Winston Zeddemore

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Winston Zeddemore is a male film character who features in Ghostbusters.



Winston Zeddemore

Winston applied for a job opening late in 1984 after business started to pick up. Janine Melnitz interviewed Winston from her desk. She asked him if he believed in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans-mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis. Winston replied if there was a steady paycheck in it, he would believe anything she said. The interview was interrupted when the phone rang and by the return of the weary Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz. Winston turned his head and observed them while Janine spoke to the caller. Ray was not pleased to see two free repeaters on the evening worksheet. He walked to the basement. Janine brought Winston to their attention. She introduced him. Winston stood. Ray stopped and turned around. Ray took one look at him and hired him on the spot. He introduced himself and Peter. Peter congratulated Winston and shook his hand. Ray called him over for help then handed him the two Traps and welcomed him aboard. Winston took them both but was uneasy about it. Ray nodded with a grin. Ray took him downstairs to the basement and showed him how the Containment Unit worked. Egon Spengler revealed his latest findings and admitted he was worried about space issues in the the Containment Unit and all his recent data pointed to something big on the horizon. Winston took a cigarette. Ray lit his cigarette then held a light for Winston. Winston asked Egon what he meant by "big." Egon explained with a Twinkie and used it to represent the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Egon estimated that morning's sample indicated the Twinkie was 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds. Ray coughed hard. Winston remarked, "That's a big Twinkie." Ray believed they could be on the verge of a four-fold crossrip, a P.K.E. surge of incredible and even dangerous proportions. Peter walked over to the Containment Unit and mentioned they had a visit from the Environmental Protection Agency then asked how the was grid holding up. Winston gestured from Peter to Egon and implored him to talk about the Twinkie. Peter turned to them and was concerned about the Twinkie.

A couple weeks later, on a Thursday evening, Winston drove Ecto-1 through the FDR Drive Service Road East/Marginal Road, between Avenue C Loop/E. 18th Street & East 20th Street. Ray was studying blueprints in the front passenger seat. Both were smoking. Winston asked Ray if he believed in God. Ray replied he never met Him. Winston revealed he believed and he loved Jesus' style. Ray noted a roof cap was made of a magnesium-tungsten alloy. Winston asked him what was so involved in. Ray reached for the Michelob can on the dash. Ray clarified he was looking at the blueprints for the structural ironwork in Dana Barrett's apartment building, and they were very, very strange. Winston asked him if he remembered something in the Bible about the last days, when the dead would rise from the grave. Ray recalled Revelation 7:12 and recited a verse, "And I looked, as he opened the sixth seal. And behold, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became as black as sackcloth. And the moon became as blood." Winston finished with, "And the seas boiled. And the skies fell." Both called it Judgment Day. Ray noted every ancient religion had its own myth about the end of the world. Ray placed his cigarette back in his mouth. Winston bristled at his use of the word "myth" and asked him if it ever occurred to him that maybe the reason they were so busy lately was because the dead have been rising from the grave, a sign of the apocalypse. Ray was silent with apprehension and looked at him. He suggested a little music and turned on the radio. Winston agreed.

Ray and Winston returned to the Firehouse and saw a large crowd behind the police barricades at N. Moore and Varick. Ray got out the driver's side. Winston got out of the front passenger side, now in his civies. Egon informed Ray the storage facility blew, pointed at Walter Peck, and revealed Peck had the protection grid shut off. Ray was beside himself. Winston guessed that was bad. Ray confirmed and nodded. Peter asked where the Keymaster went. Egon swore and could not believe they lost him. The Ghostbusters were about to take off in search of Louis but Peck, the Police Captain and some police officers barred their way. Peck wanted the Ghostbusters arrested. Egon was angered by his accusations and lunged forward and grabbed Peck's collar. The Ghostbusters were arrested and taken to the NYPD Lock-Up. Winston stood at the perimeter and tried to get the guard's attention as he closed the jail cell so he could make his phone call. Winston explained that he just worked with the Ghostbusters and was not present for the explosion. As Ray and Egon went over the odd details of 550 Central Park West, its architect Ivo Shandor, and Shandor's worship of a god named Gozer who would bring about the end of the world. Ray stated the obvious, they had to get out of jail and find a judge or something. Winston stepped and told them to hold it. He wanted to clarify their plan was to go before a federal judge and say that some moldy Babylonian god was going to drop in on Central Park West and start tearing up the city. Egon corrected him about Gozer: it was a Sumerian god, not Babylonian. Peter joked that there was a big difference. Winston told them no offense, but he was going get his own lawyer. The Ghostbusters were pulled out of jail to go meet with Mayor Lenny in his office at New York City Hall. During the meeting, Winston stepped forward and introduced himself. Winston prefaced that he only worked for the Ghostbusters for a couple of weeks but ghosts were real because he saw shit that would turn him white. The Fire Commissioner visibly reacted to his statement.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Winston Zeddemore was created by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis where he was portrayed by actor Ernie Hudson and featured in the setting of the Ghostbusters universe.

In other media



Video games

Comic Books


  • Ghostbusters:

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