Rising Gundam

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The Rising Gundam, model number JMF1336R, was a prototype mobile fighter created by Neo Japan during the development of the Shining Gundam and Burning Gundam, intended for the use of Ulube Ishikawa. Comparable in strength to the Shining Gundam, the Rising Gundam was armed with powerful weaponry, including a heat naginata, a beam bow, and head-mounted Vulcan Guns. Its most formidable attack was the Rising Arrow.

The Rising Gundam was piloted by the inexperienced but determined Rain Mikamura to assist Domon Kasshu (in his Burning Gundam) against a DG cell-infected Allenby Beardsley (piloting her Noble Gundam). Despite the Noble Gundam's transformation into the Walter Gundam, Rain continued to assist, and helped defeat the Walter. However, the Rising Gundam was severely damaged in the battle, and remained inactive for the rest of the conflict with the Dark Gundam.

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