Tyrannos (Dinosaucers)

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The Tyrannos.

The Tyrannos are a group that feature in Dinosaucers.



On Reptilon, the Tyrannos made use of Collars of Control to enslave animals native to their world. (Episode: Dinosaur Valley)

In the search for the site of a new headquarters, Genghis Rex's vessel faced trouble in its operation due to the presence of an unknown ore. This led to them going on the ground to find the source where they uncovered an underground cavern leading to a valley filled with living Dinosaurs. These creatures were seen by Rex as a perfect slave labor force where they placed on them Collars of Control. Such specimens were used for construction but this was thwarted by the Dinosaucers and their Secret Scout allies forcing the Tyrannos out of the valley with the entrance sealed to prevent further exploitation of the Dinosaurs. (Episode: Dinosaur Valley) Rex came to the conclusion that the biggest advantage the Dinosaucers had was their Human allies and thus sought to acquire finances to get their own Human mercenaries. This saw him engage in a quest to find diamonds or gold leading to a battle with the Dinosaucers. (Episode: Take Us Out to the Ballgame)


One technology they made use by them was the Collars of Control that were launched onto the necks of target and made them slaves to the one with the controller. (Episode: Dinosaur Valley)

Among their weapon technology included the Bazookasaurus that fired projectiles that froze any organic object it touched though inanimate objects such as wood, spikes or feathers were unaffected. (Episode: Take Us Out to the Ballgame)


  • Genghis Rex :


  • Dinosaucers: "Dinosaur Valley"

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