Bronze Tribe (Heroic Age)

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The Bronze Tribe are an insectoid species from the anime Heroic Age.




The Bronze Tribes origins were traced to the planetoid known as Tauron that served as a breeding ground for their kind. Their early history were traced long ago during the reign of the Golden Tribe who made the call to a number of species to reach the stars. This race of insectoids were one of those that answered these summons alongside the Silver Tribe and the Heroic Tribe. (Episode: The Ruined Planet) At some unknown point, the Bronze Tribe were organized by the Silver Tribe to attack the planet Earth. As a result, these insectoid aliens staged a brutal assault and invaded the planet leading to humanity's homeworld being conquered. Their occupation saw the Tribe of Bronze settled en mass on the Jovian moon of Io which they turned into a massive hive as they held onto the home system of the human race. (Episode: The Burning Torch) They had also established a large hive within one of the Martian moons as well.

Only the Argonaut managed to escape who sought the aid of one of the Nodos and thus travelled through the stars whilst the Bronze Tribe pursued them. Their pursuit led them to follow the Iron Tribe to the ruined planet of Oron where the insectoids attacked not only the Argonaut but the planet itself. However, their assault was repulsed when Age transformed into his Heroic Tribe alter ego Bellcross who destroyed the Bronze Tribe invaders. (Episode: The Ruined Planet)

The Yunos family thus led the Iron Tribe in what Melacros declared as a holy war against the Silver Tribe. This saw them assemble a large alliance and fleet of ships with the goal of retaking Earth. Upon arriving at the system, they faced overwhelming numbers from the Bronze Tribe and the Silver Tribe. Large numbers of the insectoid aliens were, however, killed by Age in his Nodos form but the Yunos brothers decided to shatter the enemy lines by firing their flagships main weapon at Io. This act ruptured the moon forcing the Bronze Tribe to evacuvate whilst Io plummeted into Jupiter's surface. The impact of the debris had such force that it turned the entire gas giant into a newborn star which killed countless members of the Tribe of Bronze. The survivors worked with the Silver Tribe to create a shield to contain the fiery inferno and though many were killed they managed to redirect part of the blast which destroyed numerous Human vessels in the process. (Episode: The Burning Torch) After the battle, the Iron Tribe moved forward to Mars where another battle was fought and saw the destruction of the Martian moon holding the Bronze Tribe hive after Bellicross went into a frenzy.

In the aftermath, the Sol system was freed and the Iron Tribe formed their fleet to assault the Silver Tribe. This saw them first strike the planet Tauron that was the homeworld of the Tribe of Bronze. The Humans were expecting to see a heavy defense of the planet but instead only fought Bronze Tribe defenders. These insectoid aliens fought for their homeworld but were ultimately destroyed and the Human forces proceeded to attack the planet. This was because the Silver Tribe had decided to abandon their insectoid allies and intended to allow the Humans to massacre them. It was at that point that Princess Dhaenaila realised that her people had been killing helpless Bronze Tribe children and thus ceased hostilities. A number of Bronze Tribe vessels remained in service to the Silver Tribe until the true reason for the Golden Tribe's departure was revealed. This act ended hostilities between the Iron and Silver Tribes with the latter deciding to depart the known universe into one beyond in order to follow the Golden Tribe. Several of the Bronze Tribe were the first to depart through the portal to the other universe whilst the rest remained behind where the mantle of control passed from the Silver Tribe to Princess Dhaenalia.


Insectoid aliens.

In appearance, the species resembled massive insectoids the size of mecha that were able to survive in the vacuum of space unaided. The standard creatures were long centipede or worm-like in form with numerous insectile legs. At least two grasping arms were present at the front that were used to manipulate objects. Their long body had a head at the top that held a single prominent eye and their mouths had two foldable flaps around the jaw. From the fanged mouth, a Bronze Tribe warrior was able to discharge a corrosive green liquid that burnt through most substances and created fire as a by-product. The long body was capable of curling around into a ball shaped and their warriors were able to propel themselves across battlefield lines to storm any defenses or even adopt this shape to enter into planetary environments. The armored skin of a Bronze Tribe warrior was able to survive the heat and impact of planetary entry without any harm. (Episode: The Ruined Planet)

There were seemingly multiple specially bred castes of Bronze Tribe insectoids. These included the mass deployed warrior mecha style but more special breeds existed such as one able to seemingly use naturally occuring teleportation powers to summon more of their kind. One special breed were present at the heart of Bronze Tribe vessels who were interwoven in a cocoon of fleshy tendrils that were connected to the central chambers walls. (Episode: The Ruined Planet)

Overwhelming assaults was a primary strategy employed by the Bronze Tribe who deployed large number of their warriors against their enemies. They deploy such numbers to survive massive casualties and attack their enemies through attrition. One standard tactic employed by the Tribe was deploying single warriors to scout planetary environments. These scouts send out a signal to their fellows at least prior to their destruction to summon a mass attack. Once done, a special breed of Bronze Tribe insectoid used its teleportation capabilities to summon reinforcements and flanking manevuers to cloud the skies of a planet with their warriors. (Episode: The Ruined Planet)


Spherical starships.

Little was known of this alien species technology as they seemingly relied primarily on their organic specially bred castes. This ranged from the mecha sized warriors to Bronze Tribe that used their naturally occuring teleportation abilities to move around their troops. The starships were large spherical vessels seemingly composed of rock and were more akin to mobile moon-like asteroids. These served more akin to carriers to deploy large numbers of warriors and were commanded by insectoids at the core of the ship that were interwoven among organic material. However, their starships were protected by Hydrax shields that were able to resist the weaponry of Iron Tribe vessels though were unable to protect them from the furious assaults of a Nodos. (Episode: The Ruined Planet)

These vessels were typically referred to as "anthills" or "antheaps" by the Iron Tribe.


  • The Ruined Planet

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