Xavier's Security Enforcers

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Xavier's Security Enforcers are an organization that features in Marvel Comics.



The Xavier Security Enforcers (X.S.E.) was a policing organization on Earth that was formed in a possible future timeline. The Sentinels assumed dictatorial powers over America in the late 21st Century. This continued until Summers came and forged an alliance between humans and mutants to bring the Sentinels down. Almost as soon as the Summers Rebellion succeeded, that alliance started to break apart, especially since Summers was no longer there to keep it going. Mutants wanted to move out of the camps and make better lives, but over and over they were met with hostility and driven away. (XSE v1 #1)

After the Sentinels defeat, the X.S.E. was created as a means of ending Homo Sapiens and Homo Superior hostilities by having Mutants police their own kind. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #2) Some more radical mutant groups, such as the Exhumes, led by a literal firebrand named Daemon, met hate with hate. With Summers gone, Daemon listened to no one except his own dark soul. Even during the rebellion, Summers found it difficult to keep him and the Exhumes in line. At first, it was mere raids, but then he and his Exhumes destroyed the human settlement near Del Ray. That brought the Council back into session, and nearly at war with one another. The X.S.E was formed; their mission was to keep alive the fragile dream born so many years ago by one man, Professor Charles Xavier. The dream was of a world where humans and mutants could live in harmony. The tattoo of the "M" over the right eye that once marked all mutants as outcasts was turned into a badge of honor. When the cadets graduate they would earn their "M" that would indicate that they were members of the X.S.E. (XSE v1 #1)

A young Bishop and his sister Shard were taken in from the streets by the X.S.E. where they gave the pair a home. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #2)

Omega Squad was dispatched to the home of J. Jerome Knox who was a wealthy human that wanted to improve relations between mankind and Mutants thus making him a target for extremists. He held a unification party that was a fundraising event where humans Mutants attended only to be attacked by extremists Mutants that were part of a faction called Fanatix. They managed to capture the terrorists only for one of their own to inexplicably go rogue and kill Knox. He was apprehended with the X.S.E. investigating the reason Randall who killed the target they were protecting but his actions had already impacted race relations as the Human Defense League used the opportunity to denounce the enforcers as a state-sponsored terrorist group. Randall was kept in a prison cell as the X.S.E. decided on the next course of action when a prison break occurred leading to the detainee managing to escape. During the process, he was seen to had freed the captured members of Fanatix who managed to flee the enforcers. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #1)

The deadly Micah ran a camp in charge of branding mutants, and Fixx and Greystone were two of those in his camp. (X-Factor v1 #145) Archer, Fixx, Greystone, and Shard participated in a mission alongside other members of the X.S.E. against the Exhumes, vampiric former humans, who'd been hoarding weapons since the Summers Rebellion. Fixx and Archer invited Shard to their base in an attempt to recruit her after Shard showed dissatisfaction in the X.S.E.'s policies. After they introduced Shard the X.U.E., Fixx included her in their telepathic connection. Shard agreed to help them in their mission to find Fitzroy, and attempted to decipher Fitzroy's whereabouts from Bantam, Fitzroy's subservient, but Bantam refused. The four of them broke Bantam out of the Pool, a prison for evil mutants, and returned him to their base. (X-Factor v1 #140)


Enforcers were divided into a number of teams such as Omega Squad. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #1)

It was known to make use of teams of Psis that were used to scan the minds of suspects. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #1)

To apprehend Mutants, they made use of neutralizer collars in order to pacify an individual. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #2)

The organization was noted to had tense dealings with the Hellfire Club. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #2)


  • Amazon :
  • Archer :
  • Bishop :
  • Trevor Fitzroy :
  • Fixx :
  • Greystone :
  • Hecate : dark haired female Mutant who operated as the head of the X.S.E. (Bishop: Xavier Security Enforcers v1 #1)
  • Malcolm :
  • Randall :
  • Recoil :
  • Shard :
  • Sureshot :
  • Trace :


  • Xavier's Security Enforcers were created by Whilce Portacio, John Byrne and Art Thibert where they made their first appearance in Uncanny X-Men v1 #282 (November, 1991).


  • Uncanny X-Men v1: (1991)
  • Bishop: Xavier's Security Enforcers:

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