientist who was operating without the authority by the rest of his kind. The purpose of these experiments was to improve the efficiency of their feeding process on humans. As a result, Wraith genetic material was added to the test subjects but eventually the project was deemed a failure and they were allowed to return to their village. None were aware that those subjected to these experiments gained the telepathy of the Wraith as a result. (SGA: The Gift)
When Colonel Marshall Sumner and Major John Sheppard's team arrived on Athos, she greeted them. She could tell that Sumner did not respect her but Sheppard did. When Sumner wished to search the abandoned city, she warned against it. Later, she showed Sheppard the caves where her ancestors hid from the Wraith. Once inside, Sheppard found a necklace that she had lost years before. On the way back, three Wraith Darts came through the Stargate. She was beamed into one of the Darts and taken to the Wraith homeworld. She awoke on a Wraith Hive ship and Toran was the first one chosen. She was rescued by Sheppard and Lt. Aiden Ford and saved Ford's life on the way to the Puddle Jumper. They made it to the Jumper safely and they returned to Atlantis. She later joined the Atlantis Reconnaissance 1 with Sheppard, Ford, and Dr. Rodney McKay. (SGA: Rising) While enjoying some down time, Major John Sheppard tried to explain to her the game of football. When Jinto accidentally released the Shadow creature, she had the idea to allow the creature to go through the Stargate to M4X-337. (SGA: Hide and Seek) On a recon mission to the Wraith homeworld, she and her team were attacked by Wraith warriors. While fleeing back to the ship, Major John Sheppard was attacked by an Iratus bug. On the way back to Atlantis, the Puddle Jumper became lodged in the Stargate. After using salt and iodine to try to remove the Iratus bug, Dr. Carson Beckett suggested the use of a Defibrillator to stop his heart. When Sheppard could not be revived, Lt. Aiden Ford had her take him though the event horizon. After Dr. Rodney McKay managed to retract the drive pods on the Jumper, Ford blew the rear hatch to propel the Jumper through the gate. Beckett then revived Sheppard when he reached Atlantis. (SGA: Thirty-Eight Minutes)
When her team encountered the Wraith for the fifth time in nine missions, Dr. Elizabeth Weir concluded there must be a spy in the city. Weir set up new security protocols that restricted the movement of the Athosians despite her rejections that none of her people could be working for the Wraith. When Halling and several other Athosians were thinking of leaving Atlantis, she convinced them to stay as the investigation would only prove their innocence. During a Puddle Jumper exploration of Lantea, Major John Sheppard and Lt. Aiden Ford discovered the mainland. When Halling wished to move to the mainland, she decided to stay in the city and was concerned for them. After the Athosians relocated to the mainland, she and her team traveled to an unnamed planet. While deciphering ruins, Sheppard sent her with Ford to find the inhabitants to help with the translation. While they were away the Wraith attacked the ruins. Cut off from the Stargate and abandoned by the rest of their team, Teyla and Ford were forced to fight their way to the gate. During the fight, Ford dove out of the way of a Wraith stunner blast and hit his head, knocking him unconscious. Teyla managed to drag him through the gate to safety. When they returned to Atlantis, Sgt. Bates accused her of working with the Wraith and had Dr. Rodney McKay search her belongings. He found the necklace that Sheppard had found in the Athosian caves and discovered it was a Wraith transmitter designed to detect Ancients. She then joined the rest of her team on an ambush to capture a Wraith on the same planet. They were successful and able to capture Steve. (SGA: Suspicion)
When her team's Puddle Jumper crashed on M7G-677, she stayed in the village with Major John Sheppard while Dr. Rodney McKay and Lt. Aiden Ford searched for the Electromagnetic field generator the Ancients left on the planet. When Ford and McKay unplugged the Zero Point Module and a Wraith relay device activated, she tried to convince the villagers not to kill Sheppard for destroying it. When the Wraith sent a probe, Ford and Sheppard attempted to shoot it down but failed. Fortunately, McKay was able to reactivate the device and the probe shut down. (SGA: Childhood's End) On a mission to Hoff, she warned the Hoffans that if they used the Hoffan drug that the Wraith might wipe them out for being an inconvenience. When Steve was brought to Hoff in order to test the drug, she helped guard him. When half the people that received the drug fell ill, she assisted Dr. Carson Beckett in trying to treat them but most died including Perna. (SGA: Poisoning the Well)
