Total Terror Toad

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The Total Terror Toad

The Total Terror Toad, sometimes referred to as simply the Terror Toad, is a giant, pink-skinned toad monster that hails from the White Cliffs of Cahill. When the Toad Empire invaded Beetlegeusia, Toadborg ordered the Air Marshall, Frix and Frax to acquire the Terror Toad as a "secret weapon" to use in case his anti-Berserker Baboon goggles failed. Initially the invasion went so well that they thought the Terror Toad would not be needed, but after Willy DuWitt discovered a means of reversing the polarity of the goggles, Toadborg ordered the monstrosity unleashed.

The Terror Toad proved more than a match for Bucky O'Hare and the crew of the Righteous Indignation, using his twin battle axes to cut a swath of destruction through the Beetlegeusian forests. The Terror Toad was only stopped when Bucky acquired a vast amount of flies in jars from Bog, using these to lure him into the tractor beam of the toad mothership, and the beast ended up aboard throwing Stormtoads around until Toadborg ordered the Air Marshal to get him back in his cage.

Arcade Game

The Terror Toad was used as a guard dog of sorts by the toads on Planet Punk. The massive toad beast guarded the newly-built climate converter and tried to prevent the heroic mammals from destroying it. However, he failed and was defeated.

See also

Terror Toad

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