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  • Dune: (14,100 BG) Humanity begins to colonize the solar system; the era that follows is later known as the Little Diaspora. (The Dune Encyclopedia)
  • Futurama: First alien invasion on Earth. (Source unknown)
  • Matrix (Films): The artificial intelligence known as the Architect creates the dream-world known as the Matrix, to extend the lives of the machines' human batteries. Their initial drafts of the Matrix create programs resembling beings of myth and legend; these deleted programs are preserved by the Merovingian. The penultimate draft is a utopia, but human minds reject it, leading to many human deaths. Finally, the Architect settles on a scenario set in a generic city near the end of the 20th century. (The Matrix; The Matrix Reloaded; "The Second Renaissance," Part II (The Animatrix); Associated Press' Matrix timeline)

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