Ultear Milkovich

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Ultear Milkovich is a female anime and manga character who features in Fairy Tail.





Ultear Milkovich (Anime: ウルティア・ミルコビッチ, Hepburn: Urutia Mirukobicchi) was born the daughter of Ur who cried tears of joy upon her birth and named the child after "Ur's tear". She lived happily with her mother until early childhood until Ur discovered that Ultear had too much Magic Power confined inside her, which was giving her a fever and making her ill. Ur took the young and ill Ultear to the Bureau of Magical Development, who agreed to look into and cure the child. They treated Ultear, but in truth abducted her; when Ur returned for her daughter, they lied to her, saying that her daughter had died and that her body was too ravaged for her to look at. Devastated, Ur accepted the lies and believed her daughter was dead. Ultear, who survived, did not know that her mother had been lied to and assumed that Ur had abandoned her. She was experimented on over a long period of time, being kept in a prison when she was not. Ultear, however, managed to escape one day and made her way back home. However, when she saw Ur with Gray and Lyon as her new apprentices, Ultear assumed that she had been replaced, especially once seeing Ur happy with her new pupils. Vowing revenge, Ultear returned to the laboratories and willingly let them continue their experiments on her until she raised her Magic power to an incredible level. She escaped again, however this time destroying the labs with her new found power. As she grew up, Hades found and took Ultear under his wing, raising and mentoring her to learn a form of Lost Magic: the Arc of Time, convincing the young girl that in the Ultimate Magic World one could travel back in time and change the past. Also, during her teenage years, Ultear began to search for another way to perform this very same task by studying other types of Time Magic, during which she stumbled across Last Ages. Hades found her and dissuaded her from using it, as its use came with the price of taking away the time, ergo the life, of its user. After this, at some point, as an adult, Ultear stumbled upon a young Meredy alongside a few of her comrades in some city ruins and invited her to Grimoire Heart.

Grimoire Heart

She later came to join the ranks of the Magic Council and served as a spy amongst their ranks with none aware of her true loyalties. After Fairy Tail gets the Lullaby Flute, it is handed over to the Magic Council. Org told the Council that it was unacceptable for Dark Guilds to be using Magic created by Zeref. Siegrain reminded the Council that Fairy Tail ended up saving the day, and Ultear then extended upon that by saying they did it with only four or five Mages, though the Council refused to admit Fairy Tail was of help. Ultear was present when Erza Scarlet was brought before the Council after being charged for the destruction caused fighting Lullaby. Ultear is shocked when Natsu Dragneel storms in disguised as Erza and causing a ruckus. ltear later disguises herself as a masked individual named Zalty and joins Lyon Vastia in an attempt to revive the Demon Deliora on Galuna Island. The group comes into a confrontation with Team Natsu, where she takes on Natsu Dragneel herself, though in the end is beaten -though not before Natsu states that while she was in the Zalty disguise, she has the scent of a woman. In the end, it turns out her participation on the island is a plot by Siegrain to revive the Demon and control it, but as the Demon was already long dead, the mission was a failure. Ultear also ends up getting a bump on her face from the fight with Natsu, and mentions that she didn't even use half her power against him. After Deliora is defeated, she restores the destroyed village on Galuna Island back to normal, and is later on impressed by the fact that Erza figured out the mystery behind the curse of Galuna Island's inhabitants. Ultear is seen during the Council meetings involving Jellal Fernandes and the threat of the Tower of Heaven. Both Siegrain and herself manipulated the Council into firing their secret magical satellite based weapon Etherion against the Tower. The whole thing, however, is nothing more than a plot by Siegrain, who is a psychic projection of Jellal used to fool the Council into using the Etherion to provide the tower with Magic and create the R-System, a tower of Lacrima crystals which he hopes to use to revive the Dark Mage Zeref. Once the tower is completed, Ultear uses her Magic to destroy the Council's headquarters and throw them into turmoil. However, after the events in the Tower of Heaven and Jellal's defeat, Ultear reveals herself to have been manipulating Jellal all along, as Zeref was never killed - just sealed away. Her true goal is to unseal Zeref, using Jellal to get one of the keys needed to release him. Ultear later revealed herself to actually be a member of the Dark Guild: Grimoire Heart. She was seen talking to her master about searching for the keys to Zeref's seal, Grimoire Heart already having at least one of them in their possession.

