Phantom (Bionicle)

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Phantom is a male background character who features in BIONICLE (Generation 1).



The Fe-Matoran who would later be known as "Phantom" was once a member of the Nynrah Ghosts who lived on the island of Nynrah. Because there were no Toa on Nynrah, the Nynrah Ghosts decided to start work on a 'rebuilding' project that would transform one of them into a Toa-like hero who could defend them if the need ever arose. Phantom was chosen to be the subject of this project and underwent many experiments, including exposure to an Energized Protodermis variant, gaining a variety of new powers and abilities in the process. However, the Matoran of the island were frightened and ashamed of what they had done to Phantom and shunned him. He wandered the Matoran Universe disheartened and without purpose until he was found and recruited by the Dark Hunters, who gave him his current codename.

When the Great Spirit Robot was critically damaged in the Battle of Bara Magna, Phantom and the other surviving Dark Hunters emigrated from the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna.


Personality and attributes

Like most living beings native to the Matoran Universe, Phantom is a biomechanical lifeform whose body consists of both organic and metallic protodermis. He is not a true Dark Hunter in the sense that he does not believe in their ideals and retains good morals and judgement; he merely remains a member because he has nowhere else to go. The Shadowed One is aware of this, so he sends Phantom on missions where he is less likely to face a moral dilemma that could cause him to renounce his allegiance.

Powers and abilities

The experiments on Phantom granted him the powers of increased strength, limited flight, dramatically improved eyesight, and invisibility (hence his codename) in addition to his natural Fe-Matoran endurance. He also retains the crafting abilities he honed as a member of the Nynrah Ghosts.


  • Phantom once had an official model that was created by an unknown fan and entered into the LEGO Magazine Dark Hunter Building Contest in 2005. Phantom was chosen as one of the winning entries and was given an official storyline role by Greg Farshtey, but it was cut from the BIONICLE: Dark Hunters guidebook before release, so Phantom's storyline was instead featured in an article in BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Updated, which was released in 2007.


  • BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Updated

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