Lei Ling

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Lei Ling in Aero v1 #1.

Lei Ling is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.



As the superhero Aero in Aero v1 #1.

Lei Ling

As Aero, she responded to an incident when one of her buildings seemingly came to life and went on a rampage in a city thus forcing her to destroy it with her powers. (Aero v1 #1) However, destroying the giant living structures would have hurt innocent people around them which necessitated Lei Ling in finding the mastermind behind them. With her powers, she came to track this down with their mistress being Madame Huang. A brief battle erupted between the two with Huang managing to avoid Aero's attacks and unleashing her new apprentice against the superhero. (Aero v1 #2)

Approaching Madame Huang, she came to learn of the nature behind the Jade Towers that had been manifesting in the city. She was told that these were ancient weapons designed to destroy creatures known as the Nest. The Nest long ago were gigantic beings of a wide variety of shapes and forms. In those ancient days, mankind had used the Nest as transportation and shelter with the two living together peacefully. However, mankind's gradual technological development led to their expansion and they came to no longer see a need for the Nest. Thus, conflict erupted and the Jade Towers were built in order to destroy the Nest who became dormant beneath the earth. (Aero v1 #8)

With her powers fluctuating, she reverted back to her normal guise and she was freefalling as a result. Lei attempted to use her abilities to slow her descent but they were not working and her powers had not fully returned. Thus, she nearly died but was saved by the intervention of Iron Man who rescued her and recognised her as the architect he was going to meet earlier in the day. Ling revealed that she was secretly the hero Aero and asked that he maintain her secret identity which he agreed to do so. The two then worked together to combat the White Jade Towers that were attacking the city with the two splitting up to handle two separate targets. Aero then provided what information she could to Tony Stark who managed to determine that the cores of the towers used electromagnetic waves to communicate with the crystals which they used to respond to intruders. (Aero v1 #11) Together, they managed to destroy one of the towers though Aero had pushed herself from her recent actions to the brink of burning out. Iron Man then departed to deal with an emergency elsewhere in the world but gave a word of advice to Aero that she should not exhaust herself by doing everything herself. Feeling worried that she had hit the limit of her powers, Lei Ling then decided to pay a visit to Madame Huang who agreed to help refine her abilities. Thus, Aero began to train in better controlling the amount of power she exerted when using her abilities in a fight. (Aero v1 #12)

Afterwards, the Earth came under attack from the Symbiote God Knull leading to an invasion of the entire world. Iron Man came to contact Aero for assistance and she was one of many that participated in the defence against the attack. Protecting China, she came to save the Black Knight Dane Whitman who had slain one of the Symbiote Dragons over the country. The pair were then joined by the Sword Master Lin Lie where they helped defeat the Symbiotes in the area. Aero then received word from Stark for all heroes to gather so that they could form a united front against Knull with Lei Ling taking both Black Knight and Sword Master with her. (King in Black: Black Knight v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

Controlling air in Aero v1 #1.

When she was young, she dreamed of flying every night. (Aero v1 #1)

She loved Shanghai which saw as the biggest and most stunning city in the world though she admitted that she was biased as she helped design a number of its skyscrapers. Lei had said that no one knew the city more than her and no one loved Shanghai more than her. (Aero v1 #1)

Ling came to be romantically involved with Zhou Yu who she described as being a beautiful boyfriend. (Aero v1 #1) She had in fact said that she did love him but was not ready for him to deepen their relationship. (Aero v1 #2)

Madame Huang had only been a mentor and teacher to Aero for a short time but her disapproval cut Lei Ling deep. She had always taught Aero to have a backup plan. (Aero v1 #2)

Powers and abilities

Ling was noted for being a gifted architect who built beautiful buildings. (Aero v1 #12)

As Aero, she could control wind with it ranging from pinpoint precision to unleashing the power of a hurricane. (Aero v1 #2) She had the power to sense, generate and control winds to achieve a wide variety of feats. (War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas v1 #1) It was said that this power was linked to her control of her chi. (Aero v1 #2) Ling said that she could control the flow of air by simply thinking of it. She was able to run air currents through a building's interior to see if people were inside. (Aero v1 #1) Similarly, she could use it to sense the presence of people across a city in order to find a particular person through their chi. With it, she could see the thread of a person linking them to their heartbeat. On a smaller scale, air currents could be used to sense hidden items in boxes to feeling the arrival of a person behind her. (Aero v1 #2)

If falling, she could reduce her speed by increasing the drag. (Aero v1 #11)

With her abilities, she could counteract vibrations with air currents manipulated by her. In one case, this allowed her to stop a violin from being played by the user though no one knowing why no music was playing from the instrument. (Aero v1 #2)

It was shown that she could fire powerful blasts of air as part of an attack against an enemy. (Aero v1 #2) Lei Ling was able to create constructs composed of air such as a a blade with her needing to concentrate to make them (Aero v1 #12) She could create new weapons such as wielding two blades or even a spear though such efforts could exhaust her. (Aero v1 #2)

Through her air manipulation, she was able to create a duplicate avatar of herself. This was composed entirely of air with it requiring much of Lei’s concentration to manage it. The avatar was unable to speak nor could it directly physically impact another due to being only air. In addition, she to to maintain line of sight in order to operate it with it being said to be an exhausting use of her powers, As it was air, the avatar was immune to harm though attacks could disrupt its body. Ling tended to use this power if she was out in the public and unable to change into Aero. Thus, it allowed to be seemingly at two places at the same time. (Aero v1 #9)

Her costume as Aero was noted to had been an extension of her powers thus allowing her to change quickly. (Aero v1 #11)

Excessive use of her powers was known to tire her out and cause them to fluctuate. (Aero v1 #11) It was believed that Lei Ling had a tendency to try to break the limits of her power through excessive force rather than finesse. Thus she trained under Madame Huang to better control her abilities so that they did not exert too much energy from her. This was believed to be a more efficient use of her powers and would allow her to fight over longer periods of time. (Aero v1 #12)

In her civilian guise, she worked as an architect at the Sacred Tree Design Studio. (Aero v1 #1)


  • The Lei Ling Aero was created by Zhou Liefen and Keng where she made her first appearance in Aero (CN) v1 #1 (2018).

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Future Fight, Aero appeared as a playable champion in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • Aero (CN) v1: (2018)
  • War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas v1:
  • Aero v1:
  • Agents of Atlas:
  • King in Black: Black Knight v1: (2021)

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