As Zeref started using his Magic against the members of Fairy Tail during the annual S-Class Mage Promotion Trial, Ultear and her guild locate him and prepare to retrieve him on Tenrou Island in their airship. While en-route to the island, her teammates start acting up, but she doesn't give them attention, except for Meredy, whom she asks if she can fight in the fore-coming battle with Fairy Tail. Later, Grimoire Heart are all seen preparing for the battle, with Ultear having changed clothes. When Meredy accidentally calls her Ur, Ultear angrily scolds her, telling her to never call her Ur again, since she was still sensitive on topics about her mother. She then, with the rest of the Kin, notices a giant monster on the shore of the island. The giant turns out to be Makarov, who is using his Full Body Giant form to prepare and attack the ship. The Grimoire Heart members are all taken aback, although their Guild Master, Hades, remains calm. After Makarov damages a large section of the airship, Ultear completely repairs it using her Time Magic. She was then transported to Tenrou Island by Caprico's Bubble Magic, and blushes at the prospect of finally meeting Zeref. She then begins running toward an unknown location, asking for Zeref to wait. Ultear continues walking, talking to herself about how the path to find Zeref is far and hard, but today it would all pay off and her dreams will come true. Once she has Zeref in her hands, she claims she will be saved. Just then, Zeref appears behind her and states that the Grimoire Heart members simply brought discord to the land as Ultear excitedly teared up at seeing him in the flesh. Zeref then prepares to attack, claiming that they have angered him greatly. As Zeref asks her what they wish to do with him, Ultear bows to him, replying that they need his entire existence. However, Zeref then says he doesn't want to kill anymore and that he wants Grimoire Heart to leave the island, and reasserts his anger, giving chills to Ultear in the process. The two then have a short battle and, though moderately injured, Ultear is shown to be the victor. She mentions that she is the eldest of the Seven Kin of Purgatory and that Zeref in his current unawakened state was weak and no match for her. She then prepared to release him, shouting into the air with glee that she has captured him. She then brings the unconscious Zeref to a tree and holds him tightly, saying he was hers and she would make him the King of the Ultimate Magic World. Meanwhile, Natsu detects her familiar scent from Galuna island when she was disguised as Zalty and runs toward her location.

As Natsu makes a noisy ruckus in getting to her, Ultear detects his presence and hides. Natsu and Happy see Zeref unconscious by a tree, and Ultear uses her Magic to make a sprout in the ground grow into a giant tree that almost hits the pair in the process. Sitting on one of the high branches of a tree, Ultear introduces herself as the leader of the Seven Kin. She wonders aloud if Fairy Tail also wants Zeref, but Natsu quickly responds with a no, and yells out that he will never forgive Grimoire Heart for stepping onto his guild's sacred land. As he begins climbing the tree to get to her, Ultear produces an orb from her arm piece and knocks him away with it. She then follows up by producing numerous orbs in the air, and has their 'time paths' all pinpoint to Natsu, which results in a devastating attack. Smirking, she comments that the fun has only just begun. When Kain is kicked over towards her by Natsu, she asks him what he was doing there, to which Kain replies that he had been chasing a Fairy Tail girl. She is then seen with Kain facing off against Lucy and Natsu. However, before the battle can truly get under way, Kain asks her to leave, as he believes he can handle Lucy and Natsu by himself. Ultear agrees, and says that she must take Zeref to Hades, much to Kain's joy. She was later seen carrying Zeref back to Hades when Gray spots her and mistakes her momentarily for Ur. Gray almost catches her attention when he cries out in pain due to the Sensory Link Magic cast on him by Meredy. Ultear then appears behind Gray, and asks him if he was following her. She then goes on to explain that she is the daughter of Ur and that he should not fear her, as she is on his side. A skeptical Gray questions what Ultear means when she says that they are allies. She told him she held no grudge against him, as she knows that he did not kill Ur, but rather Ur sacrificed herself to save him, as "a mother protecting her child" would. This provokes Gray to remark that Ultear was doing evil things, and that she should not say that what her mother did was a form of pride. Ultear then stated that everything she was doing was the will of Ur, which surprised Gray.

Crime Sorcière


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Ultear Milkovich was a pale-skinned woman with dark purple hair and brown eyes. She had a rather voluptuous figure, and tended to wear a long revealing dress that sported a striped pattern. Her name was given on account of her mother crying tears of joy at the birth of her daughter.

Growing up, she came to be a manipulative, ruthless and ambitious woman.

Unlike her younger self, she had nothing but a cold disdain for her mother who she called weak.

Seven years later, Ultear has become more laid back. She has also shown to have a more easygoing, but still somewhat twisted sense of humor.

Powers and abilities

She came the wielder of a Lost Magic that was the Arc of Time (時間のアーク Toki no Āku) which allowed her to manipulate the "time" of organic and inorganic objects. Her power allowed her to 'move' them either backwards or forwards through time thus changing their condition. This ability could only work though on non-sentient objects thus preventing her from affecting actual people.

Among the techniques known to her included:

  • Restore (レストア Resutoa) :
  • Parallel Worlds (平行世界 Hēkō Sekai) :
  • Flash Forward (フラッシュ フォワード Furasshu Fowādo) :

For a time, she was a member of the Dark Guild Grimoire Heart and was the leader of its Seven Kin of Purgatory. After mending her ways, she came to be an independent mage and was the co-founder of Crime Sorcière.


  • Ultear Milkovich was created by Hiro Mashima where she featured in the setting of the Fairy Tail universe.

In other media


Video games


  • Fairy Tail:

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