Slime Beast

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Slime Beasts were slimy reptilian creatures of unknown origin which existed in and around an area of coastal Britain known as the Wash. One was unearthed by Professor John Lowson's expedition to find the lost treasure of King John. The creature was found in a semi-comatose state, alive but unconscious. No one was quite sure where it had come from, though bits of an unidentified metal found in the mud near where it had been dug up led Lowson to theorized that it was an alien. Lowson sought to keep the creature alive and captive for study, but it escaped, killed ornithologist Dr. Manton Haywood and Sutton's physician Dr. Ramsey Keen. Although the Slime Beast ate human flesh, it preferred entrails above all else. Efforts by Chief Inspector Harborne and his men to find and kill the monster failed, and it ended up claiming a third victim in Mallard Glover. The wildfowler had been attempting to rape Professor Lowson's niece Liz Beck at the time; the Slime Beast interrupted the assault, killing Glover and allowing Liz to escape.

After further evading Harborne's men, the Slime Beast ventured into the town of Sutton, where it killed Growson's dog Rex. An attempt by landlord Tom Southgate to kill the creature with a shotgun failed and the beast returned to the Wash. At his wits' end, Harborne called in the Army. But even they failed to destroy the monster when it returned to Sutton for a second rampage, during which it killed Southgate and several soldiers and survived a direct hit from a tank. After leaving the town, it encountered Professor Lowson, who attempted to capture it. However, he failed and the Slime Beast brutally killed him. He was the monster's final victim, as Gavin Royle used a flamethrower to incinerate the monstrosity.

Many years later, Callum and Sara Bromley found an egg containing a second Slime Beast in the sea. The creature hatched and escaped before the children could show it to their father, Brian Bromley. This monster was a female and quickly grew to maturity, laying an egg herself before indiscriminately killing anyone who happened to cross her path. Her first victims were reckless wildfowlers Frank Forman and George Scott, who'd ignored Brian Bromley's warnings about venturing out onto the Wash without a guide. She also killed elderly couple Ted and Ethel Fosdyke and several other innocent people. In the meantime, Gavin Royle had returned to Sutton, having married Liz and had a daughter with her. He teamed up with Bromley and the local police to hunt down and kill the new monster. It was now theorized that Lowson's original notions about the creatures originating from space was incorrect, and Gavin theorized instead that they were prehistoric survivals who came from the sea, based on where Bromley said his children had found the egg. Gavin and Bromley tracked her to Josh Bingham's farm, in time to save the hapless farmer from the Slime Beast, who ended up being electrocuted by a bolt of lightning, causing her to sizzle and melt away into nothing.

No one knew about the egg that she'd lain, and it is not known what became of it.

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