Whitespikes (The Tomorrow War)

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The Whitespikes are creatures that feature in The Tomorrow War.



The Whitespikes was the name given to a predatory extraterrestrial species whose origins were not truly known. It was believed that they were a living bio-weapons deployed by pilots from ships in order to depopulate a world of is native lifeforms.

A vessel containing a large cache of Whitespikes in hibernation came to crash on Earth before 946 where it became embedded in ice at Komsomolets Island. It remained there for thousands of years until around 2048 when the melting ice caps caused the creatures to thaw out and awaken.


In appearance, the Whitespikes were a multi-limbed species with four legs and two smaller arms along with a pair of tendrils that had spikes on the end.

Their carapace was shown to be highly resistant to damage where they were able to protect them from weapon fire.

Within their society, it was noted that the females served as Queens who were larger and more aggressive than the males. They were capable of birthing multiple young over a quick period allowing them to overwhelm a regions native life forms.


  • The Whitespikes were created by Zach Dean where they featured in the setting of The Tomorrow War.


  • The Tomorrow War:

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