Yuno (Black Clover)

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Yuno is a male anime and manga character who features in Black Clover.




Yuno Grinberryall (Japanese: ユノ・グリンベリオール, Hepburn: Yuno Gurinberiōru)

At the doors of the orphanage, he was alongside another child left at the buildings steps with this being Asta. Both newborn children were taken in to be raised by the church alongside the other orphans. One day, he was on a trip back home after grocery shopping with his foster family where in that time he heard a few villagers talk about life within the noble realm of the kingdom. This led to Sister Lily explaining the social statuses within the Clover Kingdom whereupon Yuno came to hear of Asta's dream to become the Magic Emperor.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Yuno was a young man of average height with a lean build, amber eyes, and messy black hair.

From a young age, he had a deep desire to become the Magic Emperor with this developing into a shared dream with Asta. This became the source of their competition and rivalry as each strived to become better in order to become the wizard king.

Typically, he showed a calm and emotionless demeanour where he only spoke only when he really needed to convey his thoughts.

A notable trait of Yuno was his tenacity and will to never give up which came as a result of growing up wit Asta as both learnt it when training together

One of his most treasured possessions was a necklace made of a gold-colored chain and a blue magic stone which had a gold-colored cross and four-pointed stars at each corner.

At the orphanage, he came to be raised alongside his foster brother Asta (アスタ Asuta). Initially, the pair were very close to one another but as they grew up they developed a rivalry.

Powers and abilities

Yuno was a human who possessed Mana (魔マナ) that allowed him to use magic. As a royal, he held a tremendous amount of magic power with this being evident when not a single anti-bird flies around him during the Magic Knights entrance exam. It was shown that he had the ability to sense mana from his surroundings.

He came to gain a grimoire (魔導書グリモワール, gurimowāru) where the book allowed him to cast specific spells. Yuno was shown to possess an affinity for the use of wind magic (風魔法 Kaze Mahō). With this magic, he was able to create whirlwinds that were able to knock out some enemies with a single hit. Alternatively, he could use wind magic to support him in the field by generating whirlwinds to lift himself in the air and propel him through the air. Unknown to anyone, Yuno had the spirit of an Elf which reincarnated in his body.

Among the spells he knew included:

  • Towering Tornado (風魔法『暴嵐の塔』 Kaze Mahō "Bōran no Tō") :
  • Crescent Kamaitachi (風魔法『カマイタチの三日月』 Kaze Mahō "Kamaitachi no Mikazuki") :
  • Tornado Fang (風魔法『暴嵐の牙』 Kaze Mahō "Bōran no Kiba") :
  • Gale White Bow (風魔法『疾風の白弓』 Kaze Mahō "Shippū no Shirayumi") :
  • Wind Creation: Swift White Hawk (風創成魔法『疾風の白鷹』 Kaze Sōsei Mahō "Shippū no Shirataka") :
  • Wind Creation: Wind Blades Shower (風創成魔法『風刃の叢雨』 Kaze Sōsei Mahō "Fūjin no Murasame") :
  • Wind Creation: Heavenly Wind Ark (風創成魔法『天つ風の方舟』 Kaze Sōsei Mahō "Amatsukaze no Hakobune") :
  • Sylph's Breath (風精霊魔法『シルフの息吹』 Kaze Seirei Mahō "Shirufu no Ibuki") :
  • Spirit Dive (精霊同化スピリットダイブ Supiritto Daibu, literally meaning: "Spirit Assimilation") :
  • Spirit Storm (風精霊魔法『スピリット・ストーム』 Kaze Seirei Mahō "Supiritto Sutōmu") :
  • Spirit's Hushed Dance (マナゾーン『精霊の静かなる舞踏』 Manazōn "Seirei no Shizukanaru Butō") :
  • Spirit of Zephyr (風精霊創成魔法『スピリット・オフ・ゼファー』 Kaze Seirei Sōsei Mahō "Supiritto Ofu Zefā") :
  • Wind Spirit Restraining Magic: Liable Tempest (風精霊拘束魔法『ライアブルテンペスト』 Kaze Seirei Kōsoku Mahō "Raiaburu Tenpesuto") :

One spell he could utilise was reinforcement magic whereby he coated his body in a mana skin (マナスキン Manasuki) that enhanced his natural skills and protected him from harm.

Yuno eventually gained a Grimoire of his own which was one of the rare four-leaf clover tomes that was said to be similar to the kind used by the first Magic Emperor.

From a dungeon's treasure room, he gained access to spirit magic and a familiar in the form of Sylph (シルフ Shirufu). As a spirit of the wind, was incredibly strong and able to cast powerful spells.

Growing up a citizen of the Clover Kingdom (クローバー王国 Kurōbā Ōkoku), he came to join the ranks of the elite Magic Knights (魔法騎士 Mahō Kishi) where he joined the illustrious Golden Dawn (金色の夜明け Konjiki no Yoake) squad. His sheer talent and skill allowed him to quickly rise to the position of Vice-Captain of the squad.


  • Yuno was created by Yūki Tabata where he featured in the setting of Black Clover.

In other media


Video games


  • Black Clover:

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