Titans (Attack on Titan)

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Titans are a species that feature in the Attack on Titan series.




Titans preying on Mankind.
Titans enter the City.

The Titans (巨人 Kyojin?, lit. "Giant(s)") were a race of giant humanoids that emerged on Earth and began attacking humanity. Their origins were largely unknown though it was held that Ymir Fritz had gained the Power of the Titans around 1,800 years ago either by discovering the source of all organic material or through a deal with the Devil. With this power, she used the Titans to build bridges, roads and had the lands cultivated for her people who became the Subjects of Ymir (ユミルの民 Yumiru no Tami?) that had the power to turn into Titans. Such was the state of affairs until her death 13 years later where it was held that she split her 'soul' among nine inheritors. Her people used to conquer the old nation of Marley and established the empire of Eldia. This was until a period known as the Great Titan War (巨人大戦 Kyojin Taisen?) where the conquered subjects of Marley sought to resurrect their nation. In Year 743, they first began to appear and started to devour mankind. It was during this time when the First King emerged who used the Coordinate ability to control the giants where he had them build concentric walls as a safe haven for humans. A large number of humans managed to arrive at this settlement where they were safe from the predatory Titans though some scattered groups managed to continue to live outside the Walls. Around this time, the Eldian King decided to move the capital of the empire to Paradis Island which he sealed behind the walls and lived an isolated existence thinking that the rest of the world was overrun by Titans. Any Eldians that remained behind on the continent were placed in internment zones and treated cruelly by the people of Marley with them only being spared due to their ability to become Titans which was used for war. Marley had long sought to acquire the power of the Founding Titan on Paradis Island but feared provoking the Eldians who could use its Coordinate ability against them. Thus, they worked in secret to dispatch specially trained warriors to infiltrate past the Wall in order to steal the power for themselves. This saw them converting Eldians into mindless Titans who were then forced to travel across the ocean to the island where they preyed on the few humans on that landmass.

For many years, humanity managed to live in relative peace behind the Wall without being preyed upon by the Titans. This changed in the year 845 when the Colossal Titan suddenly emerged behind Wall Maria. The massive creature used its strength to break a large hole in the Wall allowing the Titans to enter the Shiganshina district en mass where they began to devour humans in their path. As a result, the humans in Shiganshina were forced to flee deeper into another district behind the safety of the inner Wall as the Titans took control of this area.


In appearance, these creatures resembled that of humans but gigantic in size with them having a similar number of limbs namely two legs and arms. These giants came in a variety of sizes ranging from 3 meters to 15 meters with some rare being larger. Each of their features were distorted and deformed when compared to humans. Despite their large size, their bodies were actually quite light that allowed them to move at high speeds.

A lack of digestive system also meant that the Titans did not defecate. At the same time, the lack of a digestive system meant that the food devoured did not get digested but rather remained in the stomach. Eventually, at some point, the Titan had to expel the food by regurgitation once the stomach was full. The contents of the stomach were then spat out into a large ball of crushed and broken human remains.

One weakness, however, of the Titans resided in the neck where there as a soft tissue by the nape that, if severed, led to the instant death of the creature. Once cut, the creature did not regenerate from the wound and simply died. Upon being killed, the body of a Titan rapidly decomposed to skeletal remains whereupon even that disappeared leaving nothing behind.

Among regular Titans, they demonstrated no behavior beyond the express desire to eat humans. They completely ignored all other forms of animals and instead reacted to the presence of humans. However, they did not apparently derive any form of nourishment from devouring humans as they drew nourishment from sunlight. Once mankind went behind the Wall, Titans did not appear to suffer malnourishment or a drop in their numbers.

One type of Titans demonstrated different characteristics and personality traits from others of their kind with these being called Abnormal Titans. Such creatures were shown to hold unpredictable behavior where they targeted specific individuals or strategic locations causing them to ignore prey. These Titans were shown to also be different physicals as some walked speedily or ran, others performed great jumps and some even had the capacity to speak the human language. Another type of Titan were humans that had the ability to morph their bodies into giant Titans. Those humans able to shift to a Titan form were able to exert greater control over their abilities as they were able to focus their traits whilst normal Titans relied on instinct. As such, these Titan shifters were able to control the level of regeneration and prioritize the healing of certain damaged portions of their bodies. More advanced traits was the capacity to harden portion's of their body giving it a diamond hard density making such locations more resistant to damage. This was a useful ability as it allowed an intelligent Titan to protect vulnerable spots such as the nape of the neck from bladed weapons which shatter against the hardened area.

It was possible to forcibly transforming a human into one of the creatures by the use of a special injection that contained the spinal fluid of a Titan.


Armored Titan.
  • Eren Yeager :
  • Annie Leonhart :
  • Ymir :
  • Bertolt Hoover :
  • Reiner Braun :
  • Zeke Yeager :
  • Grisha Yeager :


  • The Titans were created by Hajime Isayama and featured in the setting of Attack on Titan.
  • In Attack on Avengers v1 #1 (2014), the Titans featured in a non-canon story in Marvel Comics where they fought against the Avengers.

In other media


  • In Attack on Titan, the Titans featured as antagonists in the 2015 live-action Japanese movie.

Video games

  • In Attack on Titan, the Titans featured as antagonists in the 2016 Japanese video game.


  • Attack on Titan:

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