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Prowler was one of the two Macro-Bots designed by Professor Hackle for MASA while he worked at Puma-Dyne. Colored blue, it was the smaller of the pair and walked on four legs like a feral panther. Molly Mange took it over when she and her husband Mac's disembodied heads sought out and gained control of the Macro-Bots. During the ensuing battle, Razor, armed with the Super Glovatrix, boarded Prowler and took it over from Molly, who abandoned it and joined Mac in Goliath. Now controlling the blue Macro-Bot, he used it to battle the Metallikats in Goliath, but his unfamiliarity with Prowler's controls gave the villains an advantage. After they'd climbed to the top of the Megakat Trade Towers, Razor, in an act of desperation, set Prowler to autmatic attack mode and then bailed out. Driving itself, the robot leaped across and crashed into Goliath, knocking both Macro-Bots into the park far below, destroying them on impact.

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