Un-Men (Swamp Thing Animated)
The Un-Men were mutant soldiers created by Dr. Anton Arcane. Once human, they are now a fusion of animal and human traits.
The Un-Men were created by Dr Arcane after the repeated failures of his minions at capturing Swamp Thing. After their last failed attempt, Dr Arcane realized that his Human followers would not be capable of defeating the beast as mere Humans but had to be something more in order to gain the power to defeat Swamp Thing. Taking his soldiers into his mansion, he unveiled the Transducer and began the genetic process that transformed them into the Un-Men. These monstrous creatures would be dispatched to fight Swamp Thing immediately but were defeated by the monster and his allies.
Skinhead was later sent to defile the Indian burial grounds in order to find the Map to the Lost Cavern which is where the Native Americans believed the Fountain of Youth was located.
After the initial defeats of the Un-Man, Dr Arcane himself went through the Transducer and became a Human-Spider hybrid that was able to shoot webbing to capture his enemies. A temporary member of the Un-Men wss Swamp Things friend Byu Jack who was hit by Arcane's mutation torpedo which transformed him into a Human-Praying Mantis hybrid that attacked his friends. Swamp Thing was susccesful in reversing the genetic changes turning him back into a Human.
The genetic process that creates the Un-Men makes no two of the creatures alike as each one takes on different animal based qualities. It was not a permanent change as the Un-Men reverted back to their Human state which meant that they required constant use of the Transducer in order to become the Un-Men.
The use of nuclear energy during the transducing process can create atomic Un-Men who are far stronger then there previous counterparts being larger as well as growing with nuclear energy. These stronger Un-Men generate radiation from their bodies which will affect the environment and are capable of firing nuclear energy beams at their enemies. These super Un-Men were defeated after the radiation was filtered from the bodies returning them to normal.
- Skinhead : got transformed into a bat-like creatures with grayish skin as well as wings allowing him to fly and a desire to bite his opponents.
- Dr. Deemo : a rhyming bokor with reptilian qualities that got transformed to the point that his head became a large snake capable of wrapping around enemies to capture them.
- Weed Killer : an exterminator who made use of defoilant as a weapon and got merged with the qualities of a centipede perhaps making him the most monstrous of the group with multiple limbs.
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