Titans (Warcraft)
The Titans are a race of god-like beings that features in Warcraft.
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The Titans were a race of gigantic plane-sized god-like cosmic beings that inhabited the Great Dark Beyond. After the creation of the universe, certain worlds came to embody the spirits of the Titans who slumbered within them for ages. In that time, the nascent energies suffered the world until they eventually awoke where they became living planets whose bodies were forged from the environment around them. The emergence of these Titans came to explore the universe where they came across others of their kind within the cosmos. The first of their number was Aman'Thul who looked for the other world-souls that bore more of his kind and nurtured their transformation into Titans. Those that emerged came to join his quest though they came to find many worlds were devoid of a world-soul. Those worlds shaped by them had a Constellar placed to watch over them whilst the Titans continued in their search.
Soon, the Pantheon learned of the demons: chaotic and destructive beings who occasionally clawed their way into the physical universe from the Twisting Nether to terrorize any mortal civilizations they came across. Fearing that these beings would disturb the Pantheon's quest, the titans dispatched their greatest warrior, Sargeras, to cleanse the universe of all demonic influence. Later, this noble champion of the Pantheon was joined by the young and inexperienced Aggramar. Sargeras and Aggramar eventually decided to split up in order to combat their foe more effectively, and it was during this time that Sargeras discovered the plans of the malicious beings known as the void lords. Coming across a planet almost completely infected by the Old Gods, Sargeras learned that the void lords had sent the Old Gods out into the cosmos to infect any worlds that housed world-souls, and if they succeeded, the world-soul would be twisted into an unspeakably dark creature that not even the Pantheon could stand against. Enraged at this discovery, Sargeras cleaved the planet in two, instantly killing the nascent titan it housed.
Sargeras immediately returned to the rest of the Pantheon to tell of his discovery, but they chastised him for his rash action, insisting that they might have been able to purge the world-soul of its corruption without killing it. Sargeras tried to convince the other titans that what he had done was right and that the universe needed to be purged of life in order to prevent the risk of a world-soul becoming corrupted and opening the way for the void lords. Realizing that the others would never see things the way he did, Sargeras stormed off, vowing to cleanse the universe on his own.
As the armies of Azeroth and the Army of the Light launched their united assault on the Burning Legion's capital world of Argus, Magni Bronzebeard, Azeroth's Speaker, discovered that the ruined planet hosted a world-soul within its core. The titan Argus was being tortured and twisted by Sargeras' servants and used to fuel the Legion's infinite army. What remained of the spirits of the Pantheon were somehow brought to Antorus, the Burning Throne, where they were found in the process of being brainwashed by The Coven of Shivarra. It was already too late for the noble Aggramar however whose tortured spirit had been infused into an avatar to serve his dark master. After millennia spent hiding in isolation, Eonar's essence too was recently discovered by the Legion who sent the Legion ship Paraxis to capture her.
Eventually, Eonar and Aggramar were reunited and restored along with the other members of the Pantheon, and with the help of Azeroth's champions, they eventually sever Argus's connection with the Legion, and after his defeat, they combine the last remnant of his power with theirs to permanently imprison Sargeras at the Seat of the Pantheon, apparently ending the Burning Crusade forever.
A Titan was actually born from the world-soul where it gestated in the fiery core of a small number of planets. They slumbered for ages where they suffered the world they inhabited with spirit energy before finally awakening.
These entities were heavily tied to the cosmic forces of arcane magic with their very lifeblood being filled with this power.
Described as living worlds, their bodies are covered in mountain peaks and rivers, their forms wrapped in cloaks of stardust and their eyes shining like brilliant stars.
The Titan were considered bastions of purity and good with them being unable to conceive of evil or wickedness in any form. They were devoted to the singular goal of imposing structure upon everything they saw in the cosmos.
Their ruling body was the Pantheon of Order who were responsible for ordering worlds, watching over the universe and searching for others of their kind.
The home of the Titans was the Seat of the Pantheon.
Among their creations included:
- Keepers :
- Watchers :
- Breakers :
- Constellar :
- Aman'Thul : leader of the Pantheon. He empowered the keepers Ra and Odyn, and he blessed the Bronze dragon Nozdormu with the power of Time, to watch over and protect the interweaving pathways of fate and destiny.
- Eonar : protector of life, nature, and health. She imbued Freya with a portion of her powers, so that Freya could create the Emerald Dream. Blessed the Red dragon Alexstrasza with the power to safeguard all living creatures and Life and the Green dragon Ysera to safeguard nature and the Emerald Dream.
- Norgannon : the master of all arcane magic, knowledge, secrets, and mysteries. He gave power to the keepers Loken and Mimiron, and bestowed great power upon the Blue dragon Malygos to be the guardian of magic and arcanum.
- Golganneth : father of the Sea Giants. He imbued the keepers Hodir and Thorim with power.
- Khaz'goroth : the ultimate craftsman and builder. Imbued keeper Archaedas with his powers. Empowered the Black dragon Neltharion, who later became Deathwing, with dominance over the earth and the deep places of the world.
- Aggramar : successor to Sargeras as the champion of the Pantheon. Charged with combating the Burning Legion and purging its demonic taint from the universe. He imbued Tyr with strength and courage. On Draenor, Aggramar created the elemental giant Grond and empowered his descendants, the Colossals, to balance out the power of the Spirit element. Killed, and then eventually resurrected in an avatar, by Sargeras as his enforcer.
- Argus :
- Sargeras :
- The Titans were created by Blizzard Entertainment where they made their first appearance in the backstory of Warcraft in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
In other media
- In Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, the Titans were referenced in the setting of the non-canon RPG line published by White Wolf Publishing. There were two noted types of Titan including the platinum-skinned Aesir storm giants and the bronze-skinned Vanir earth giants with scholars postulating there to be other subspecies.
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
- World of Warcraft:
External Link
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