United States Colonial Marines (Aliens)

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The United States Colonial Marines is a military organization that features in Aliens.




The United States Colonial Marines (USCM) was a ground-based military organization in the United Americas that was a successor to the United States Marine Corps.


The primary duty of the USCM is to maintain the security of the United Americas signatories and colonies, and serves as the vanguard of any major operation.

The fighting groups are organized into three Marine Space Forces, each has primary responsibility for security in their areas. A Marine Space Force consists of one or two Colonial Marine Divisions and a Colonial Marine Aerospace Wing, for ground and air/space combat respectively.

Infantry weapons used by the Colonial Marines included:

  • M4A3 pistol :
  • M41A pulse rifle : a futuristic assault rifle with an underslung grenade launcher.
  • M56 smart gun : a large computerized and target-tracking machine gun which was actually worn by the user using a sophisticated harness mechanism.
  • M240 flamethrower :
  • UA-571C sentry guns :

Synthetics were sometimes deployed as part of Colonial Marine detachments and supported them in their missions.

Vehicles used by the Colonial Marines included:

  • M577 A.P.C. :
  • UD4L Cheyenne dropship :

Travel across space was achieved by marines being transported onboard Conestoga-class assault-transport ship.


  • S. Gorman :
  • A. Apone :
  • Dwayne Hicks :
  • Ferro :
  • Dietrich :
  • William Hudson :


  • The United States Colonial Marines were created by James Cameron and featured in the setting of the Aliens universe.
  • An associated book Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual by Lee Brimmicombe-Wood was published by HarperPrism in 1996 and describes their force structure, tactics and weapons in some detail.

In other media

Video games

  • In Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction, the Colonial Marines appeared as a playable faction in the setting of the real-time strategy video game.
  • In Aliens: Colonial Marines, the Colonial Marines appeared in the setting of the first person video game.



  • Aliens:

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