When her team's Puddle Jumper crashed on M7G-677, she stayed in the village with Major John Sheppard while Dr. Rodney McKay and Lt. Aiden Ford searched for the Electromagnetic field generator the Ancients left on the planet. When Ford and McKay unplugged the Zero Point Module and a Wraith relay device activated, she tried to convince the villagers not to kill Sheppard for destroying it. When the Wraith sent a probe, Ford and Sheppard attempted to shoot it down but failed. Fortunately, McKay was able to reactivate the device and the probe shut down. (SGA: Childhood's End) On a mission to Hoff, she warned the Hoffans that if they used the Hoffan drug that the Wraith might wipe them out for being an inconvenience. When Steve was brought to Hoff in order to test the drug, she helped guard him. When half the people that received the drug fell ill, she assisted Dr. Carson Beckett in trying to treat them but most died including Perna. (SGA: Poisoning the Well) When the Atlantis expedition was running low on food, she brought her team to the Genii homeworld and introduced them to Tyrus and his daughter Sora Tyrus. After meeting with Cowen and coming to an agreement on trading C-4 and medical supplies for food, she and Lt. Aiden Ford stayed for the harvest ceremony while Major John Sheppard and Dr. Rodney McKay returned to Atlantis to discuss the trade deal with Dr. Elizabeth Weir. When Sheppard and McKay returned and found a secret Underground Bunker, they were arrested by Tyrus and Sora and brought inside. She was surprised that the simple farmers turned out to be far more than they seemed. After a loose alliance was formed between the two, she and her team joined Cowen and Tyrus on a mission to a Wraith Hive ship. Once on the Hive, she and Tyrus stayed back to free cocooned humans while they download information to the Wraith data storage device. Once they were alone Tyrus stopped her from freeing anyone and killed a man asking for help. This alerted the Wraith to their presence and Tyrus was shot with a Wraith stunner. With the Wraith closing in she had no choice but to leave him and return to the Puddle Jumper. When they returned to the Genii homeworld and Cowen tried to double-cross them, she drew her weapon but was not forced to fire as Cowen surrendered when two Jumpers decloaked. (SGA: Underground)
After the discovery of M5S-224's powerful atmosphere, she traveled to Earth with Major John Sheppard to brief Stargate Command on the situation in the Pegasus galaxy. After the briefing, Sheppard took her shopping and then to his apartment. When some of Sheppard's deceased friends began to arrive, he knew something was wrong and shot one of them to see if they were real. Fortunately, this was all an illusion created by the inhabitants of the planet and she never left Pegasus. (SGA: Home) During a trip to the mainland with Major John Sheppard, they discovered a storm approaching Atlantis. She, with the assistance of Dr. Carson Beckett and Lt. Aiden Ford, evacuated the Athosians from the mainland. However, by the time the last of the hunters arrived at the Puddle Jumper, the storm was about to hit and Beckett insisted he lacked the skill to fly through it. Ford eventually persuaded Beckett during the eye, to return to Atlantis after learning that a Genii strike team infiltrated the city. After arriving back on Atlantis, she along with Beckett and Ford saved Sheppard from a Genii trap at the Naquadah generator. She was teamed up with Beckett to use a Jumper to distract the Genii in Stargate Operations but on the way to the Jumper bay Beckett was knocked out by Sora Tyrus, who wanted to be alone with Teyla, so she could avenge her father's death. The two battle each other with knives and hand to hand. After Teyla defeated Sora, they carried Beckett to safety in Stargate Operations. (SGA: The Eye)
Whilst investigating the potential Alpha Site, her team came under attack from a giant lizard forcing them to retreat back to Atlantis. Upon returning, she was confronted by Sergeant Bates who had mistakenly believed that they were attacked by the Wraith and believed that Teyla was a security leak. Sheppard came to reveal the true reason for their return and why the planet could not be considered an Alpha Site location. Afterwards, Teyla confronted Sergeant Bates over his accusation but he refused to apologise and stated that she was inadvertently leaking information to the wraith. This led to Teyla being angered at the accusation as working for the Wraith was considered a grave insult to her people with Bates being aware of this fact and not being apologetic. As a result, Teyla punched him and it nearly led to a fight between the pair but Sheppard managed to break it off with him telling Emmagan off for being involved in a fight. (SGA: Siege, Part 1)
Personality and attributes
Her father was Tagan who was a respected member of the Athosian people. (SGA: Rising, Part 1)
One of her fathers close friends was Orin native to a village on another world with Teyla considering him akin to family. (SGA: Letters from Pegasus)
Powers and abilities
One of her ancestors was taken by the Wraith and used as part of a series of genetic experiments. These experiments were designed to improve the the Wraith feeding process on humans by introducing some of their genetic material into the test subjects. As a result, this led to those subject to the experimentation having the genetic material that allowed for telepathy with them being able to sense the coming of the Wraith. Upon learning the truth behind it, she came to learn to use this connection to delve into the minds of the Wraith and see through their eyes. However, this was a risky act as the Wraith could hijack her body through the connection. (SGA: The Gift)
It was shown that she was immune to the effects of the Wraith mind manipulator. (SGA: Phantoms)
While pregnant with her son, Teyla displayed the ability to take possession of a powerful Wraith Queen. However, this required intense concentration on her part and left herself and Torren vulnerable when that concentration sliped even slightly. While possessing the Wraith Queen, Teyla was able to both control her movements and speak through her, making her own voice come out of the Queen at one point. (SGA: Spoils of War)
- Teyla Emmagan was portrayed by actor Rachel Luttrell where she featured in the setting of Stargate: Atlantis.
- Stargate: Atlantis:
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