Valak (The Conjuring)

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Valak is a film demon that features in The Conjuring.




Valak was a powerful demon who was a resident of Hell. Centuries ago, a Duke in Romania became obsessed with dark magic and Satanism where he sought to summon a demonic force into the world. To achieve that end, he built the Cârța Monastery in his country and enacted the ceremony from within the catacombs but was killed by members of the Vatican who managed to seal the rift with the Blood of Christ. The monastery was left for the next century where it was subject to heavy bombing during the events of World War II with this releasing the demon Valak from his imprisonment. Taking the for of a nun, he blended in with the monastery both as an attempt to hide amongst them and to mock their faith. In those years, the nuns continuously prayed in communion to combat the evil but failed and instead the rift remained open. As a result, Valak was free to wander the monastery every night and indulged in killing its inhabitants one by one. By 1952, he had slaughtered all the nuns except for two of them where one was used to retrieve a key to the relic. The other survivor namely Sister Victoria ended up committing suicide in order to prevent the demon Valak from claiming her body as a host vessel. After her death, word of the disturbance at the monastery was heard by the Vatican who dispatched Burke and Sister Irene with the task of investigating the site.


Personality and attributes

Among the titles he was known by included the Defiler, the Profane and as the Marquis of Snakes. Descending on Earth, he had a number of facades such as the Old Man and the Crooked Man.

Powers and abilities


  • Valak was created by James Wan and featured in the setting of The Conjuring shared universe.
  • The character was based on Valac from the goetic grimoires in the The Lesser Key of Solomon.


  • The Conjuring:
  • The Conjuring 2:

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